UN Agenda 2030: 17 Global Development Goals 169 Targets over 230 Indicators. For starters ignore the warm fuzzy language. Starting from the very beginning, is a very good place to start to describe firstly UN Agenda 2030 SDG ‘End Poverty in ALL Forms Everywhere’. Remember behind the masks of the fuzzies hides evil monsters.
NZ’s ugly monsters are the political cronies that hide themselves in the toilet bowl of Wellington. UN Agenda 2030 SDG1 – End Poverty in ALL Forms Everywhere’ equates to, really means ‘Redistribute wealth and resources to make the super rich much more wealthier and the middle class poorer. The super rich have hugely increased their share of the worlds wealth. The 2020 Wealth, Health & Inequality Report stated the largest rise in billionaire wealth was recorded as never seen before. The wealthiest in the world making 6 times more than the bottom 90% of humanity. That’s collectively $2.7 Billion per day. Where extreme wealth gaps have totally undermined SDG1 (Ending Poverty in ALL forms everywhere). The DAVOS WEF crowd reveling in their concentration of increased wealth. (World Bank reports Agenda 2030 SDG 1 unlikely to be met)
It is reported that ‘Extreme Wealth’ and ‘Extreme Poverty’ is significantly increasing at the same time. All those basic living expenses have significantly increased in price as worldwide more people struggle. Many more New Zealanders are struggling as inflation increases so does food, gas, energy, rents, loans and mortgages. On top of this is the increased crime, Newshub reported 23rd May 2023 the crime stat’s for NZ’s major cities. Between 2017 and 2022. March 2017 Auckland City 87,971 per year – 2023 to approx.., 110,000 this year already. March 2017 Wellington City 9,800 per annum – 2023 =12,290 per year. Christchurch City March 2017 =25,547 per year increased in 2023 to 35,941 per year. Businesses are anxious and concerned many continuing to report they do not feel safe. As for the Labour’s Govt’s Gun Buy Back Scheme, that’s shot them in the foot so to speak, another failure. The shootings, stabbings, ram-raids have all increased. Law abiding citizens register their guns, crim’s, gangs do not. Another UN global directive- disarm law abiding citizens.
Law abiding citizens, Conservative and Christians, no matter what race, those that oppose the Socialist Left woke political narratives have been assassinated by the government paid off media as ‘White Supremacists’. “How dare you be a conspiracy theorist, an anti vaxer”, using this to shut voices down, to divide the nation, to silence voices- Silence is Consent’.
It appears those political cronies do not need our consent, they just mandate the population to under human guineapig trails. “Go to Mcdonalds and get a Free Happy Meal with your next jab”- The very unhealthy MacJabber Burger with a free coke full of sugar, giving the message “look after health, your immune system have a McJabber and Coke Happy Meal..Coca Cola’s profit for 12 months ending June 30th 2023 was $25.832 Billion a 6.15% increase over a year. Coca Cola facing a lawsuit for plastic pollution from the Earth Island Institute and Plastic Pollution Coalition. However Coca Cola reports the UN SDGs Agenda 2030 are championed as an important framework for collective action
What are the SDG Plans of the UN/WEF Partnership Global Governance? A global registry of policies, commitments, multistakeholder partnerships (Corporate Capture) with governments. UN/WEF support accelerate UN Agenda 2030. All governments are encouraged to register their policies to accelerate the implementation of Agenda 2030 (Leave no-one behind, everyone, everywhere, at every age
Corporate Capture globally, regionally, nationally increasing the price of goods and services, increasing payouts to shareholder. Lining the pockets of the ultra rich, forcing more millions into poverty. (What does SDG 1 look like now?) The FAO (UN) is in Rome, they monitor the worlds food supply report food security and poverty. FOA have reported that 95 food and energy corporations have doubled their profits made shareholder much wealthier. 1.7 Billion workers live in countries where inflation not outpaces wages. This has not just happened, it’s been happening for decades, the global system is totally rigged and corrupt favours the most wealthiest on the planet.
In New Zealand parliamentarians do not publicize that they are selling off assets that belong to All New Zealanders- these are called ‘Crown Enterprises’ will not publicize that the people of New Zealand own Crown Assets under Crown Enterprises, they belong to you namely a non-government party. The Government’s role is to ensure that NZ Assets are retained in ‘public ownership’. The Government has sold many of those assets that ALL the people of NZ own. They have robbed the people blind.
If you are being seriously effected by the much higher cost of living, or you need another car, or house maintenance etc., Or you maybe a business that needs more finance so you are able to survive, or a farmers who is seriously affected by the govts restrictions, so you may well apply to the bank for a loan. Your carbon footprint will be scrutinized by a somewhat similar system as the ‘Chinese Social Credit System’. Compliancy will get the loan, non-compliancy will not, you will be seen as a credit risk. The Global Elite with their mansions by the sea, leaders of governments, corporations travelling around the world multiple times in one year. Yes they try to cause anguish through main stream reporting and legislations to stop the rising seas, measure your carbon footprint. However the worlds 60 biggest banks have provided $4.6 trillion in financing for fossil fuels since the Paris Agreement in 2015. Yet they scrutinize ethical mortgages, ethical savings account, ethical bank accounts, ethical cash . The greedy rich banks that crippled the world economy. Yes the greedy banking morons with their climate and financial risk insanity. Mortgage lenders that cash in on peoples misery.
The role of Greed and Fear and the hiking of interest rates, do they care about you, families and communities ? HELL NO. Do they care about those in poverty? Hell NO. The International Bank of Settlements control all the worlds money. Does it care about the world’s children living in poverty ? Hell NO. Banks are like greedy ugly moths that eat through your savings, eat your standard of living and eat your future away. This is a global, regional, national recession in pursuit of benefiting the already wealthy. Winston Peters interview on You Tube.. the country is $40 billion more dollars in debt. A debt left to you, your children and your children SDG 1 Agenda 2030. End ALL Poverty everywhere HELL NO.
Crises-Fear-Silenced and Controlled ‘Agenda 2030 Corporate Capture of ALL UN Nations States. Multi-stakeholder Capitalism. SDG 1 Agenda 2030 End Poverty in ALL its forms everywhere, equates to ‘ redistribute wealth and resources’ to make the super rich wealthier, the middle class much poorer. “You will be happy and own nothing”. 7th April 2022 the World Economic Forum Website includes the chart from the World Inequality Lab’ of global income and wealth inequality. Showing the richest 10% of the worlds population own 76% of wealth globally whereas the poorest half own just a sliver. Then adds -STEP UP THE VACCINES.
Global Citizen reports “New study reveals Immunization could put an end to poverty” 13/2/2018 Harvard Institute. Playing as vital role will help 24 million people from falling into poverty by 2030 (Agenda 2030 (UN) Funded by Melinda & Bill Gates Foundation.(Red Flag). Gates fund the pandemic Preparedness 12/5/2022 commits US $125 million to end one pandemic and prevent the next it is reported by the Gates Foundation itself. Bill Gates net wealth $110 billion. Bill Gates best investment reports CNBC News turned his $10 billion into $200 billion (23/1/2019) A return on his vaccine investments.
The ‘Billionaire Boom’ Boom time increases wealth of America’s richest billionaires. Washington Post March 12th 2021 Six Tech Titans made more than US $360 billion from March 2020 to March 2021. Its reported 8th February 2022 “the richest people in the world got even richer and more people fell into the poverty trap. The wealth gap is killing the poor.
This is the obsessional SDG pushing, ramming it down our throats, destroying small businesses, that may never recuperate again, people struggling to pay for basic items necessary to exist. The worlds richest have doubled their fortunes since the pandemic began whilst the world income of 99% of humanity are much worse off as a result of the Pandemic. The Non-binding Agenda 2030 (UN) was adopted in September 2015. The majority of the population did not know and many are still unaware that this was and is still happening, this massive transformational shift actioned by NZ’s MP’s in Parliament, therefore ‘Silence remains Consent’.
The people did not vote MPs into Parliament to destroy our economy, punish our people, mandate them out of jobs. Publicly crucify them through the mainstream media because they refuse to take part in a global experiment. UN Envision 2030 Eradicate extreme poverty for ALL people everywhere. Extreme poverty measured at living on less than $1.25 per day.
New Zealander should be outrages at what destruction these parliamentarians have done to New Zealand. The people of NZ did not vote in prior referendums, or elections to be aggressively controlled by outside interference of corporate capitalism. I for one, an done.. enough is enough. Surely all others have had enough. The Governments initiative, their goal, their purpose is to destroy NZ’s free market economy, free market enterprise and replace it with UN/WEF Multistakeholder Corporatization ‘Corporate Capture. Free market economy is ‘your freedom to choose’. Stakeholder Corporate Capitalism ‘your freedom is seriously, severely at stake’. I will not believe that the people of NZ voted for our Sovereign Nation to be harshly aggressively ruled by a one world governance. All these parliamentarians need to be gone, enough is enough. New Zealand has become a dangerous place for children, families for all ages. UN Agenda 2030- everyone, everywhere at every age- leave no-one behind.
Stats NZ will report that Poverty in NZ is unchanged (Stats NZ Govt Dept). Govt paid off Mainstream media will confirm this. As does Jan Tinetti’s Beehive speech 22/3/2022. STATS NZ are caught out ‘No inclusion of the most vulnerable families’ (Child In The City .Org). The 9,000 households questioned in the survey, there were almost no inclusion of some of the most vulnerable families. The Govt’s Advisory Group February 2019 report made 42 recommendations on how the govt could change child poverty rates, not one of them have been implemented. The Government uses Agenda 2030 Indicators to measure poverty. NZ Labour reports more than 60,000 kids lifted out of poverty. Business and Economic Research Ltd 4/4/2023 Thousands of children in NZ still living in financial, material hardship (Ardern’s ‘Child Poverty Reduction Act). Again another miserable FAILURE. Stats NZ estimate child poverty stats
Ministry of Social Development (Govt) report New Zealand Poverty Project’s method of establishing a poverty line using focus groups to establish a consensual-based poverty measure. Rubbish in and rubbish out. They are lying, we know they are lying, you know, that they know, that we know they are lying. SDG 1. UN AGENDA 2030 Communist De-Growth. With high inflation rates, increased cost of loans, mortgages, rents, basic necessities in life, you don’t have to be a researcher, an academic to know that this has significantly negatively affected people, families, children the elderly in NZ. SDG 1. Crises-Fear-Silenced and Controlled ‘Agenda 2030 Corporate Capture of ALL UN Nations States. Multi-stakeholder Capitalism. SDG 1 Agenda 2030 End Poverty in ALL its forms everywhere, equates to ‘ redistribute wealth and resources’ to make the super rich wealthier, the middle class much poorer. ‘You will be happy and own nothing’
I urge people to vote in New Zealand’s General Election whom want morality back, families protected -I say NO to Critical Race Theory and NO to Gender Ideology Theory in the School Curriculum and in the Workplace. Stop this sexually abusing, sexualization of our children NOW. I believe in One Law for One Nation. That our farmers and small businesses must be protected return New Zealand’s economy into a Free market enterprise where there is freedom to choose. Say NO to Multi-stakeholder Corporate Capitalism (Where freedoms are serious threatened
Be Gone Agenda 2030. Be Gone the Undemocratic WTO, the WHO the UN/WEF Globalist Cabal. Do NOT Under-estimate New Zealanders, we have plenty of farmers that can lend their hand to most things. They can feed our Nation. We have a wealth of Natural Resources, do not let anyone tell you “We need the UN”. We have the ‘Number 8 Wire’ mentality, so lets do it. Surely enough is enough, I certainly have had enough- What about you? SDG 1 Agenda 2030 Data-Rubbish in and Rubbish Out. Throw it in the rubbish. Step Out Of The Poverty Trap.
Researched By Carol Sakey WakeUpNZ
https://www.childinthecity.org/2023/03/23/bleak-future-for-children-living-in-poverty-in-new-zealand-report/?gdpr=accept https://www.cnbc.com/2019/01/23/bill-gates-turns-10-billion-into-200-billion-worth-of-economic-benefit.html
Monday - September 25, 2023 - Global Economy
(18) - Global Governance
(11) - UN AGENDA 2030
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