Pope Francis and the One World Global Corporate Governance.

Pope Francis made a plea for the nations of the world to hand their reins of power over to the United Nations, to the One World Global Corporate Governance
Globalism otherwise referred to multilateralism is succeeding at weakening individual nation states. The Pope stated “it is essential to devise stronger and more efficiently organized international institutions with functionaries who are appointed fairly by agreement among national governments, and impose sanctions”.

Out of feudalism slithered social and communism, the dictated cesspit of the world. Yes Pope Francis promotes the UN and the WEF official agreement to control people, planet and profit, the great reset, the re-engineering of human behaviour, the global imperial teaching of warped morals, the world of tyranny and feudalism.

The bogey-man of fear that imposes terror, fear into billions of peoples minds, that destroys families, a global apartheid, a global, national psychological prison camp where all are held hostage to national, global police states, concentration camps of whole societies where Human Rights have been aborted, where Civil Liberties do not exist

Reference to the ‘Ultimate Revolution’’ Aldous Huxley’s speech at Berkeley Language Centre on March 20th 1962. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info.
Quote from the following article:-
Schwab seems to have dedicated his life to reinventing that nightmare and to trying to turn it into a reality not just for Germany but for the whole world.
Worse still, as his own words confirm time and time again, his technocratic fascist vision is also a twisted transhumanist one, which will merge humans with machines in “curious mixes of digital-and-analog life”, which will infect our bodies with “Smart Dust” and in which the police will apparently be able to read our brains.
And, as we will see, he and his accomplices are using the Covid-19 crisis to bypass democratic accountability, to override opposition, to accelerate their agenda and to impose it on the rest of humankind against our will in what he terms a “Great Reset“…

This is where these inbred-psychopaths will eventually take all of us, if the little sheep to the slaughter continue to follow each other off of this fake-pandemic cliff.

Once again, if this is the kind of dystopian hell you wish for your children and their children, then just keep doing what you have been doing for the last six-plus months, little sheep:

This is a quote from the following article:-
Klaus Schwab And His Great Fascist Reset
Born in Ravensburg in 1938, Klaus Schwab is a child of Adolf Hitler’s Germany, a police-state regime built on fear and violence, on brainwashing and control, on propaganda and lies, on industrialism and eugenics, on dehumanisation and “disinfection”, on a chilling and grandiose vision of a “new order” that would last a thousand years.

Schwab seems to have dedicated his life to reinventing that nightmare and to trying to turn it into a reality not just for Germany but for the whole world.
Worse still, as his own words confirm time and time again, his technocratic fascist vision is also a twisted transhumanist one, which will merge humans with machines in “curious mixes of digital-and-analog life”, which will infect our bodies with “Smart Dust” and in which the police will apparently be able to read our brains.

And, as we will see, he and his accomplices are using the Covid-19 crisis to bypass democratic accountability, to override opposition, to accelerate their agenda and to impose it on the rest of humankind against our will in what he terms a “Great Reset“.
Schwab is not, of course, a Nazi in the classic sense, being neither a nationalist nor an anti-Semite, as testified by the $1 million Dan David Prize he was awarded by Israel in 2004. But 21st century fascism has found different political forms through which to continue its core project of reshaping humanity to suit capitalism through blatantly authoritarian means.
This new fascism is today being advanced in the guise of a global governance, biosecurity, the “New Normal”, the “New Deal for Nature” and the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”.

Read more: Klaus Schwab And His Great Fascist Reset
Source: Klaus Schwab And His Great Fascist Reset – David Icke


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Stuff NZ reported 10th April 2021 that Matthew Tukaka had been residing in Australia had returned three years ago. Tukaka was born in Upper Hutt and evidently his mum and dad were hard working people. He later went to Australia where he worked at the top of the rung for Drake International.

Later he became a key player in the UN Global Compact, he represented Australia on the UN Global Compact Advisory Board. He has continued to promote UN Agenda 2030 and the 17 Sustainable Goals publically and privately.

Matthew Tukaki was the United Nations Global Compact’s Australian Representative from 2010 until 2013. … In that same month he was also elected as the chairperson of the United Nations Global Compact’s Local Network Advisory Group; he retired from these roles in November 2013.

Matthew Tukaka, Mark Solomon and Hone Hawira certainly have private business connections.

Tukaka and his followers have deliberately targeted posted on social media scathing remarks about Damien Dement, Brad Fluety, Vinny Eastwood, Kelvyn Alp and Counterspin and Karen Brewer, no doubt my name will be highlighted now as I publish on my website information and a link to a Rumble Video on information pertaining to Tukaka.

Recently Tukaka blamed the above mentioned names, as being alt-right, white supremacists who are responsible for Maori who have taken part in protests across the country opposing the Ardern’s Government narrative which has highlights the deliberate erosion of citizens freedoms and human rights.

Each person is individually unique, they walk in their own shoes, have their own voice, use their own feet to march on. New Zealanders of many cultures including those that have Maori blood running through their veins are marching for this generation and the next one. Their children and grandchildren. We stand together, united we stand in the name of freedom, human dignity. Human Dignity is at the core of all Human Rights Declarations, Acts, Agreements nationally, internationally.

UN Declaration of Rights for Indigenous Peoples and also the 1966

Self-determination denotes the legal right of people to decide their own destiny in the international order. Self-determination is a core principle of international law, arising from customary international law, but also recognized as a general principle of law, and enshrined in a number of international treaties.

It is recognized as a right of all peoples in the first article common to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights which both entered into force in 1976. … All peoples have the right to self-determination.

The 1966 United Nations Covenants on Human Rights commences with the phrase “all peoples have the right of self determination”. (NOTE- ALL PEOPLE)

Matthew Tukaka is not happy about Maori protesters waving the Maori Flag doing the Haka and signing waiata’s at protest gatherings, he blames this on white supremacy and alt-right. Why is he so intent on targeting those that love, are loyal to their country… Maori, Non-Maori and this includes many cultures??
The video I have produced will no doubt give you the reason why..




The pre-planned blueprint of the 21st Century was introduced by the Club of Rome in 1991. Just before the UN introduced UN Agenda 21 with its millennium goals, a global strategy of transformation that included people, planet and profit for the wealthy few.

Agenda 21 ended in 2015 when UN Agenda 2030 replaced it, this included 17 Global Development Goals. 17 out of 17 of these global development goals included climate alarmism (using weapons of fear to bludgeon minds worldwide, including our children’s minds.

14 of those 17 global development goals include vaccines. To leave no-one behind, everyone, everywhere at every age from the cradle to the grave. For 95% of the population in developed countries to participate in new vaccination, human experiments.. now and in the future. 2020- 2030 the Global Strategy of Vaccines.. Leave No-one behind. The Decade of Vaccines.

Target vaccine hesitancy, fill the population gaps, target hesitancy to vaccines..demand vaccines (World Health Org., UN). A global transformation of people and planet.

The Club of Rome has other related clubs, the Club of Vienna and the Club of Madrid. Helen Clark is a member of the Club of Madrid. Clarke received an email that was also cc’d to James Shaw in 2019 from the Club of Rome…

Dear Helen Clark, as a member of the Club Of Rome (Madrid), I omitted to include in a hyerlinked email to the main Club of Rome members on the 27/05/2019 the following. As our former PM we believe this is important for you to know, that the Club Of Rome’s Emergency Plan is flawed..is based on theory-refuting high forecast inaccuracy (84%-97%). The IPCC’s dismissal/omission of natural climate change risks relevant to the 21st century that the UN IPCC contrived in (Art 2) that dictated key-risk assessment, its unsafe alteration to ice age boundaries which dis-orients governments to the significance of today’s climate change.
Please note that this email was also cc’d to 60 government ministers (MPs) including those politicians of the opposition.. The Maori Party, Greens, Act and National. Yes they are all in this together.

The elephants have never left the room as John Key, Winston Peters and Helen Clark are also key manipulators, influencers in this evil transformation of human lives through a Global Strategy namely UN Agenda 2030.

Under the veil of COVID19 massive weapons of fear are intruding into personal lives, destroying family relationships, friendships as Ardern’s government, all those political cronies in the cesspit of Wellington are playing their parts, to control New Zealanders lives in every aspect possible.

The Club of Rome, the Malthusian Agenda of Population Control, the 1991 blueprint for a global revolution in the 21st century, transformation of people, planet to reward the wealthy few. A Private-Public Global Corporate Governance. The World Economic Forum that represents the Multistakeholder Capitalist Corporations to replace small businesses and the farming communities worldwide. Introducing fake meat grown in labs, chemicals, crops of Monsanto-Bayer. They call this healthier for the population as they promote Coca-cola and fast food companies. Lesson human contact, work from home. Human contact is necessary is part of human nature. The desensitizing of human life itself by ungodly, immoral global forces.

For further information on this very serious topic of our lives in their hands please go to the link in the image above.
If you have not joined up to my website could you please do so now, as I am expecting to be de- platformed from Facebook very soon as a consequence of the information I have researched and sharing with as many people as possible. Please share this link with other like minded people.



The UN Secretary General and the World Economic Forum signed on June 13 a Strategic Partnership Agreement for the implementation of the 2030 agenda (SDG). Accelerated actions to UN Agenda 2030 17 lobal Development goals

17 out od 17 global goals relate to Climate Alarmism. 14 out of 17 relate to UN lobal Strategy of Vaccine 2011- 2020, and the decade of vaccine.. leave no-one behind, everyone, everywhere at every age.

Jacinda Ardern boasts se as included the accelerated actions to UN Agenda 2030 into New Zealand’s domestic policy, she intends to lead other UN Nations worldwide. New Zealander’s are sitting on the edge of a very dangerous precipice

The provisions of the strategic partnership effectively provide that corporate leaders will become ‘whisper advisors’ to the heads of UN system departments, using their private access to advocate market-based profit-making ‘solutions’ to global problems while undermining real solutions

The WEF agreement with the UN, and all other forms of corporate capture, seriously undermines and erodes democratic processes worldwide.
For further information please go to the link above to my Rumble Video



An emissions trading scheme for greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) works by establishing property rights for the atmosphere.. There is, however, no scientific consensus over how to share the costs and benefits of reducing future climate change (mitigation of climate change), or the costs and benefits of adapting to any future climate change

In 2002, the Fifth Labour Government of New Zealand adopted the Climate Change Response Act 2002 (the Act) in order for New Zealand to ratify the Kyoto Protocol and to meet obligations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

In 2008, the Labour Government enacted the Climate Change Response (Emissions Trading) Amendment Act 2008 which added the first version of the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme to the Climate Change Response Act 2002

The proposed scheme covered all six greenhouse gases specified in the Kyoto Protocol and was intended to progressively apply to all sectors of the economy including agriculture. ‘Participants’ (who would account for their emissions) were to be few, and high in the production chain of each sector. Their compliance obligation would have been to surrender one New Zealand unit (NZU) or one internationally tradable Kyoto-compliant unit for each tonne of emissions.

People fill up their cars at the petrol pump as they ggo about their day, after all its a necessity, but ow many of us think about the cost of carbon emmissions when filling our petrol tanks, just ow muc is Ardern and her Zero Carbons..Climate Emerency, Code Red screwing you for… and wat is te end game??
Tink of te farmers, te tradies, small businesses wit their work utes, they are certainly bein screwed by Arderns government and the political cronies in te toilet bowl of Wellington. Screwed and Controlled, democratic, human rights severely eroded.

