Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 was originally titled ‘Our Common Future’, the planning of societal change takes place decades before the public see any signs of the implementation, by this time it is being sold to them in the form of a benefit’.  The future we will all have in common. The planning of economic and societal transformation, this has taken decades now the public can see this for themselves, but sadly many people still put their heads in the sand, completely ignore it to the detriment of this generation and future generations to come. This is the blueprint to control all our basic needs to survive, water, plants, human, animals- wild and domestic under the concept of what is called a ‘One Health Approach’ which is already embedded in the International Rules Based Order.  (Control of the whole Ecosystem) This is a recipe for destruction in every country village, township, city, region worldwide. This is a massive public relations scam that’s happening worldwide for ‘No-one to be left behind, everyone, everywhere at every age’. Right now the International Rules Based Order is implementing a plan called ‘De-growth’. This is the New Normal, the Great Reset the transformation for the 21st Century and beyond for the so called common good of all. Restrictions, mandates, isolation, controlling mechanisms for the common good of all. The Great Reset must be the peoples Great Resist if we are to survive with all our dignity intact.

The Global Agenda for the 21st Century is an inventory and control plan of what energy you take in and what goes out, monitoring measuring cities, targeting humans, you are the carbon they want to restrict- control- deplete, as populations are moved into these ever increasing highly dense cities. Diluting traditions, cultures of individual nations by way of implementing mass migration from developing countries. The dangerous path to Globalized Citizenship. The restricting of mobility, being easily monitored and controlled. Violating private property rights, parental rights. The reducing of consumption, usage- degrowth. The takeover of the Sovereign Nation State. This is the mapping of the ‘End Game’, the implementation of unelected global actors, global dictatorship of totalitarian sociopaths all at citizens, peoples, populations expense worldwide. Remove Human Activity from the Rural Areas these are to be called ‘wild lands, they use “concern for extreme population projection’.

UNEP, UN Environmental Programme, UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) is also known as the ‘Earth Summit’ held in Rio de Janeiro Brazil in June 1992. This was the largest summit ever, it focused on the global socioeconomic activities and how they were predicted to have an effect on the environment. Climate doomism being caused by human activity, this was a way that worldwide influential leaders could come together, policymakers, diplomats, CEO’s, Scientists and of course the global propaganda machine Government leaders and NGO’s, representatives of 176 States and territories. Several UN organizations and specialized agencies, 35 intergovernmental organization and 1500 plusnon-governmental organizations. This coincided with the World Environment Day the 5th June. Environmentalism  (Eco-socialism) was about to spread worldwide. A Global governance of Eco Socialism. The International environmental Treaty, the power and influence over international systems worldwide as a whole.. Political, Economical, Environmental  Global Governance. The Brundtland Report established the coined phrase  ‘Sustainable Development’. The plan at the time was transforming modern society, it cultural, economic, political and scientific components it was reported ‘ this is in order to tackle dramatic environmental destruction’. The World Commission on Environment and Development ‘Our Common Future (1987) is titled ‘A GLOBAL AGENDA FOR CHANGE’ (The Brundtland Report) .. chaired by Norwegian Prime Minister  Gro-Harlem Brundtland This included the role of the International economy, food security and monitoring, Sustainable Development Towards Common Action  Our Common Future, From One Earth to One World  (The UN World Commission on Environment and Development)

Sustainable Development Towards Common Action. The calling  for a common endeavor and for new norms of behavior at all levels and in the interests of all. The changes in attitudes, in social values, and in aspirations that the report urges will depend on vast campaigns of education, debate and public participation. To this end, we appeal to “citizens” groups, to non governmental organizations, to educational institutions, and to the scientific community. They have all played indispensable roles in the creation of public awareness and political change in the past. They will play a crucial part in putting the world onto sustainable development paths, in laying the groundwork for Our Common Future. The process that produced this unanimous report proven that it is possible to join forces, to identify common goals, and to agree on common action. Governments, individually and collectively, have the principal responsibility to do this. UNEP’s Earthwatch programme should be the centre of leadership in the UN system on risk assessment 95. However, given the politically sensitive nature of many of the most critical risks, there is also a need for an independent but complementary capacity to assess and report on critical global risks. A new international programme for cooperation among largely non-governmental organizations, scientific bodies, and industry groups should therefore be established for this purpose. 4.4 Making Informed Choices 96. Making the difficult choices involved in achieving sustainable development will depend on the widespread support and involvement of an informed public and of NGOs, the scientific community, and industry. Their rights, roles and participation in development planning, decision-making, and project implementation should be expanded. 4.5 Providing the Legal Means 97. National and international law is being rapidly outdistanced by the accelerating pace and expanding scale of impacts on the ecological basis of development

Jacinda Ardern and the Earth watch Program and her leadership of the International Socialist Youth. Just a segment of our so called ‘Our Common Future’ under the regime of a One World Stakeholder Governance of Eco Socialism. The art of looking for trouble and finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly applying the wrong remedies, battling ideologies instead of working alongside uncertainties of science, and XX and XY of biology that has been insanely replaced by the Wokeism of  120 or more gender ideologies and throw in a few cat and dog human ideological agenda too.  Progressive global geopolitics,  sharing of variants of pathogen, the global human laboratory of lab rats worldwide. Bio-Digital Convergence and digital control where all people worldwide have digital identities to create a global utopia. Our so called Common Future is governed by a Communist top down global regime.

5987our-common-future.pdf (


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Bio-Digital Convergence is described as the intersection, the merging of biological and digital technologies. Bio-digital technologies include mRNA substances that have been jabbed into majority of populations arms worldwide. Global populations of Human Lab-Rats. mRNA substances used to treat  coronaviruses (Coronavirus 2019) Corona viruses form a large family of viruses that can cause a range of illnesses. They can even include the common cold and your so familiar seasonal flu that often is not seasonal at all, and can cause other serious illnesses.

Bio-digital Convergence (Bio-digital technologies) include mRNA substance, the Canadian Govt (Horizons) since 2020 have produced digitally controlled surveillance insects, micro-organisms genetically engineered to produce medicinal compounds and much more. In an article that focuses on Indigenous Peoples views on Bio-digital Convergence (Indigenous Peoples coined phrase spread throughout the world in the early 1970’s).

Bio-digital Convergence from a Haudenosaunee (Cherokee) perspective which suggests that insights from Indigenous Peoples philosophical traditions are specifically regarding rationality and territory and this by many governments, judiciaries have said “this may be necessary for humanity to adapt to profound, existential changes implicit in Bio-Digital Convergence”

It was reported that the Indigenous Peoples will incorporate everything into conservation of their lands, territories. Indigenous People are reported to be a leadership necessity to successfully transform economy, society  ‘ as fit for purpose for the 21st Century’. The re-engineering of society, a new corporate capitalist (Communist) Global Economy. Therefore there must be a holier than though of re-imaginings, re-story tellings to fit the global agenda, the International Global Order. .. No matter what race, colour, creed the creeping westernized Chinese credit system will seek you out. The plan of transformation includes that all peoples, leaving no-one behind, everyone, everywhere at every age become Global Digital Identified Citizens. The massive Digitization during the Pandemic years of tracking, tracing etc., and those PCR tests, personal information given was a real gift to those that want to control us.

We must be aware of the risks of Bio-digital Convergence, as the world becomes even more connected than it is now, more data driven being awakened to the elements of trust and privacy, censorship and control. I wonder how many people are keeping a watchful eye on the known and unknown risks of Bio-digital Convergence. Bio-digital Convergence has become a part of making structures work, security and global society. Vigilance is critical. Bio-digital Convergence is the most intimate form of connectivity, that is connectivity to machines that collect human data, and that human data belong to a company not to the human user that generated it.

Think of all the ways you are connected to mainstream network platforms and other social media platforms eg., your car, smart TV, your watch, online applications, smart phones etc., and the behavioral data you also provide. Your personal data being fed into a personal information network. Sharing your data with 3rd parties being open to criminality, surveillance of your privacy and censorship. We share data everyday perhaps absent mindedness we put ourselves at risk.

If consumers choose to stay of social media, always drive Manuel cars, don’t purchase smart phones, smart tv’s, smart fridge’s etc., entirely disconnecting they would probably feel like quite isolated and alone as they part from the massive, busy body, factual and legally fictitious world of digitization, therefore for most people shutting down data systems to protect privacy is not an option

We don’t have to fast-forward all that far to see a world in which there is a near-complete convergence between man and machine. It’s work buildings replete with sensors that track energy use. It’s smart cities. It’s cloud-connected fitness trackers that are not just wearable but embedded in your body, like a pacemaker. Bio-digital convergence challenges the notion of trust and what it means to be human. If data is shaping how we live, we are forced to consider who actually controls our decisions and behaviors. There will be winners and losers.

Bio-digital Convergence is not new, it has been evolving quietly yet persistently. The boundaries between biological entities and digital apparatus have become increasingly blurred. Today we are at a crossroads where digital technologies can alter the very code of life, and biological processes that creates an interdependence of the bio-digital landscape. The Societal Implications of the integration of digital devices into the human body, eg brain-computer interfaces, bio-metric sensors introduces vulnerabilities, issues of privacy, autonomy, security. Biological entities that can be hacked, monitored, controlled digitally.

Do you want to live in a world where our biological functions can be manipulated or enhanced artificially. Think of the many risks involved, the ethical dilemmas, the concerns about eugenics, consent and new forms of discrimination, the prospect of designing organisms or altering human traits and moral quandaries.  The potential of Bio-digital technologies to be weaponized, used maliciously, criminally, evasively. The ethical debates, the ‘Do No Harm’, the bio-hacking, genetic espionage, bio-terrorism and the Internal Global Rules, regulations, the governance structures, geopolitical complexities. The health implications, unforeseen health repercussions. The manipulation of Eco-systems creating of synthetic organisms.

How on earth would we navigate all this, just thinking about it does my head in, just imagine what this Bio-digital Convergence could do. There must be moral, ethical standards, the protection of our health as the global cabal are advancing and harnessing the transformative power of Bio-digital Convergence for the 21st Century and beyond. Is it time to demand ‘enough is Enough’ that we have had enough as humanity continues to be targeted by a Global International Rules Based Order.






NZ Govt Embassy warn New Zealanders visiting Qatar there is civil unrest in Qatar, avoid protests, this has the potential to turn violent, adding the crime rate in Qatar is low, but be careful travelling alone. Men have been known to physically harass women, commit petty crime, violence is rare, but be alert. Be familiar with and respect religious and social traditions, be respectful of personal dress and behavior. Same sex relationships lead to arrest. Do not show disrespect to the Govt, local authorities, taking photo’s of people without their permission.

NZrs travelling or living in Qatar must have comprehensive travel insurance policies in place, a provision for medical evacuation by air. Qatar is being reported as going through a new digital era, aligned to all other UN Nation States (Digital Global Citizenship- Digital Global Citizenship Education). And NZ Govt, and the new 3 Party Coalition are participating in this also.(The Global Citizenship Digital Future 28th February 2024). Qatar renews its support for the UN Development Program to accelerate Global Agenda 2030) A New Era of Global Digitalization.

Qatar on many occasions has been reported as funding HAMAS and they have been allegedly linked to the 7th October massacre in Israel, but on the other hand working with UN Nation States on Transforming our World, a global digital transformation. A State International Order of World Governance system. Qatar a  in a partnership with the UN/WEF as to a comprehensive Digital transformation includes Smart Cities, E Governance, Digital Identity etc.,  Qatar to be a global trailblazer in global digital transformation.

The UN has estimated UN Nation States need to spend between $3 trillion and $5 trillion (US) annually. More money is needed, that the global pandemic has added another $2 trillion a year to the annual costs, and there is a fragile looming economy worldwide. As the WEF define the world needs a shrinking rather than a growing economy, a Degrowth’ of the worlds energy and resources, reducing consumption. Shifting from growth to Degrowth. The roadmap for financing Global Agenda 2030 ‘UN Addis Abba Action Agenda to fund the Global Development Goals (SDGs), the World Bank President Jim Yong Kim signed this Strategic Partnership Framework to financially support UN Nations States to achieve the Global 2030 Agenda.

This being a catalyst for more private financing of the global agenda as the UN calls for “all hands on deck” declaring “ we cannot do business as usual” at the UN New York Summit meeting. But Qatar has over the years funded $1.8 billion (US) to the terrorist organization HAMAS. As they announce that later this year Qatar will cement a regional global financial hub to advance the Global Agenda worldwide, by establishing the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Doha in 2024.

Qatar’s role as a permanent member of the UN/WEF global agenda backed up by Qatar’s third largest gas and oil reserves in the world. The worlds largest exporter of liquified natural gas. Qatar is powerful, wealthy and feared in the Middle East. The Qatar Emir new plant called ‘The Pearls’ turns reserves into liquid fuels, costing $18 billion and 5 yrs to build is the largest most sophisticated plant of its kind, the strategy to keep the emir of Qatar super wealthy also serves the UN/WEF Global Agenda.

Much of Qatar’s power gathering is through Al Jazeer owned by the Qatar Royal Family. The latest news is that Israel has raided Al Jazeer in Israel confiscated equipment, the mainstream media hue and cry about Freedom of Press and this is not justified. But Israel is not the only country to ban Al Jazeer because of his relations with organizations such as HAMAS. They have played a huge role in white washing the militant terrorist group, amplifying Houthi commitment to the Palestinian cause. Supporting the Muslim Brotherhood. The Houthi alliance with Iran and Qatar, Palestinian terrorist groups funded supported by Qatar for many years

And the Yemeni Houthi Militia shooting missiles at Israel blocking international shipping routes on the Red Sea. As they seize the ships the terrorist group dance and chant “Death to Israel, Death to America’ its reported. Qatar making them out to be the Robin Hoods of the Middle East robbing the rich to help the poor tactic. As Freedom of Press reporting of the real truth that is happening on the worlds stage that’s severely targeted but the UN/WEF, UN Nation States will not support them, they target character assassination them as independent journalists are imprisoned worldwide.

In NZ we have our own Government Journalist Fund, the  bearer of fake news that character assassinate those that speak the truth of course owned by significant global members of the WEF – BlackRock, Vanguard. BlackRock that has partnered our Government in a WEF Private Public Partnership to accelerate the global environmental initiative  (The 4th Industrial Revolution, the New Normal, 21st Century Cities, Agenda 21 Agenda 2030 decade of Action, the 2010 WEF Global Redesign Initiative 640 pages)

The financially supporters of HAMAS being a collaborative force for advancing Global Agenda 2030 (1/2/2024) Renews its multi-year contribution to the core funding of the Global Agenda, establishing a provision of all its financial tools project to realize the global development goals (SDGs) 2030. Qatar 2014 pledged $400 million to HAMAS. A lawsuit investigation was filed on behalf of Israeli victims between 2014-2016 against a Qatar Charity, the Qatar National Bank & the Masraf al Rayan Banks being involved in providing financial support to fund terrorist attacks, exploitation of banking ties in the US to supply US dollars to HAMAS and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Funding terrorist organizations via a US Banking System in 2016

The HAMAS investment network is being deployed across the entire Arab world. Iran sponsoring Terrorism reported to be $250 million per year worldwide. There are no sanctions in place to stop this blood money. $30 billion per year is being made by Syrians and Hezbollah in the marketing of counterfeit medicines, fake drugs etc., The world turns a blind eye to this as more money continues to reach terrorist organizations. Qatar financially supporting HAMAS transferring more than $1,8 billion over the years. Qatar a financial terrorist clearinghouse.

All UN Nation States including Qatar and China accelerating Global Digital Citizenship through Universal Digital Education. NZ participation in the acceleration of the  Global Digital Citizenship in Universal 2030 Education school curriculums worldwide. NZ Representatives attend meetings in Beijing and Shanghai – China’s Marxist cultural socialist global Education to be implemented worldwide to accelerate the Global Agenda ‘Transforming Our World’’

13th February 2024 the 2024 World Digital education Conference attended by NZ Representatives, representing the Govt. Virtual speech by the Minister of Education to the Shanghai  16th November 2023 large contingent of NZ Education Providers attended China’s largest annual International Digital Global Citizenship Education conference. 60 countries, 4,500 participants  (Education NZ) including the global media 16 NZ Providers attended the gathering in Beijing. The World Digital Education Conference Shanghai 30-31 Jan 2024. Hosted by the Peoples Republic of China (The CCP) and UNESCO also attended by Qatar

Participants; State leaders, education ministers diplomatic envoys, Heads of UN Agencies, NGO;s Presidents and professionals from universities Principals, teachers from primary and secondary schools, Representatives of digital technologies and companies. Also participation of China in Pre School Digital Global Citizenship Education with representatives from UN Nation States. NZ representatives joined the Early Childhood Global Digital Citizenship Symposium in Nanjing China and online. A global  cultural Marxist agenda to accelerate Universal Education 2030 worldwide.

Qatar renews its support to UNDP to accelerate the 2030 …

United Nations Development Programme › news › qatar-renews-its-support-…




UN CYBERCRIME TREATY has been highly criticized it is widely reported to overlook, violate Human Rights. Expands global evidence collection, encompasses a long list of non-cybercrimes, has huge over-reaching powers beyond those even detailed in the Un Treaty. The UN Treaty draft was prompted by the UN General Assembly vote in December 2019, the negotiating a cybersecurity accord after Russia took issue with the previous ‘UN Budapest Convention. Russia demanded that the issue they had needs to be addressed. The first draft of the UN Cybercrime Treaty caused some great concerns but now the second draft published on 28th November is being called a tool of repression. The original purpose of the UN Treaty was combatting cybercrime, but this has now morphed into an globally expansive treaty with far reaching over-reach in both National and International investigations.

It empowers States to cast a wider net of having the ability to access data , thus violating a Nation States privacy laws. The Treaty falls short of reining in  intrusive surveillance powers this endangers human rights undermining the original cybercrime fighting intent

Human Rights Watch acting associate director Deborah Brown said the latest draft is “primed to facilitate abuses on a global scale” because it gives governments expansive cross-border powers to investigate “virtually any imaginable crime – like peaceful dissent or expression of sexual orientation – while undermining the treaty’s purpose of addressing genuine cybercrime.” She said that “Govts should not rush in to conclude this Treaty without ensuring that it elevates, rather than sacrifices our fundamental rights. UN Member State Government have had negotiation sessions over the past few days 19-20th December in Vienna before the draft is considered in the Headquarters of the UN Assembly at the end of January where yet another session will take place.

The UN Cybercrime Treaty is to be finalized between 29th January to February 9th 2024 at the New York Headquarters of the UN Assembly.. The Cybersecurity Tech Accord has been participating in the cybercrime treaty negotiating process since it began in 2021. It has been widely reported that the adoption of the UN Treaty by Nation States in the Treaty’s present form will erode private data, weaken cybercrime, undermine online rights and freedoms across the world. The Cybersecurity Tech Accord has been participating in the cybercrime treaty negotiating process since it began in 2021.The new provision extend to extra-territorial surveillance without safeguards

Some of the concerns are:- Removal of sections of the original draft limit the Treaty’s powers to narrowly define cybercrime.  Nation State surveillance across borders without safeguards and expansion of online fraud. The Treaty as it is now presented allows every government in the world to transfer the personal information of citizens between themselves in secret in perpetuity, and to force the service providers who are responsible for that data to hand it over without any ability to object or refuse on any grounds. There is little UN Nation State objects to the UN Cybercrime Treaty, there is very limited or zilch response to robust human rights safeguards.

NZ Government website (DPMC) reported that NZ is currently engaging in the UN International Cybercrime Treaty (29/4/2022). The Government once again states it promotes a International Rules Based Order, that its important that NZ is in the conversation that shaped this new instrument of international cooperation. The Govt website reports that there were consultations in October 2021  and feedback was sought on NZ’s written submissions as to Treaty negotiations, general provisions, procedural measures and law enforcement referring to the UN Cybercrime Treaty. NZ Government is committed to constructively promoting the Internal Rules based Order.

65 Countries ratified the UN Budapest Convention on Cybercrime. The Budapest Treaty was developed by the Council of Europe in 2001, entered into force in 2004.  18th February 2021 speeches in the Beehive by David Clark and Kris Faafoi was the announcing of joining the Council Of Europe Convention on Cybercrime, referencing the decisions process was due to the recommendation by the Royal Commission of the Inquiry into the Christchurch Terror Attack (15/3/2019)’ With Kriis Faafoi saying “The government needs to ensure that NZ is confident, secure in the digital world, so we can tackle threats to online wellbeing”

Kris Faafoi said “the government made a number of changes to its policy proposals, looking at ways that Māori have an ongoing oversight role in the implementation and participation to the UN Convention”/ Thus the Convention was submitted to the House Of Representatives for Parliamentary Treaty examination. It was announced by Faafoi that the Convention addresses cross-border cybercrime by aligning the Nations laws with this, facilitating information sharing on current threats and best practice (best practice for the govt and UN Nation States), increases and fosters International dialogue

Parliaments role in International Treaties was published 17th April 2019 by NZ Parliament. Documents What is a Treaty:- An agreement between 2 countries or with an international entity like the UN or WTO, that binding under International Law. Often known as International Agreements.

Parliaments role in International Treaties. In practice the Prime Minister and the PM’s Cabinet with help from their officials negotiates, decides on whether NZ will join or withdraw from a Treaty. The governments decision is effective whether or not Parliament endorses the Treaty or not. Since 1998 it’s been an constitutional convention that the govt will not (except in an emergency) bind NZ to a Treaty until Parliament has been allowed a minimum period to scrutinize it (This is set out in the Cabinet Manuel). All Treaties in the House are referred to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee, they refer to the Treaty itself, or refers to a more relevant subject matter in the Treaty to a Select Committee to consider.

Although an International Treaty is binding at an International level, it cannot change NZ Domestic Law, only Parliament can do that. Non-binding International Treaties (UN) sit in a place call ‘Soft Law’ where this is easily accessible, can be adopted quickly and non transparently into Domestic Policy making it binding- legally by parliamentary legislation. Binding Internal Laws are also entered into Domestic Laws to make these binding. Non-Binding International laws can be referenced to by the judicial in certain cases as they arise. A Select committee has 15 sitting days in which to report back to the House on Treaty issues, objections etc.,

There were 17 submissions on the consultation as to Cybercrime, this was processed and closed in September 2020. These were received by a range of private companies, organization and individuals. Individual names have been withheld to protect personal information. 13 names of organization however were published. • Te Hunga Rōia Māori o Aotearoa/The Māori Law Society (THRMOA) • Interim Māori Spectrum Commission (IMSC) • Mega Limited (MEGA) • Internet NZ • Telecommunications Forum (TCF) • Spark • Microsoft • PaloAlto Networks • Copyright Licensing Limited • NZ Authors • ANZ Screen Association • WeCreate • Office of the Privacy Commissioner (OPC). There were other formal submissions, engagements undertaken with several Iwi/Māori groups and individuals.

It is reported that the UN Cybercrime Treaty risks being a ‘Global Surveillance Pact’ that will trample data privacy, these are human rights concerns. Will pave the way for regimes such as China, North Korea, Iran for regimes to legalize surveillance across borders, to criminalize online speech with the support of the International Community, giving the green light for governments to persecute protestors, activists, independent journalist and marginalized groups. Any person that draw attention to the authoritarian regime aim to criminalize free speech. “That’s where we’re at,” said Katitza Rodriguez, the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s policy director for global privacy. “The draft treaty provides the legal basis for governments to make highly intrusive surveillance mechanisms like interception of content and real time tracking of metadata, available ‘to the fullest extent possible’ to foreign governments for almost any sort of criminal investigation of a serious crime with minimal safeguards.”

Specifically: the draft would authorize police to help foreign governments investigate activities that may not be a punishable offense in both countries, she explained.

“The dual criminality principle safeguards human rights, but it is treated as optional,” Rodriguez said. “To uphold global human rights, the proposed treaty must mandate dual criminality.” Deborah Brown, senior researcher and advocate on technology and human rights at Human Rights Watch, said the vague wording in the treaty’s Article 17 is especially concerning because it could allow governments to punish certain speech by defining it as a crime because it was posted online. For many governments, this means cracking down on online dissent or expanding digital surveillance.”

The UN Cybercrime Treaty is to be finalized between 29th January to February 9th 2024 at the New York Headquarters of the UN Assembly.. The Cybersecurity Tech Accord has been participating in the cybercrime treaty negotiating process since it began in 2021. It has been widely reported that the adoption of the UN Treaty by Nation States in the Treaty’s present form will erode private data, weaken cybercrime, undermine online rights and freedoms across the world. The Cybersecurity Tech Accord has been participating in the cybercrime treaty negotiating process since it began in 2021.The new provision extend to extra-territorial surveillance without safeguards

Some of the concerns are:- Removal of sections of the original draft limit the Treaty’s powers to narrowly define cybercrime.  Nation State surveillance across borders without safeguards and expansion of online fraud. The Treaty as it is now presented allows every government in the world to transfer the personal information of citizens between themselves in secret in perpetuity, and to force the service providers who are responsible for that data to hand it over without any ability to object or refuse on any grounds. There is little UN Nation State objects to the UN Cybercrime Treaty, there is very limited or zilch response to robust human rights safeguards.

NZ Government website (DPMC) reported that NZ is currently engaging in the UN International Cybercrime Treaty (29/4/2022). The Government once again states it promotes a International Rules Based Order, that its important that NZ is in the conversation that shaped this new instrument of international cooperation. The Govt website reports that there were consultations in October 2021  and feedback was sought on NZ’s written submissions as to Treaty negotiations, general provisions, procedural measures and law enforcement referring to the UN Cybercrime Treaty. NZ Government is committed to constructively promoting the Internal Rules based Order.

65 Countries ratified the UN Budapest Convention on Cybercrime. The Budapest Treaty was developed by the Council of Europe in 2001, entered into force in 2004.  18th February 2021 speeches in the Beehive by David Clark and Kris Faafoi was the announcing of joining the Council Of Europe Convention on Cybercrime, referencing the decisions process was due to the recommendation by the Royal Commission of the Inquiry into the Christchurch Terror Attack (15/3/2019)’ With Kriis Faafoi saying “The government needs to ensure that NZ is confident, secure in the digital world, so we can tackle threats to online wellbeing”

Kris Faafoi said “the government made a number of changes to its policy proposals, looking at ways that Māori have an ongoing oversight role in the implementation and participation to the UN Convention”/ Thus the Convention was submitted to the House Of Representatives for Parliamentary Treaty examination. It was announced by Faafoi that the Convention addresses cross-border cybercrime by aligning the Nations laws with this, facilitating information sharing on current threats and best practice (best practice for the govt and UN Nation States), increases and fosters International dialogue

The new New Zealand Coalition, no politician in Parliament have shared this information with the people of New Zealand WHY?


15 page Summary of Submission-Budapest Convention NZ on Cybercrime Convention




6TH July 2021 David Clark Commerce Affairs Minister announced to the House “the government has agreed to establish a ‘Consumer Right Data’ Framework (CDR) which is otherwise known as ‘Open Banking’. That consumers would be in the drivers seat controlling their own personal information (data) that is also shared with third parties. This is a mechanism requiring data holders, eg; banks, energy retailers, Internet-Phone, transport, health, education whatever essential products, services you purchase in the market place. Refers to your personal data through banks, financial institutions, your transactional information can be shared with third parties in the commercial and domestic marketplace. The government takes control of the market place and your money. Money in and money out- data in and data out.

In 2021 the government implemented a timeline for ‘Open Banking’ CDR which includes engagement, consultation of draft legislation. Thus industry changing factors, outsourcing of regulation, modernization of payments infrastructure and ongoing digital disruption. Incomes, welfare benefits, superannuation etc., will be deposited and distributed to multiple sources of services & products providers. So that customers data can be much easily stolen. The more data that’s shared with third party companies, financial institutions the more risk that your personal information (data) will  fall in the wrong hands.

The Govts Consumer Data Right Strategy (CDR)..Open Banking is a narrative that centres itself on a promise to make it much easier for the consumer, give them greater opportunities as they are being told they will control their own personal information (data).  The ‘You can trust us, a trust building exercise’. The potential risks are inherent in CDR (Open Banking) system. The Govt implements the right to mitigation measures, the govt tells the individual consumer in the business and domestic sector they now have increased control over their own data” NOTE: Banks carry strategic, operational, model, conduct, financial crime and reputational risks. And continued risks as increased volumes of data and speed is consumed. There are hidden costs associated with compliance, risk, security protocols etc.,

Open Banking is a system that has primary components that are namely players- technological, processers, data and a constant evolving risk. The Open Banking playing field expands way beyond the  traditional financial institution, includes Fintech, banks, data aggregators, credit bureaus, payment networks and third party providers (TPPs). Healthcare has even joined the game. As soon as your personal data is shared it is at risk. The misuse of customer data, a third party’s lack of process controls, fraudulent TPP access. A lack of traceability of customer data use, lack of accountability by all parties & data security across devices.

Eg: If a customer went on say a business trip that involved service provider transactions, those transactions may remain as ‘ open status’ for several days & may require hundreds of data transmittals, and dozens of analytical models to support it. Technology risks, platform business model championed by Google, Amazon, Alibaba is what Open Banking is to financial services. Technology- the ‘risk of risks’ is execution risk, failure of platform components to deliver high performance which is required for customer interactions. There are new challenges stemming from data.

The Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is certainly warming up. The process starts with Consumer Data Rights (Open Banking) to ‘Open Finance’. Promoting a framework of so called trust, psychologically sucking people in by namely the term ‘Consumer Data Rights’. (We have lost so many Rights over these past few years, wow we are going to get some Rights and the Govt is going to give them to us. Wow. ) Now the authoritarian government can really control your private data, your data in the wrong hands, third parties, cyber attacks., overseas criminal groups, this can be very dangerous .CBDC’s worldwide are in various stages of evaluation of launching national digital currencies. CBDC’s have come to the forefront with the disruption and restrictions of COVID19. The government wants to track your journey in this ever increasing digital financial world. Faster payments, rapid digitization, a demand for a more efficient domestic, cross border value transfers and ‘financial inclusion ‘

‘Open Banking’ and the ‘Open Financing’ revolution the next step to digital currencies. The adoption of the Government ‘Consumer Data Right’ Strategy (CDR). Open Banking moving to Open Financing to change the banking landscape – the goal ‘Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). The dangers of CBDC, there is no limit to the level of control that the govt can exert on people, businesses if money is purely digital and provided directly by the government this means they will have full control of money going in and going out of a persons, a commercial, business account. This is incompatible with ‘freedom’. This is the governments attempt to protect its privileged position, exert more control over peoples lives, their money. The Government saying ‘your money is not really your money’, and your property rights are subservient to the ‘public good’ and the supposed necessity of ‘managing the national economy’.

The International Settlements Central Bankers Report on ‘Future Monetary System’ proclaims the metaphor for the future monetary system like this:- The future monetary system is a tree, its solid trunk is the ‘central bank’ that supports a diverse multi-layered vibrant eco-system of participants and functions however only after the Central Bankers have set the rules. (Reserve Bank of NZ-Is the Central Bank of NZ chief advisory, collaborator with Government- – working with the Treasury) The system serves the public interest but the central bankers define those interests

The authoritarian political control of government is not compatible with economic or political freedoms, therefore limits the protections of Human Rights. The Govts Consumer Data Right Strategy makes consumers choice an unreality.3.Consumers choice is an unreality. Large corporations get greater control. The International Convention of Economic Social & Cultural Rights (ICESR) Article 11 provides for the ‘Rights of All (each one of us-everyone) to an adequate standard of living, adequate clothing, adequate housing, adequate food, an adequate standard of living, a continuous improvement of living conditions

Advancing of digital technologies influence interactions with society to the full realization of Article 11. Which requires access to financial institutions, to a bank account into which your income is paid, to develop credit ratings, apply for home loans, collect welfare payments, superannuation, pay taxes and energy bills, telecommunications – phone, internet, health & education all essential services. All these are reported as promoting social inclusion. Social Inclusion robs people of their individual dignity and human rights. Art 11 ( ICESR) includes other rights that require services for fulfilment, this includes ‘freedom of expression ‘, education, mental & physical health also public participation. Underpinning all of this is ‘privacy’, the foundational rights such as dignity, self-determination for ALL, everyone, each one of us. However advanced technology, data neglects Human Rights and Freedoms.

The real danger of CBDCs is ‘there is no limit to the level of control the govt can exert over people if money is purely digital, this gives them the control of money going in and out of your account. Programmable CBDC is very dangerous, a controlling force over peoples lives, a mechanism for specified behaviour. Like a voucher system is programmed for entry and expiry at certain points in time. Can be only used to purchase certain goods and services. Govt determines how you spend your money, you can’t.

The Reserve Bank of NZ has referred to CBDC as to whether they could support this as a steward of money in the digital future. A Reserve Bank of NZ Executive Summary reports “We characterise our mandates, roles, responsibilities in terms of the Tane Mahuta narrative. Tane and the big trees eco-system. The steward of money and cash in NZ, ensuring that CBDC contributes to a modern inclusive economy. Including the partnering of corporations, large companies with government. Programmes. NZ’s Central Bank-The Reserve Bank of NZ. The govts lead advisor on matters relating to formulating, implementing of monetary policy and all matters related to fiscal policy and financial markets. The Memorandum of Understanding on Information Exchange and Collaboration where the Govt’s Treasury Dept and the Reserve Bank of NZ work together was agreed to in June 2012.

CBDC RISKS- Accumulates sensitive payment and user data on an unprecedented scale, in the wrong hands this data can be used to spy on citizens private transactions, obtain security sensitive details about individuals and business, organizations, groups and can rob them of their money.The unelected globalists at the WEF continue to push schemes -ESG, C BDC whilst calling on governments and businesses to crackdown on ‘misinformation ‘ Remember Arderns war on ‘Free Speech’ Her ‘NZ’s first in the world ‘Algorithm Charter’ 2019

The World Economic Forum representatives of Governments, CEOs of large corporations very influential philanthropists etc., of Multistakeholder Corporate capitalist economies. WEF references the building of ‘Inclusive Eco Systems, Digital ID to provide financial services to households. “A digital ID layer should be developed independently of other parts of payment processes’ WEF Forum, Future Focus 2025. The World Economic Forum (WEF) references:- as hundreds of govts explore fully traceable programmable and permission based digital currencies that will allow central bankers to control what you can and cannot purchase, these CBDCs will require that every citizen have a digital wallet pegged to their Digital ID. The unelected WEF call on governments and corporations to establish rules for Digital ID Governance.

Vaccine passports by nature serve as a digital ID – WEF Feb 2022. Digital ID Future Agency “Next level of data intermediaries (embedded in body, devices, homes, cities etc.,WEF Feb 2022. Digital ID schemes have been on the rise in recent years thanks to vaccine passports which according to WEF Feb 2022 ‘serve as a form of digital ID’. While Vaccine Passports store highly medical data about an  individual the globalists project that Digital ID will expand to include credit history, social media activity, and online purchase behaviours. This is extremely invasive.. Devices in your body, your home and the cities where you live- aimed at collecting as much information about you as possible. Constant surveillance in Real Time.

The transition to a lower carbon economy requires a large rewiring of the global economy with approx. $3.5 trillion of investment needed annually for decades, WEF ‘Future Focus 2025’. Finance plays a pivotal role in facilitating the transition to net zero economy, innovative approaches are needed to bridge the net zero funding gap – WEF ‘Future Focus 2025’. Lumping together digital inclusion, finance and the environment is the concept of ESG scoring for allocating, distributing digital payments with programmable CBDC’s. According to the report ‘Finance plays a pivotal role in facilitating the transition to a net zero economy, innovation approaches are needed to bridge the net zero funding gap.

Rewiring of the global economy is the same as the ‘Great Reset’. Taking advantage of the fight against climate change, of the shock inflicted by the pandemic to implement long lasting and wider environmental changes. Making good use of the pandemic by not letting the crisis go to waste.- COVID19 The Great Reset. Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret 2020 ‘Presenting a rare but narrow window of opportunity, to re-imagine, reset our world. Massive exploitation of the Pandemic and Climate Gloom and Doom narrative. Never let a good crisis go to waste.WEF Future Focus 2025 “When lacking data to quantify risks and evaluate their likelihoods, well formed scenarios developed in a collaborative process can help draw out potential impacts, can educate the public on possible threats”

Governments and corporations to invest narratives using behavioural science mechanisms, (manipulating behaviour). Any critical thinking that goes against the WEF narratives label them as ‘Misinformation & ‘disinformation’. Narratives to shape perceptions, which in turn form realities for people, that end up influencing choices and actions. -The Great Narrative, Klaus Schwab & Thierry Malleret 2022. “In the battles for hearts and minds of human beings, narrative will consistently outperform data in its ability to influence human thinking and motivate human action”. In the absence of hard data Future Focus 2025 (WEF) report reiterates the importance of narratives as ‘well formed scenarios’ to ‘manipulate perceptions’

The WEF calls on corporations and governments to regulate misinformation, disinformation on social media. Outsourcing critical thinking, giving all trust to government bureaucrats and unelected technocrats. The 134 page report draws from and supports the WEF platforms dedicated to catalysing a new economy, a new society- The Global Redesign, the Great Reset agenda. A roadmap for steering society to re-engineering people, planet for immense profit of the few by unelected entities.

ESG scoring is not a mandate from the people  but a concept dreamed up by unelected globalists bureaucrats to control the global economy, time to push back. Our Free-market economy has served us extremely well, is innovative, has a significant effect on the countries growth and wealth, provides jobs. A free market economy determined by supply and demand. (Free-market = Freedom Of Choice)

Digital ID, CBDC, ESG, Open Banking, Open Financing, Social Inclusion = Corporate Capture. Corporates the drivers in the front seat, governments as back seat passengers, and the people, small businesses, farmers, rural communities are the roadkill. NOTE: Ardern used NZrs as guineapigs for WEF project  Re-imagining Digital Regulations’

SOLUTION? Ideas- ‘Staying local, bartering systems, get to know your community. Get in the face of politicians from all parties to introduce a Citizens Initiated Binding Referendum and a constitution set in concrete’, more face to face group meetings.

BEWARE OF: Financial Inclusion, Consumer Right Data Strategy,(Open Banking) and Open Financing leading to Central Bank Digital Currency. The Consumer Data Right Strategy is on the governments agenda now


WEF pushes digital ID, CBDC, ESG & crackdowns on ‘misinformation’ in Future Focus report 36 pages. WEF Pushes Digital ID, CBDC and ESG in misinformation in Future Focus report July 8th 2022

