QUESTION: Are elderly people with underlying serious health problems and the disabled including children being deliberately culled by some UN Member States that have Euthanasia Policies.

QUESTION; Many elderly in care homes, are receiving shingles, pneumonia, flu, CVID shots and the Boosters, Many of these shots given within a short period of time of each other. Do you believe this is good for their health, is it advantageous or do you think the elderly are being culled.

QUESTION: The worst abortion law in the world was introduced in NZ whilst people had their eyes fixed on COVID19. Is this part and parcel of depopulation globally?

QUESTION: The NZ Govts purchased mainstream media is certainly influencing a vast number of peoples minds. The ongoing crisis events of emergencies, COVID Deaths. Stay in your bubble-its dangerous outside your bubble. The Mandate the significant loss of jobs and small business, the severe struggle the farmers have with the govt using them as their whipping boy. The shortage and huge cost of living, basic living expenses.

The failed Mental Health System. Children not attending schools for long periods of time and many not returning to school. Education being politicised, sexualized. The Govt with its Marxist Class ideology of Pakeha and Maori/Iwi- deliberate separate and divide to cause distention and fragmentation. The favouring of Iwi Elite, pandering to all their wants. Indigenous Constitution, UNDRIP entrenchment. Control of Water. Control of NZ’s environment.

QUESTION: How much did the government know about the COVID 19 shots before they purchased millions of dozes for NZ and Pacific Island? Zilch to very little. Yet they signed an agreement to give Pfizer / Moderna immunity from being held accountable responsible for jab injuries and post jab deaths. ZILCH

NOTE: An official complaint was heard in a Texas Court on January 6th 2022. By Judge Pittman/ The courts concluded  findings  were based on the complainants seeking of all FDA information as to the authorization of Pfizer jabs that allowed them to market them worldwide.

The court concluded that the request of the complainants is of paramount importance” and referred to excessive administrative secrecy, thus reducing confidence in governments.  The FDA shall produce the 12,000 plus pages of Pfizer information before January 31st 2022. They will also produce 55,000 pages every 30days – with the first production being due on 1st March 2022 until production is complete.

NOTE:  It was reported that it will be 2 to 3 years before these documents are made public. In the meantime Pfizer jabs are still being pushed worldwide  including in New Zealand. So if all this important information pertaining to the Pfizer COVID19 jab. This proves N Z Govt knew zilch about the COVID19 jab before they promoted it, demanded it, mandated it.

.NOTE: Pfizer chief Executive had refused to give information about their Pfizer COVID19 jabs had said “NO you are not having it, and NO we won’t give it to you” Hence this is why it had to go through the court process – a case against FDA.  However, again what has Pfizer not told FDA?

What does the Government NOT tell N Z Citizens…They are corruptly reporting false COVID19 death rates. Are not accurately reporting the true death rates of Post jabbed. Heaps and heaps.. As from 10th March 2022 a COVID 19 related death was re-classified in NZ. ‘If a person receives a COVID19 Positive test result and they die within 28 days of that test they are now classified as a COVID19 death. Hence hiking up the number of COVID19 deaths deliberately so . The is highly corrupt and evil, cruel has enormous effects on peoples lives.

The Climate Emergency Gloom and Doom Scam: Targeting the farmers.They do not tell you that their balls-up of the Local Govt Act 2002 had a massive legal loophole in it from day one, and they knew this. No – lets just blame the farmers, lets throw them under the tractor.  This is actually a corporate capture of NZ, a globalised Corporate capture. To replace the free-market economy with a multistakeholder corporate governance . Has huge effects also on all NZrs. No Farmers-No Food.

The  Local Govt Act 2002- the loophole that’s existed for 20 years which govt has deliberately not fixed as allowed businesses, companies to leach heavy toxins, ammonia and other shit like yellow gunge that covers filters in waste water stations, heavy pollutants that run into drains, rivers, out into our water.

 The Government has been asked to amend the Local Govt Act 2002 multiple times and they still turn a blind eye to it. No prosecutions, no fines and hundreds of company breach the Traded Waster Regulations time and time again over this 20 year timed frame. But no the government are more interested in Iwi Elite controlling fresh water in NZ. The waste water has to wait another couple of years Mahuta says. Mahuta is the Minister for Local Government.

Fonterra’s 29 Ghost Farms in NZ. That leaches heavy nitrates into the soil across the land into neighbouring farms bore water. They call it Nutrient farming. Fonterra washes their factories out with this water, and the waste water is piped onto these farms that they have purchased, then sprayed across the land. The cattle have all been removed from these farms. But the sign ‘Beware of the cattle still remains on the gate’. They sell the sprayed grass elsewhere for cattle feed, they call it ‘Cut Grass’. Fonterra admitted this and have had supply many farmers with filters for their bore drinking water.

Water on the stock market is like selling  gold on the stock market. The Corporate Capture of New Zealand. Iwi Corporates have been around for more than a decade.. A Corporate Governance of NZ was reported by the government themselves in 2003. The Corporate Governance= Public Private Partnership, a vehicle where the corporates are the drivers, the government the back seat passengers and  NZr’s the roadkill.The Truth MUST be exposed.   

NOTE: All this information was found in the mainstream media Not Social Media                                                           



UN World Health Org (WHO) Blog Posts View all Categories



Good morning;

Please find below the reply we received this morning from the NZ Human Right Commission.

They basically validate our position on informed consent, human rights and the freedom to choose regarding the injection.

“COVID-19 vaccine is voluntary and vaccines may not be forcibly administered”
Therefore any coercion either by threat to employment, social status, freedom of movement, freedom to do business ect… is a breach.

They encourage individuals who feels that their rights are breached to complain to the HDC or the NZ Human Rights Commission.


Maxine Leilua

Thank you for taking the time to write to the Chief Commissioner Paul Hunt regarding the concerns of the New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science about the rollout of the Pfizer vaccine.

The Covid-19 pandemic – and the measures undertaken by the Government to combat it – are unprecedented and place significant restrictions on New Zealanders’ human rights. As New Zealand’s national human rights institution, the Human Rights Commission must hold the Government and other duty bearers to account to ensure that any measures now in place are proportionate and safeguard Te Tiriti o Waitangi and human rights, even if at times the views expressed may seem contrary to popular opinion. We are working to ensure human rights are safeguarded at this time.

The current context, including the vaccine rollout, concerns several key human rights issues including the right to informed consent. We have provided guidance on our website regarding the vaccine rollout and human rights see https://www.hrc.co.nz/enquiries-and-complaints/faqs/covid-19-vaccine-and-human-rights/. Transparency and access to information are essential components of human rights and go hand in hand with accountability. Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights notes that the right to freedom of expression includes the freedom to seek, receive and impart information from the State. People have the right to know what is happening in a public health crisis. Transparency is essential in the vaccination process. Information about the vaccine should be available in readily understandable formats and languages. Being open and transparent, and involving those affected in decision-making, is key to ensuring people participate in measures designed to protect their own health and that of the wider population. Vaccination programmes should be developed on the human rights principles of equality and non-discrimination, which guarantee access, availability and accessibility of resources without any distinction due to economic situation, ethnicity, gender or any other human or social conditions. COVID-19 vaccine is voluntary and vaccines may not be forcibly administered.

If individuals have concerns about the medical treatment they have received as part of the Covid-19 vaccination programme, they should submit a complaint to the Health and Disability Commissioner https://www.hdc.org.nz/making-a-complaint/make-a-complaint-to-hdc/. If any individuals have concerns that they have been discriminated against as a result of their views about the vaccine for religious or ethical reasons, they are encouraged to make a complaint to the Human Rights Commission https://www.hrc.co.nz/enquiries-and-complaints/how-make-complaint/.

Ngā mihi


For the Chief Commissioner’s Office

Human Rights Commission




To: Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern , Hon David Parker , Hon Andrew Little , Hon Chris Hipkins , , Chris James ,

Dear Prime Minister, Attorney-General, Minister of Health, Minister of Covid, Minister or Seniors, Director General of Health and Chris

I attach below some new and very important research which I must assume your advisors have not yet provided to you, or the experimental Pfizer injection rollout would surely already have been suspended.

It is now clearly established that the S-Protein [spike protein] is a toxin that causes the harmful symptoms known as “Covid”.

I surely don’t need to explain the legal, ethical and human rights consequences of a government knowingly promoting a program which intentionally injects a life threatening toxin into healthy people.

I also attach a report indicating that injected nanoparticles (and the S-Protein) do not remain in the arm muscle but instead circulate throughout the whole body.

The combined effect is that the Pfizer jab injects mRNA to take over cells to manufacture the deadly S-Protein toxin and this spread throughout much of the body, manufacturing the S-Protein toxin for days and in some cases many weeks.

This explains why even the limited available research from the two months of study as summarised in the Comirnaty Data Sheet identifies possible harm to many different parts of the body including the heart, blood, brain, musculoskeletal system, nervous system, fainting and dizziness etc.

This is no longer just a shocking experiment. Everyone involved is now on notice of this “injection roulette” which may result in death or serious injury to previously healthy people. The health and safety implications for employers and those who push this jab, are significant.

No post injection death can legitimately be ruled out as being caused or contributed by the injection, at least not without a full coroner’s report. Certainly any post vax stroke, heart attack, other blood disorder, nervous system disorder or even suicide or car accident (known overseas as “vaccidents”) must prima facie be assumed to be caused or contributed to by the jab, at least until a full coroners report is undertaken.

Similarly it is not good enough to claim that our seniors who die post jab were frail and likely to die. Surely if they were that frail they should have been spared from the jab. Anyway, surely “deaths post Jab” should be treated consistently with “deaths post Covid”.

Despite the secretive, flawed and very passive official post jab injury reporting process ( CARM), and as a result of the more active community led follow up, you are already on notice of a number of deaths and life threatening and life changing harm from this injection. The deaths and harm will inevitably continue if there are any further injections. Perhaps initially you had an excuse that you thought the S-Protein was “safe”. However now you are on notice that it is not “safe” by any definition.

Further, although you in privileged position are on notice, many members of the public who you were elected to represent remain deceived by misleading claims in crown propaganda that the jab is “safe and effective”. In these circumstances there can be no “Informed consent”. Each jab without Informed Consent is in breach of the Health and Disability Code and is an assault.

In these circumstances, the ongoing program is surely criminal, and indeed may result in Homicide as defined by the Crimes Act:

158 Homicide defined

Homicide is the killing of a human being by another, directly or indirectly, by any means whatsoever.

Compare: 1908 No 32 s 173

Anyone who aids, abets or otherwise incites homicide is a party to that homicide.

I note that the Director-General of Health has shared his view in sworn evidence that Covid is the most serious health issue for New Zealand in 100 years.

I invite you all to consider that claim very carefully and critically. Please put Covid in perspective against the many other challenges which we face, including for example heart attacks, strokes, cancer, suicide accidents and diabetes and the nitrate and other contamination of much of our water.

Surely you must agree that the harm is not from “Covid” but from the “Response to Covid”.

The best expert evidence is that the risk from Covid is similar to the risk from influenza. Many experts are now saying that Covid is simply a rebranding of influenza and colds, supported by PCR testing that was never intended as a diagnostic tool. The WHO says that PCR testing should not be used beyond 20-25 cycles. OIA responses indicate that in NZ PCR tests use up to 45 cycles, which simply multiplies any contamination.

Our government is about to enter dangerous new phase if it proceeds to inject more healthy New Zealanders with an injection that experts have established is toxic.

Apart from the direct harm to those who choose, or are bullied to accept this injection, there is considerable peripheral harm. This includes the contamination of our Blood Bank with S-Protein. We can only speculate on the risks for vulnerable people who receive blood contaminated with this toxin.

Please stop and reflect. Please listen to international experts who are independent from Big Pharma and who are not invested in the Covid paradigm.

Please listen to the New Zealand scientific and medical experts who have put their careers and reputations on the line out of extreme concern.

Please correct the misinformation that this injection is “safe and effective” and “approved by Medsafe” when in fact it did not meet the statutory criteria that “benefit exceeds risk”.

There is no imminent health risk from suspending the program. Dr Bloomfield’s sworn evidence was that the risks were mainly financial and reputational.

Please find the courage to challenge whoever is driving this, and any who act on dogma rather than evidence, reason or ethics.

The future of New Zealand depends on your courage to step up and make this critical call for our people.

I urge you to listen, engage and act in the public interest.

Please put aside your pride and the dogma, and suspend this program.

I am happy to assist however I can.

Sue Grey LLB (Hons), BSc (Biochemistry and Microbiology), RSHDipPHI

Co-leader NZ Outdoors Party (https://www.outdoorsparty.co.nz)


Lawyer Sue Grey to NZ government: Failure to cease Covid vaccination programme may constitute homicide


MASKING ALL (Part 3 of 3 Video’s)

Human history is rife with the stories of slavery and freedom.
The claiming of ownership over each other through ideological sanctions or sheer brute force.
A 21st-century scholar of history studying invasions, genocides, ethnic cleansing, slavery, and bonded labour may falsely conclude that the civilized world has moved past these social evils by entering the era of peace treaties, diplomatic ties, and economic warfare. Obviously not so as populations globally are being mandated to wearing masks.

Individual liberty and freedoms are being seriously destroyed as millions of people worldwide march, protest for their freedoms and civil liberties, for autonomous human rights to be returned
Those soldiers, the war dead who fought for our freedoms, sacrificed their lives for us to retain our freedoms. Now we must now demand that these freedoms will not be sacrificed.

The Nuremberg Trials, the Nuremberg Code “Never, never again” Human Dignity will never be destroyed again neither will our unique individual freedoms. The largest criminal court in the world at the Hague turned its back on those millions of people in China that are imprisoned, tortured, forced sterilizations, forced abortions, rapes. The Judicial of The Haque concluded we have no jurisdiction over the evil Communist Chinese Regime
The evil Chinese Communist Regime the best buddy of the leader of the World Health Org.,

The WHO (UN) the dictator of how populations must be treated during epidemics, pandemics and determine what ingredients go into your annual flu shot.

The world has become a dangerous place, not because of the pandemic but because of those that control lobal populations lives, and by those UN Member Governments that praise them and welcome these totalitarian rules into countries such as New Zealand.
The propaganda machine will not report all the law suits against Pfizer. Will not reports the decades some law suits have taken. Ministry Of Health, Jacinda Ardern will not publically talk about Adverse Reactions to COVID-19 Injections, nor about the hazardous dangerous toxins, chemicals in facemasks.

That 85% of facemasks worldwide are manufactured in China and that 70,000 new face mask manufacturing companies have been set up in China, wit no regulations around safety


MASKING IT ALL (Part 2 of a 3 part series of Video’s)

The unforeseen risks of Governments, businesses’ mandating facial masks should be questionable as to the risks populations worldwide are facing by wearing these products that may contain hazardous waste, harmful chemicals that we may constantly breathe in.

Masks have become an overwhelming obsessive response as governments worldwide impose populations to other serious risks to their health and wellbeing.
Leading scientists are questioning whether the real risk of exposure to hazardous chemicals from long term mask wearing is actually higher than the risk of coming into contact with Sars-Cov-2.

Nano plastics have been found in disposable masks, harmful pollutants.
What’s even more shocking is that masks were and are well known for possessing aniline, a known carcinogen’
Scientists have discovered that some masks that we believe keep us safe from COD-19 could actually put us in more trouble than we could imagine, as many of these are laced in toxic chemicals.
