An AI dictated future, a future in which our every move, our every word, our every relationship is trackable, traceable and data-mineable by unprecedented collaborations between government and tech giants.

It’s a future in which our every move, our every word, our every relationship is trackable, traceable and data-mineable by unprecedented collaborations between government and tech giants.

In Australia for instance, , there is a certain amount of disillusionment creeping into the e health debate (tele-medicine and tele-health). This is because long-standing issues relating to privacy, access to records, the competency of some bureaucracies charged with overseeing projects and questions about the adequacy

Telemedicine and telehealth standards are established by the same state-specific regulatory institutions that establish standards for in-person clinical treatment. … But despite federal adjustments to telehealth oversight, many aspects of telehealth regulation are still determined on a state-by-state level

Since providers can’t physically examine patients during virtual medical appointments, it’s harder to carry out a standard of care

There are various limitations to telehealth- Telemedicine visits are not a complete substitute for in-person visits; nor they are feasible for all patients or clinical situations. For example, technology does not always work smoothly, and technical difficulties may interfere with delivery of care
Panic, fear, anxiousness has swept away many peoples ability to use logical thought processes. For some a learned helpless to comply with isolation, distancing themselves from human contact from others.

Many people have been swept away by a tidal wave of panic, and this warmed-over dystopia have become acceptable of this AI acceleration into their lives, just taking it all for granted without thinking about the serious consequences., the huge impacts of a global AI totalitarianism that controls peoples lives, that stops them from seeking human comfort instead turning to an AI decision making algorithm.

This is NOT NORMAL, and the so called NEW NORMAL should never be acceptable to the Human Race.

Mass surveillance can be the killer of the human race, this application of deep learning. Isolation and the lack of human contact.

Please click on the arrow above in the image which will link you to my Rumble Video with more important information on ‘Telehealth’ which the New Zealand Government is promoting in their white paper project in their partnership with the World Economic Forum.

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