Barry Young was the only provider of the data because we are a small population. Many experts around the world agree with and say Barry’s evidence is spot on absolutely correct Te Whatu Ora does not seem to want to argue anything about the data, just that he leaked info. Hey but Government depts, on in NZ is at risk of being hacked through govt agencies they were given a warning in 2019 that their security system is at high risk, needs updating, not adequately secure. Still they are seeking experts to make the system more secure. Yet they blame Barry. No, Barry did not leak any personal names, no personal info, but the inadequacies, neglect of govt agencies are guilty. Of breaching well over 28,000 New Zealanders cyber attacked data over the last few years including data that has included names, addresses etc., some already found on the dark web, as announced in a speech in the House. (Parliament). Govt depts commissioned Mercury IT owned up to the data leak coming from a cyber attack on them. The Gun Buy Back Scheme 2019 a large cyber attack, with gun owners names, addresses sand other info that left serious concerns for gun owners that crims may come a calling. And the criminal world that this info would be most useful too.
Every single persons data has been a security risk, globally this is happening and more so since COVID Pandemic. We are talking masses of health files, corona’s files, clinical files, cardiovascular and heart disease data files. Where doctors at the Waikato hospital had to write patients notes on a white board because the whole system crashed. Will Te Whatu Ora..Health N Z have a public hearing with Barry, of course not. They are trying to pin him down, make him go away for the evidence he does have, and now the world also has. Whatever the Court concludes the factual evidence is not going away its out there in the big vast world, a masses of people are now waking up to the weapon of health. I thought that Voices of Freedom were standing up for the people of New Zealand, I have to wonder why they did not speak up?? Why did you not speak up Chantel Baker??? And still I do not hear any support coming from Voices Of Freedom for Barry. I never joined Voices Of Freedom, I am pretty much a loan researcher, the seeker of the truth, and that’s the way I like it.
Monday - April 8, 2024 - COVID-19
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