Australian Senator Michael Roberts published an article on UN Agenda 21 and UN Agenda 2030 calling this a conspiracy theory. Mainstream Media is corporate owned and extremely wealthy has much wealth to gain from supporting, promoting the global elite and are key players of World Economic Forums Global Redesign otherwise known as ‘The Great Reset’ and the Fourth Industrial Revolution -Global Governance (Guardian News 14/9/2016). Referencing Agenda 21/2030 (UN) as threatening to demolishing Sovereign Nations through UN Agenda 21, 2030 .that “people are waking up to the UN destroying our national sovereignty” referring to the UN Lima Declaration and the 1992 Rio Declaration (UN) – the implementation for a 21st century global governance which is known as ‘UN Agenda 2030’
Hence Senator Michael Roberts also accused all UN Member States of sneakingly implementing Agenda 2030 blaming the Keating Govt as having implemented this under the guise of biodiversity’ and that property rights would be stolen, regulations would be passed to control people. That climate alarmism would push UN Member Nation States be foreign controlled, he called the UN Paris Agreement as sham. Hence using the word ‘sustainability’ to pass regulations. Roberts wanted Australia to leave the United Nations.
UN Agenda 21 like UN Agenda 2030 both being non-binding agreements are commitments made by those govts that have ratified them, once entered into that nations domestic policies becomes law (Legislative Acts). Trump said in 2017 that UN Agenda 2030 to cut carbon emissions is a “draconian financial economical burden that is imposed on America”. However once legally binding some parts with Agenda 2030 are not legally binding. The documents text is littered with modal verbs ‘should’- ‘shall’ – may’ etc., that carry a different weight. ‘Shall’ being the big one. ‘Shall’ obliges countries to undertake action within the agreement. The Paris Accord (UN) contains 117 ‘shall’s’.
The Paris Agreement reads “Each Party ‘shall’ prepare, communicate and maintain successive nationally determined contribution that it intends to achieve”. Nationally determined contributions equates to the term “UN Climate uses references to ‘pledges’ how they aim to accelerate those pledges. UN Member States have committed to submit their nationally determined contribution, update them every 5 years as to the actions they have each taken to reduce carbon emissions, however developed countries must do this annually
Art., 4 “Support shall be provided to developing countries” Billions of dollars over a period of years, this pledge has been made collectively among all developed nations (Paid by Tax Payer dollars). The goal posts have been shifted in many cases from 2030 to 2050. All UN Member States are endorsing promoting UN Agenda 2030. This is not a conspiracy theory. At the expense of NZ Tax Payers and the livelihoods of small businesses, farming communities and the plundering of New Zealand all political cronies in the cesspit of Wellington have jumped on the UN bandwagon.
Jacinda Ardern was the first to introduce UN Agenda 2030 into NZ’s Domestic Policies making it legally binding, she also urged other UN Member States to follow her lead. (NZ Guineapig State). Socialist, leftist will deny that there is a risk of destroying sovereign nations and individual property rights. Many will call UN Agenda 2030 a utopian nightmare. The Guardian News earlier stated that the US pushed the idea of Agenda 21(UN), as being communism under disguise.
Al Gores book declared ‘Fear is the most powerful enemy of reason’. Gore’s ‘Inconvenient Truth’ showed animations of Florida, San Francisco, Shanghai, Netherlands, Bangladesh and Manhattan all being swamped by oceans. Gore said “IF” Greenland and Antarctica broke up and melted, then talked about ‘rising seas’ and a hundred million refugee’s fleeing from ‘rising seas’
Biden addressing the US Senate in 1987 predicted a catastrophe of Biblical Proportions for the Entire World from Global Warming, he said “In the next new years global warming, should it occur in accord with the direst predictions would be a catastrophe of biblical proportions for the entire world”.
1989 a Senior UN Environmental Official said that a UN study predicted “Entire Nations Would Be Wiped Off The Face Of The Earth From Rising Seas If The Global Warming Trend Is Not Reversed By Year 2000’. That ‘coastal flooding and crop failures would create an exodus of ‘eco-refugees’ that would threaten political chaos said Noel Brown from the New York office of the UN Environmental Program (UNEP). (Peter James Spielmann ‘UN Predicts Disaster if Global Warming Not Checked Associated Press 6/29/89)
UNEP stated there was only a 10 year window (the window of opportunity for the New Normal) before the greenhouse effect would go beyond human control, that nations They said the government only had a 10 year window before the greenhouse effect would go beyond human control, that nations globally would be wiped off the map and millions of people displaced, 1/6th of Bangladesh would be flooded, displacing a ¼ of its 90 million population. Predicted that warming melts polar ice caps, ocean levels will rise up to 3 feet, enough to cover the Maldives and other flat island nations (UN Official Associated Press Interview reference to Coastal Regions). 1995 UN Study predicted ‘Rising Seas’ would cause most of the beaches on the East Coast of the US to disappear by 2020.
In 1995, A UN Study Predicted That Rising Sea Levels Would Cause Most Of The Beaches On The East Coast Of The United States To Disappear By 2020. Associated Press reported 29th June 1989 ‘Snowfalls are now a thing of the past’. “In a few years snowfall will become so rare and exciting in so much as that children just are not going to know what snow is- Snow will be a virtual experience”. Al Gore claimed in 2009 ‘ a new research shoed the Arctic would be ice-free within 5 years, he was speaking at the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit. He told the conference “These figures are fresh, some of the models suggest to Dr Maslowski that there is a 75% chance that the entire north polar ice-cap during the summer months could be entirely ice-free within 5 to 7 years.
In 2009 Al Gore claimed new research showed the Artic could be ice free within 5 years. Al Gore was speaking at the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit. He told the conference “These figures are fresh. Some of the models suggest to Dr. [Wieslav] Maslowski that there is a 75 per cent chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during the summer months, could be completely ice-free within five to seven years.’” (Frank James, “Al Gore Slips On Artic Ice; Misstates Scientist’s Forecast,” NPR, 12/15/09) Al Gore announced on 15th December 2009 said he reported wrongly “it’s unclear how he arrived at this, I would never try to estimate likelihood at anything as exact as this”
John Kerry Secretary of State appeared with a French Official publicly said “There is only 500 days to avoid Climate Chaos”. (31st May 2014) The French Foreign Minister remarked “President Obama and John Kerry and himself had committed to reach success on this important matter” In 2019 Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Greta Thunberg predicted ‘The world will end by 2030, hence pushing UN Agenda 2030, accelerating the partnership agreement signed by the UN with the World Economic Forum to accelerate UN Agenda 2030 (Replace the Free-market global economy with Multi-stakeholder Corporate Capture). Greta Thunberg claims in her 2019 book ‘No-one is too small to make a difference’ refers to UN Agenda 2030 “we will be in a position to set off an irreversible chain reaction beyond human control, that will lead to the end of civilization as we know it”
Media headlines that are not repeated today, perhaps far to many people have woken up to the wealthy global propaganda machine:- “It’s the time of famines, they will get worse and most disastrous by 1975. Birth control may have been accomplished by making it involuntary by sterilizing agents into staple foods, drinks, water. Roman Catholics should be pressured into birth control (Salt Lake City Tribune 17/11/1967 reported Stanford University biologist Paul Ehrlich-(Socialist/Marxist).
“Everyone will disappear in a cloud of blue steam by 1980. This situation will get continuously worse un less we change our behaviour”. Pushing global populations to change their behaviour by using continuous tactics of fear through crisis events. (New York Times 10/8/1969). Scientist predicts a new ice age by the 21st Century. Air pollution may obliterate the sun, cause a new ice age in the first third of the next century (The Boston Globe 4/4/1970).
3.“The oceans will be as dead as Lake Erie in the next ten years. America will be subject to water rationing by 1974 and food rationing by 1980 (Paul Ehrlich 6/10/1970 The Daily Facts Newspaper’ ) In the next 50 years the fine dust that man constantly puts into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels could screen out much of the sunlight therefore average temperatures would drop by 6 degrees.(9/7/1971 Dr S I Rasool National Aeronautics & Space Admin Columbia University). Associated Press reported September 1978
“If sustained over several years- 5 to 10 degrees is estimated, thus triggering an ice age. “There is no end in sight to 30 year cooling trend reports the international team of specialists”(Associated Press September 1978)
The gradual rise in sea level is threatening to completely cover the Indian Ocean nation of 1,196 small islands within the next 30 years. As drinking water will dry up. (Canberra Times 26/9/1988-Environmental Affairs Director). Rising seas could obliterate nations by year 2000 reported UN Officials (Associated Press 1989). The west side highway that runs alongside the Hudson River will be under water, windows will be taped up, there will be no birds there, however there will be more police cars. Crime happens when heat increases. Restaurants would have signs saying “Water by request only”(1988 Jim Hansen Climate Scientist). The Pentagon tells Bush “Climate will destroy us, Britain will be Siberia in less than 20 years. By 2020 there will be mega droughts, famine will erupt worldwide. 5 to 10 years Artic will be free of Ice in the summer (24/6/2008 NASA Scientist and his colleague scientists-The Guardian News 21/2/2004)
Gordon Brown reported that we have fewer than 50days to save our planet from catastrophe US Navy predict summer ice-free artic by 2016. It was stated that using complex modelling, making reports more accurate than other previous reports(9/12/2013 ‘Earth Insight Environment’-US Dept of Oceanography-The Independent 20/10/2020). ‘Only 500 days remained to avoid climate chaos (John Kerry Secretary Of State 14/5/2014-Washington Examiner). New as she announced Zealand’s Prime Minister calls a ‘Climate Emergency’ announcing that “Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time” thus pledging a ‘carbon neutral government by 2025.(The Guardian 1/12/2020).
Children in Britain’s schools being treated for ‘Eco Anxiety’ a new mental health condition causing nightmares, fear, anxiety- the teaching of climate alarmism is schools. Schools strike for Climate Action worldwide- schools teach students to make Climate Alarmism placards. School ‘Strike for Climate’ also known as ‘Fridays for Future’ (FFF), Youth for Climate, Climate Strike or Youth Strike for Climate is an international movement of school students who participate in demonstrations demanding political leaders to take action on climate.
It was reported a Socialist urban design will save NZ from Climate Change Seizing the means of production (economy)-Important ,investment Billy Fleming a local proponent of the Green New Deal for progressive politicians like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez says urban design will play a key role (UN Human Habitat-Smart Cities-Huge Surveillance of civilians). Fleming said “things need to change, and change fast”. He referred to the Green New Deal built on 3 Pillars as being radical being built on restructuring on how and where we live (3 Pillars-decarbonising the economy, climate adaptation and social justice)- (Newshub interview 26/9/2019
I personally believe this is deliberate psychological warfare of UN Nation populations worldwide using extreme global fear tactics to enable compliancy-control of civil society- the replacing of the Free-market Economy for a UN/WEF Corporate Capture of the worlds Economies using financial systems such as the IMF and World Bank and other large financial institutions. (WEF Global Redesign). The destruction, plundering of Sovereign Nation States, the plundering of farming communities and small businesses and a mass exodus from rural areas to urban/city UN Human Habitat Smart Cities that are highly surveillance those ‘controlling citizens lives’. Thousands strike 4 Climate across NZ (1 News 3/3/2023) as farmers struggle with free-market reforms.
LINKS: https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2019/09/how-socialist-urban-design-will-save-new-zealand-from-climate-change.html – https://www.1news.co.nz/2023/03/03/thousands-join-school-strike-4-climate-across-nz/ –https://cei.org/blog/wrong-again-50-years-of-failed-eco-pocalyptic-/predictions/ –https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/sep/14/agenda-21-is-conspiracy-theory-but-dont-dismiss-malcolm-roberts-as-a-harmless-kook – https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/399046/how-school-children-are-coping-with-eco-anxiety-as-they-worry-about-climate-change
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