A HUMAN RIGHTS TYRANNY ‘CORRUPTION OF ‘Te Tiriti o Waitangi’ -‘The Corporate Capture of New Zealand’
MARANGA MAI 160 PAGE REPORT COMMISSIONED BY THE GOVERNMENT. The Focus being 160 plus pages focusing on White Supremacy, White Privilege and Colonialism and the need for Decolonialization. Making the Colonials responsible for negatively impacting NZ by introducing a Health system, Education and Christianity
Calling for one government for Maori and a Co Governance for all other New Zealanders. Iwi Leaders and Government.
Commissioned by the Government instrumented by National Iwi Chairs Forum (Margaret Mutu being a key person in that forum) and the Human Rights Commission. Meng Foon, Claire Charters.
To fully adopt into all government policy making, decisions, regulations at Local and Central Government level the recommendation made by this report. To fully implement embed He Puapua into govt policies, the 2007 UN Declaration of Indigenous Peoples Rights.
Rosemary Banks represented NZ at the UN Assembly in 2007. Under the Labour Govt this was rejected because it was non compliant with the Treaty, the practical laws of NZ. The adoption of the UN Declaration would be Maori had Veto Rights over all others. Two class of citizens in NZ. That they would own, control all lands in NZ. (Banks stated this cannot happen has property/land is legally owned by Maori and Non Maori. They would have Veto rights over all Natural Resources.
Horomia Minister of Maori Affairs (Labour) reiterated this in a speech in Parliament in September 2017 and warned Parliamentarians about adopting this, confirming and agreeing with Rosemary Banks speech at the UN. He told the Maori Party to get their head out the clouds. This is merely a document of Aspiration.
1999 Doug Grahams speech in parliament. The Maori Council reported they were going to APEC countries to ask for their support for Maori Sovereignty. Doug Graham the Treaties Minister said “They won’t be interested”. The Maori Council reported they wanted to go back to NZ being ruled under the Declaration of Independence 1835.
Doug Graham said “Judge Timms had concluded in a court case earlier that the Te Tiriti o Waitangi had nulled the 1835 Declaration. Graham went on to say “ The Maori Council cannot have their cake and eat it too, they cant have the Treaty and its claims, and also a Maori Sovereign Nation, and he doubted they would give up the Treaty”
As for the word ‘Indigenous” it is a root Latin word has many meaning including beget- birth being born in a country etc., etc., The more modern version was introduced by Andrew Paull President of the Indian Brotherhood of Canada, when he died George Manual also of the Indian Brotherhood then became President of the Indian Brotherhood. Under Pierre Trudeau Justin Trudeaus father he was given centre stage across of the nation of Canada.
George Manuel was the president of the World Indigenous Council. When they held their first forum at the UN many delegates walked out in protest as they were called Indigenous , they had not knowledge of ‘Indigenous’ and had not given anyone consent to classified as Indigenous.
1970 Geoge Manuel with a delegation from Canada visited New Zealand, he wanted to learn more about Maori and the place they live in. After going to different Maori entertainment etc., the following night he invited Maori politicians to his hotel room with a group of Maori entertainers, there he had a serious talk about Maori being called Indigenous in New Zealand.
What is introduced Globally is acted out locally. The Un and WEF 13th June 2019 signed an official partnership memorandum. One that meant that UN Agenda 2030 could be accelerated by the means of more billions of dollars and even more political clout. As UN Nation Member State leaders, corporations, academics, philanthropists were all part of the WEF regime. Hence the almighty push globally for Public/Private Multi-stakeholder Corporate Capture.
Introduced at the global level actioned out locally, a UN/WEF One World Global Governance, hence UN Nation States Governments Public/Private Multi Stakeholder Governance (Co-Governance). A Corporate Capture of Transnational Corporation and Iwi Elite. UN Agender 2030
134 Pages PDF ‘The Peoples Report on the 2030 Agenda and SDG Coals. A Global Transformation of all things. This report was only possible through the support of the collaborating organizations and steering group members, researchers, writers and contributors, those who made time to participate in the survey and those who let us share their stories within a Treaty Partnership Model. Refers to colonial racism, indigenous peoples world views. The Private Sector and Trade Unions promoting Agenda 2030
Recommendations NZ Government /Iwi Maori Partnership model. Not protect all Human Rights just Maori Rights. Young people to progress Agenda 2030, global citizenship education- never mind NZ Citizenship. The collaboration of the partnership plan in SDG 17 Agenda 2030. The vital role of Maori designed frameworks.
Other government papers report Iwi Maori leadership in Food Security NZ. Iwi /Maori leadership in Agenda 2030.
Te Tiriti o Waitangi did not create a Partnership not Principles the legislations and corruption within Parliament did. The Te Tiri o Waitangi was NZ’s Founding document of Peace. Now its being used by Iwi/Maori and collaborating organizations, academia embedded in a Iwi/Maori 134 page report to the UN to fully implement UN Agenda 2030 in NZ. The corporate capture of NZ.
Land grabs, water grabs.. New Zealand makes a rewarding corporate capture as it has a wide variety of minerals found both onshore and offshore, including coal, gold silver, iron-sand, aggregate, limestone, dolomite, pumice, salt, serpentinite, zeolite, bentonite, phosphate
NZ has a very long history as an oil and gas producing country, a rewarding Corporate Transnational and Iwi Elite Capture. The Plundering and deliberate destruction of New Zealand
A HUMAN RIGHTS TYRANNY ‘CORRUPTION OF ‘Te Tiriti o Waitangi’ -‘The Corporate Capture of New Zealand’ an Iwi/ Maori led UN Agenda 2030, Climate and Food Security in New Zealand.
160 pages of continuous rant (critical race theory) about white privilege, the need for decolonization. Commissioned by the NZ Government promoting and supporting apartheid in New Zealand. He Puapua recommendations for Government to embed this in central and local government levels. To fully adopt the UNDRIP. In this video I share the information that is deliberately neglected to be publicly shared. It’s election year use it and target all the individual political parties in the cesspit of Wellington with it. They are all fully aware knowledgeable of what I share with you
Researched By Carol Sakey
https://www.beehive.govt.nz/release/maori-claims-sovereignty-lack-credibility (Doug Graham 1999 and Maori Council)
https://www.sdg.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Final_PeopleReport-2019-Dec-2019_for-web.pdf (Maranga Mai commissioned by the Govt White Priveilege and Decolonialization )
https://press.un.org/en/2007/ga10612.doc.htm Rosemary Banks NZ Representative UN 2007 (UNDRIP)
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