In November The Defender wrote to the New Zealand Ministry of Health (MOH) to ask some important questions about the practice of euthanasia and assisted suicide in New Zealand.

In light of the serious deficiencies in the End of Life Choice Act (EOLCA), and concerns that have been raised by healthcare professionals, we felt it was crucial to put some urgent questions to the MOH.

In our Official Information Act (OIA) request we asked the following question:
“Could a patient who is severely hospitalised with Covid-19 potential
ly be eligible for assisted suicide or euthanasia under the Act if a health practitioner viewed their prognosis as less than 6 months?”
There were several reasons why The Defender wanted to seek clarity from the MOH about this issue. One of those being the vague interpretation of what determines , qualifies as a ‘terminal illness’

Firstly, New Zealand is currently described as being in a precarious position when it comes to COVID-19 and hospital resources. In light of this, it would not be hard to envisage a situation in which a speedy and sizeable rise in COVID-19 hospitalisations could result in pressure to utilise euthanasia and assisted suicide as tools to resolve such a serious crisis.

Overseas commentators have raised the prospect of these kind of unethical motivations since early in this pandemic.

The Defender News Media have created a petition to Parliament calling to have David Seymour’s Euthanasia Act to be amended urgently (End Of Life Choice)
Ever since Seymour’s Bill (End Of Life Choice) was introduced to parliament I have had serious concerns about the dangerous concepts that exist within it. I view the word ‘Choice’ used within the title of the Act as being a psychological drawcard. Everyone’s loves a choice.

When members of Parliament voted as to this euthanasia Bill last year, under the veil of COVID19 it was not a party political vote, it was an individual vote. One of heart, emotions etc., I believe the facts as to the serious risks that could eventuate were not taken into consideration. And how many people would unnecessarily seek to prematurely end their lives due to serious circumstances that no health professional could ever know about. That no political act could regulate.

In my rumble video I explain in greater depth what I deem to be the dangerous concepts of Seymour’s Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide Act that became law last month (November 2021).

I also express my concern as to whether we the citizens of New Zealand under residing under an institutionalized state death cult, that has been introduced under the veil of COVID19.




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Conflicts Of Interest In Clinical Trial: 

References Clinical Trial 30th December 2020. Efficacy and Safety of the mRNA Sars Cov-2 Vaccine.  Vaccines are needed to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) and to protect persons who are at high risk for complications. The mRNA-1273 vaccine is a lipid nanoparticle-encapsulated mRNA-based vaccine that encodes the prefusion stabilized full-length spike protein of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus that causes Covid-19.

The Conflict Of Interest Statement Kicks In: However the researchers then stated serious adverse events were rare as to the conclusion of their study. However it is important to note that there was a conflict of interest statement the researched study was funded by the NHI to conduct clinical trials in collaboration with Janssen and Moderna. Receiving grant support from Pfizer, Merck, Pasteur, Eli Lilly. Consulting fees were funded by Horizon Pharma and GSK for fees on data monitoring,. Dr Bennet who was involved in the study owning stock and stock options in Moderna, Dr, Pajor another person involved in research owing stocked and being employed by Moderna, other doctors working in the research study too owned stock in Moderna and employed by Moderna.

Research finds COVID-19 Spike Protein binds to cells in the heart and couls help explain some effects of severe infection (28/08/2021). The Spike Protein found on the surface of COVID 19 virus cells causes damage to cells in the small blood vessels of the heart, according to early findings presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress.

Researchers from the University of Bristol have found that, in cells in a dish in the lab, the spike protein binds to cells called pericytes which line the small vessels of the heart. This binding triggers a cascade of changes which disrupt normal cell function, and can lead to the release of chemicals that cause inflammation. This happened even when the protein was no longer attached to the virus. There is some previous evidence to suggest that following Covid-19 illness, the spike protein can remain in the bloodstream after the virus has gone and travel far from the site of infection. This research could help explain and ultimately treat some of the effects of severe Covid-19 infection, where levels of the virus are particularly high.

Research has shown that vaccination is a safe and effective way of reducing your risk of severe Covid infection, so is the best thing you can do to reduce your risk of Covid-19 complications, including heart damage. Researchers took small vessel cells from the heart and exposed them to the spike protein. They found that the spike protein alone was enough to disrupt normal cell function, and lead to the release of chemicals that cause inflammation.

They then blocked the CD147 receptor and found that this prevented the spike protein from causing some of the changes to the cells. However, the inflammation continued. Now the researchers hope to find out if a drug blocking CD147 in humans can help to protect people from some of the complications arising from Covid-19. Professor James Leiper, Associate Medical Director at British Heart Foundation, which funded the research, said: “Covid-19 has presented an unprecedented challenge for the cardiovascular research community. There is still a lot that is unknown relating to how the virus can impact our health in the long term







It is clearly evidenced that soon after the Local Government Act 2002 was introduced that there was a serious  legal loophole which actually blows Ardern’s biodiversity, eco-socialism right out the window of anticipation.

RNZ published several news articles in 2021 referred to this loophole that the government has deliberately ignored for almost 20 years, that has often bought to their attention by local council representatives and other water experts. RNZ news reports refer to ‘Trade Waste Water Breaches, literally hundreds of them in one year, some of these companies have breeched these trade  waste water consents multiple times in one year. Some of these companies are well known brand names and market themselves as ‘sustainability’. No company has been prosecuted or fined for leaching contaminants down drains.

RNZ  reported an amendment to close an loophole in the Local Government Act 2002 has been ignored by a succession of govts.

Christopher Luxon  was approached by RNZ, he had some choice words for these companies but has any political party done anything about amending this major loophole in the Act ?-NO.

Luxon replied “ Being a former CEO of Air NZ  and at Unilever as well, its quite shocking companies would breach trade consents. But Luxon does not let the cat out the bag that Unilever has been named multiple times in the news for plastic pollution. News articles such as  Nestle, PepsiCo and Unilever plastic pollution. ‘Conflicts, companies, human rights and water.(Link, › documents › research )

Three Waters–NZ Govt would not fix their own fkups so be real do you really trust them after-all like crooks they are robbing tax payer assets. Mining and oil production uses large amounts of water, and pollutes water … the drinks (and food) companies Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Nestle and Unilever,..

Unilever named as one on the top companies in Indonesia for plastic waste pollution along with Santos, Jaya Abahi and IndoFoods (LINK › ..2022  )

There was a drafting error in the law which meant the regulations of the Local Government Act that has caused the problem of companies polluting water ways for almost 20 years.  Regulation to fine, prosecute companies therefore could not be written. It was a drafting error- governments fault perhaps we should throw them under the tractor instead of the farmers.

Mahuta was approached by RNZ, she responded saying “ the new water regulator Taumata Arowai would be looking at ways waste water is treated”. In another interview Mahuta.the polluter referred to an educational approach to these companies that breach trade waste water consents. She also said it would be at least another two years before the new waste water regulating body tackles the problem”

Use this response by Mahuta and all those other political cronies in cesspit of Wellington, this will surely give you some idea that Three Waters is already a problem in the making.

RNZ named some of the companies in one of their news articles that have breached trade waste water consents- Talleys, Ernest Adams, Yoplait are just a few of the hundreds of companies that have breached trade waste water consents in just one year. Some companies have dumped toxins, high nitrates, ammonia, chemicals, blood and yellow yukky glob down drains.

This includes bakeries, supermarkets and other businesses. A lot of gunk over almost 20 years. Dumping contents of grease traps. Some of the biggest manufacturers and brands discharging contaminants, many of them are dangerous, and some have breached consents multiple times.

RNZ reported they had obtained data from 68 city and district councils that revealed a grim pictures of non compliance of trade waste water consents of at least 267 companies

RNZ 5th February 2021 news article referred to a description of some of the evidence they were provided with “blood red water and globs of yellow animal fat, greasy liquid clogging filters and coating ultraviolet lights used to disinfect the effluent. These same scenes were being played out right across NZ. An expert reported that even once treated, the waste being dumped can destroy biodiversity, choke rivers, wreck havoc on marine life. Some company’s have dumped toxic chemicals, eg., ammonia, sulphides into sewers. RNZ reported that in Timaru every trade waste water  holder had  breeched consent conditions.

In Hawkes Bay 6 out of 8 companies breached consents, companies that call themselves sustainable such as ‘the sustainable fishing company Sanford’, DB Draught Brewery, frozen food manufacturer-McCains, Heartland  Potato Chips, Medallion Pet Food, the Wallace Groups rendering plant and Sth Canterbury By-Products.  In Palmerston North 8 out of 9 consent holders breached consents multiple times, including 2 sites belonging to Fonterra, Goodman Fielders Ernest Adams and Yoplait factories also the largest Maori owned fishing company in NZ “Moana NZ’

RNZ revealed that no every council keeps track on consent breaches & not every council is transparent.  In several regions its hard to get an accurate picture on how companies behave because some councils do not have rules about what is dumped in the sewers, some rarely monitor dumping, some companies are left to manage this themselves. RNZ also reported that Auckland Councils Watercare services which manages the largest wastewater network in NZ refused to answer questions posed by RNZ about companies breaching consents. They responded ‘for privacy reasons’

The point is the government is hugely  responsible for the serious issues of toxins, contaminants and  dangerous chemicals being dumped into sewers and drains because they deliberately let this happen for almost 20 years. They ignored this serious problem time and time again. Despite all of this dumping of contaminants RNZ reported ‘ not one company has been slapped with fines or prosecution’. Some companies that are breaching their trade waste water consents are also potentially costing rate payers, tax payers a heap of money

Because for instance ammonia and other chemical eat away underground concrete pipes, damage public infrastructure that has to be paid for my rate payers. One trade Waste Water expert reported that industries have deliberately pushed their consents so close to the mark to maximise shareholder value. This expert said that  “trade water is usually a lot more toxic than other things can have a major impact, it can kill rivers” and “chemicals poured down the drain can produce sulphuric acid which can dissolve concrete infrastructure. Expensive infrastructure that’s put in the ground at a minimum cost of $5,000 per metre, is now being eaten away. “ That pipes have burst, there have been situations where vehicles and people have actually fallen into pipes which have collapsed under the ground”.  He said that “Contaminated waste water can kill microorganisms inside a waste water treatment plant and suffocate creatures in the waterways where its eventually discharged, as contaminants which suck  up all the oxygen.

Nanaia Mahuta has held this portfolio since 2017, when asked about this serious issue she told RNZ “I ‘will  have to seek some advice” and “this concern has only just been raised with me” Her reply 10 days later to a LGNZ plea was “While I recognise the law is not working as well as it could, it is not clear to me that infringement offences are always effective in changing behaviour”. Mahuta said Bylaws give councils flexibility to establish rules suited to their circumstances in order to control behaviours in public places. It is my view that careful consideration should be given before extending powers” Mahuta’s key adviser, Michael Lovett, Dept of Internal Affairs Deputy Chief Executive was also unconvinced a law change was needed. He said “Why change the legislation when you can change the infrastructure”. Precisely, no accountability and no transparency, accept no responsibility. No instead they throw the farmers under their tractors, use them as the govts whipping boy, but allow serious polluted shit in drains and sewers that escape into rivers.

Nanaia Mahuita and her ‘Three Waters Reform’ how in hell could anyone trust this govt, almost 20 years of shit, toxic chemicals, contaminants and successive govts ignored this. Nanaia Mahuta and her Three Water Reform- Mahuta the Polluter. Never mind the insanity of the Fart and Belch Tax the general public need to get wind of this.

And what does Mahuta say about the new waste water regulator -Taumata Arowai that’s been created to oversee reforms of the Three Waters Reform. Oh, they won’t be tackling this trade waste water pollution for another 2 years at least. Said Mahuta the Polluter  Well its been almost twenty years now, whats another 2 years. It was reported that some trade waste water officers have had to stand down and when they would not, they have been moved out of their jobs. I have provided links to the RNZ news articles on my website.

Lastly one of RNZ news articles named companies that had breached their  trade waste water consents, including one company that  discharged too much contaminants. Discharged too much sulphide, zinc, chromium and ammonia. RNZ referred to 267 breaches to trade waste water consents in one year. Remember the Labour Govt, Aunty Helen when she tried to introduce the fart tax several years back. National MP Shane Ardern driving the tractor up the stairs of Parliaments

I had to laugh after reading the Rural News on Fart Tax where one person said that vegans and vegetarians in the country should pay a greater tax contribution under the ETS “By eschewing high quality meat proteins for a bean based diet, they will be adding considerably more to global emissions”. Note: An article published on the fraud on the European Union Emission Trading Scheme, that the ETS scheme has grown in size and value and has become an increasingly attractive playground for fraudsters.

The Guardian reported that Australia’s carbon credit scheme ‘largely a sham, says whistle-blower who tried to rein it in. Prof Andrew MacIntosh said the system, which gives credits for projects such as regrowing native forests after clearing, is a fraud on the environment, tax payers and consumers. He described the govts emission scheme overseen by the govt and the clean energy regulator as ‘largely a sham’, as most of the carbon credits approved did not represent real or new cuts in greenhouse emissions, describing the fraud as hurting the environment and wasting a billions dollars of tax payer funding. MacIntosh is an environmental law and policy professor at the Australian National University.

Ardern continues to be seen as the world  eco socialist leader if this Fart and Belch Tax comes about NZ will be the first country in the world to charge farmers on this insanity. The payable amount will depend on how much stock the farmer owns and the size of the farm, the type of fertilizer used.

NZ relies on the meat and dairy industries for our economy. However it appears that the  Eco Socialist globally are looking at Ardern as their leader with her Wellbeing Budget, 4th year running and her happiness indicator index. This is none other that destructive strategies for the degrowth of New Zealand. Transformation for a Red-Green Future.

Productive forces that are really destructive forces, destructive Marxist strategies. You will own nothing and you will be happy. The plundering of NZ.

Land grabs, Water Grabs, Water as an algorithm on the stock market. Follow the money, always follow the money. Massive exploitations of populations worldwide. NZ the outpost of the UN and the guineapig state of the world Economic Forum

No Farmers No Food.  Time to speak out about this hypocritical government that deliberately attacks farmers as they have been highly influential players in mass pollution and huge infrastructure costs over almost twenty years because they deliberately ignored the serious problem that the drafting of the Local Govt Act loophole was never amended

Why Not??????

And why should we replace a free-market enterprise economy with a multistakeholder corporate one that destroys the farming industry and small businesses?

PLEASE NOTE: Again I add that the people are the solution. The solution are the people. There is no such thing as democracy in New Zealand. New Zealanders are living in a democratic deficit. I urge the people of New Zealand to talk with minor parties who have established themselves as political parties for the coming NZ General elections – 2023 to speak with them about adopting a policy that gives citizens end decision making rights.. ‘A Citizens Initiated Binding Referendum. The Citizen Initiated Referenda Act in Non Binding therefore no matter how many signatures you have that support your issues and concerns you have no end decision rights. All end decision rights belong to the government. Carol Sakey. ‘WakeUpNZ’




One crisis after another diverting New Zealanders attention from what is really happening when it comes to freshwater contamination in New Zealand.

Blame the government, as they push forward with their Three Waters Reform they will not tell you how they themselves are guilty of  their own neglect that has allowed contamination of fresh water to continue over several decades.


Please click on the link in the image above to be directed to my Rumble video on this subject because its time to stop throwing the farmer under the tractor.


If you have not subscribed to my website please do so now, thank you..Carol Sakey



Its Up To Us, we are the ones…It’s all about the people for the People. God Save New Zealand.

Omicron, is also known as  B.1.1.529 strain,  first identified in mid-November 2021. The World Health Org., (UN) rapidly classified Omicron as a variant of concern. Evidence shows it is mild and more transmissible. But the WHO do not understand this variant or even COVID19 itself.  WHO(UN) state they need more data to understand Omicron.

NZ Government, MOH are doing an almighty push for the population. The rapid emergence of Omicron only  approx. 10 weeks ago states requires changes in the way NZ manages COVID19

Police at your door with warning letters for law abiding citizens. The Political Thought Police. New Police are to undergo ‘Military Training’

Doctors are silenced in New Zealand bought before the Medical Council to be investigated – what are their crimes related to “For passionately caring about their patients health. The health of New Zealanders”

These Doctors character assassinated, risking losing their professional status and risk being condemned judicially for telling the truth.

Pharmaceutical patents  remain confidential. The Government, health authorities, the people do not know the full ingredients in those COVID19 Jabs. Kiwi  Human Guineapigs, worldwide populations of Human guineapigs.

Big Pharm collaborating with Big Tech. Saving Big Pharma heaps of dollars through cutting short long extensive studies, clinical trials, that would normally take many years to conclude.  Human Capital are the Human Guinea Pigs.

A RAT or PCR test concludes an individual is COVIS19 positive. Told you must go into home detention. And the authorities will make sure you stay there, checking, checking. Tests that have flaws, inaccuracies.

Home detention for being a law abiding citizen, treated like a crim in home detention.

The global playbook that has been well preplanned.                                                  Social Engineering, behavior engineering. Work from home. Next will b e the 4 day working week. The intentional deliberate hastening of the technocratic elitism that will destroy lives.

Millions more dependent on the Welfare state, less employment, significantly increased surveillance.  The deliberate, intentional plandemic that is intended to break civilizations back. To kill the human spirit.

The destruction of the global economy, the replacing it with elitist, leftist socialist multistakeholder capitalist corporations, Big Tech, Big Pharma -Monsanto-Bayers etc.,

The World Economic Forum, Agencies, allies, NGO’s of the UN agencies. Government leaders like Ardern and her political cronies in the toilet bowl of Wellington. All key players in this Global Dramatic Nightmare Playbook.

The world is a global stage, there are actors and players, there are puppets and puppeteers…take your pick, which side of history do you want to be on.

Tedros Leader of the UN publicly reported to the whole world “We must never go back to the old normal”. This is demanded of us, that we never return to the way we lived our lives prior to the introduction of COVID19.

We now have the hasty insensitive deliberate evil psycho babble mind fecking populations through the Global/Domestic Propaganda Machine.

The domestic, global political economical social narrative, bludgeoning peoples minds to death with the mass weapons of fear. The continuous psycho babble, fear tactics, techniques that are documented, a one script for all..

The major influencer the global propaganda machine. The WHO COVID19 Surveillance Manual states Governments, Health Authorities must have an excellent ongoing relationship with the Global/ Domestic Media.

The World Health Organization producers reports as to tactics to target those who have decided not to partake in the COVID19 jabs. Stating use well known personalities, people in high places, church leaders, comedians to get the message across.

Reward Sports clubs for every member that has club members jabbed.  Government, Health Authority officials remain in a constant good relationship with the propaganda machine.

Mallard demands the media (Propaganda machine not to interview those protestors on the parliamentary grounds. Well the prop machine, the influencers of peoples minds are being paid well to be a political, govt obedience machine. They are paid to do as they are told. Truth or not.

Bloomberg Press-News .. Vaccinated people appear to be getting the coronavirus at a surprisingly high rate. There is serious concern that vaccinated people may be more vulnerable to serious illness than previously thought

This is pitting personal conscience against a Paycheck. No jab-No Job,  This is shallow, evil and disgusting. Its not ok for masses of businesses to be destroyed because people wont take these jabs that are continuous human experiment.

I say its better  a person walks in their own truth and integrity than a government that walks in its tyrannous crooked corruptness. Together, united in truth in our individual uniqueness we stand united, we can do this. This is about People for the People’ There is no geographical cure. We are it. In Gods name, God defend New Zealand.


