The World Economic Forum’s army of global shapers were named for this year. The 2022 WEF Army of Global Shapers includes Ukraine’s Minister Of Digital Transformation Fedorov. Another added to the other leaders around the world that are using destructive strategies to shape the world they want. Mikhailo Fedorov is the Vie Prime Minister of the Ukraine. The key leader of Ukraines WEF digital revolution.

Volodymyr Zelensky at the WEF DAVOS Forum’ gathering in the very wealthy Swiss ski resort in 2020 announced that “Ukraine would be the very first nation to implement a massive ID system in Ukraine, a social credit type system all in one digital wallet. Millions of US dollars flowed  into Ukraine, which far exceeded $63 million in crypto donations. One must question “Is/was Ukraine the vanguard for the WEF’s ‘Great Reset’?

After all Fedorov Ukraine’s Digital Transformation Minister, Ukraines Vice Prime Minister did “by 2024 we will  have 100% of all government services available online” and that”our goal is to enable all life situations with this Digital ID”. In a panel discussion Fedorov openly stated that “the governments goal is to create a digital ID where within 3 years this would make Ukraine the most convenient state in the world by operating as a digital service provider”. Saying, that  “President Zelensky has tasked our ministry within 3 years to create one of the most convenient states in the world in terms of the state as a service provider”. The Ukrainian Parliament adopted a draft law making Ukraine one of the first countries to legalize E-Digital Passports and Digital ID’s that are accessible in all life situations.

Fedorov said “When it comes to winning trust in the government, then run digital ID scheme, in other words when there is no other choice but digital ID then there is no other choice than to  trust technology” He added “The pandemic has accelerated Ukraine’s Govt progress with their digital transformation, as people are now demanding online digital services, so they trust them. Fedorov said “We have to make a product that is so convenient that it will disrupt peoples stereotypes, break though their fears therefore we started using a government made application. We allow a person to register a business in 3 clicks, we allow them to pay their taxes in 2 click, no matter how sceptical citizens are they will use our service” Fedorov said.

Fedorov ambitiously wanted to make Ukraine a digital transformation leader globally. Fedorov introduced ‘Diia-ID 2.0’. This includes an Identification Card, Foreign Biometric Passport, Student Card, Drivers License, Vehicle Insurance Policy, Tax Number, Birth Certificate, IDP Certificate, E-Passport, a huge Ukraine Govt Digital Transformation project. Fedorov’s ambition was and is to make Ukraine a world champion in digital leadership referencing Ukraine’s  Diia ID 2.0 included in this are ID Card, Foreign Biometric Passport, Student Card, Drivers License, Vehicle Registration Certificate, Vehicle Insurance Policy, Tax Number, Birth Certificate, IDP Certificate, Vaccination Certificate. This is an extremely large scale governmental digital Identification project.

To promote Diia (digital services) among the Ukraine population, Fedorov the Minister Of Digital Transformation launched the Diia Digital Learning project to teach digital competency to 6 million Ukrainians by 2024. Fedorov has boasted that his country is (no longer of course) the world leader in digital transformation in the public sector. Chandran Nair is a WEF entrepreneur, president of the ‘World Institute of the Future’ noted that “the world is moving towards a post western order and Ukraine is a big part of this” Klaus Schwab has publicly reported  “he will help Ukraine in whatever was possible when it comes to Russia’s aggression”

The WEF unveiling of the worlds most promising 110 global leaders of 2022, those under the age of 40years old, were those involved in activities from ‘green energy’, health equity’ to refugee rights and education reform. Mykhailo Fedorov, was named as a WEF Global Shaper of 2022. Another one of Klaus Schwab’s global army that’s been sent out to transform the world into one humongous Marxist Socialist planetary Eco-social credit system, much bigger and more aggressive than China’s. Ukraine Minister of Digital Transformation-Fedorov yet  another name to add to the Schwab’s WEF army of Global Shapers along with Putin, Macron, Trudeau and Ardern . 1,000’s of WEF Global Shapers in 120 countries. Be aware of the words- Equitable, 2.Equality, Sustainability, Inclusiveness. The Global Shapers global network was created in 2005 by Klaus Schwab founder of the WEF

These WEF Global Shapers are reported on the WEF website that they are were seen  to be the young leaders that would create a more sustainable, inclusive world.  As annual Global Shapers are chosen they take part in a three year leadership programme, this includes opportunities to collaborate and test ideas with a network of peers. As the war was started between Russia and Ukraine, Fedorov campaigned for supports from multinational companies and corporations so as to get rid of Russia from the global economy, cut Russia off from the worldwide internet.  New York Times reported that Ukraine’s Minister of Digital Transformation, Fedorov has turned technology and social media into modern weapons of war” It was reported back in June 2019 (21st June) that the Presidential administration of the Ukraine held discussions on the concept of a ‘State Smart Phone’, as one of the most important components of the digital economy.

Attendees at the June 2019 gathering were representatives of International donors & technical assistance projects including that of the US Agency for International Development (USAID), the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine, the Swedish Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and the Swiss Cooperation Office (SDC) and others.It was at this 2019 meeting that Ukraine presented a large digital action plan to its international partners, a basic framework for the digital economy from digital infrastructure to digital skills and the implementation of digital transformation projects, regarding e-services, we have clearly described typical life situations, births, admission to kindergarten, school, university, obtaining a passport, a drivers license registration of a car, real estate, land, marriage etc., etc.,  “A state smartphone being an opportunity to solve all situations in just one click, the same applying to business situations. Also included are online surveys

The Deputy Head of E-Governance of Ukraine stated “by the end of this year (2019) we can implement 70 new top e services that will be prioritized, a convenient e-services portal and a mobile application.With the support of Ukraine’s International partners mobile applications- MobileID and SmartID. Representatives at the June 2019 meeting made recommendations to prioritize projects of digitalization. They discussed the adoption of laws to harmonize the Ukraine Digital Law with European Digital Law, thus paving the way to a single digital European market which would include a reform of the security system in Ukraine. Also formalising a digital universal education service

In the 2019 gathering they discussed the creation of an electronic register of the population, with the use of existing state registries- demographic, fiscal, medical, civil, registry of voters, thus allowing a National Identification System (E-ID) Fedorov noted that all the digital tasked projects of digital transformation had already been included in a single action plan and coordinated meetings following the 2019 one would become regular.  One must question– Is Ukraine’s Digital ID Wallet a World Economic Forum’s Blueprint for the West? Ardern is also implementing a Klaus Schwab Digitalization project on New Zealand- NZ a guineapig state. (Without your permission to do so)‘Reimaging AI Regulations’ (Digital Transformation)

WEF accesses and re-accessories NZ Police Force. 1 low to 7 high. Two years in a run 6.2 and 6.4. WHY?                             Is Ukraine’s Digital ID Wallet the WEF Blueprint for the West?

Prince Charles, now King Charles openly said at the WEF DAVOS gathering that ‘the pandemic global crisis is a narrow window of opportunity, one we may never see again”. I question does the same apply to the war between Russia and Ukraine- ‘Is this also one of those narrow opportunities, one never to be seen again”? WEF Website documents what they call ‘Disruptive Strategies’ and ‘Opportunities’. The turning of billions of lives across this planet upside down and inside out, where many people can hardly even think for themselves anymore.

A massive confusion, a psychological warfare. And the NZ Govt, all parties played their part in this destruction, confusion, fear, anxieties that people suffered, and are still suffering. I call this a Godless Evil that has violated, invaded NZrs lives.

3.As Helen Clark Co Chairs the World Health Assembly to give the World Health Authority extreme control of all living kind with an International Pandemic Treaty, to control humans, animals-domestic and in the wild, plants, soils etc., Yet they are already planning the next plandemic. Solution ‘NO’. The easiest word to say and the hardest one to action. NO NO NO NO- NO MORE.

I personally believe that an Eco Social Credit State is being introduced, implemented in NZ, firstly in a voluntary capacity and then will become mandatory in the very near future. Using the narrow window of opportunity, one we will never let them get away with. .Political control, eco social credit system. As the warning bells ring we must urgently seek solutions. Yes we must gain the knowledge of what is really happening. We must always seek the truth.  Ignore the ‘Build Back Better’ because its not building back better for NZrs. Its building back better for them to control you. It’s the Trojan Horse .I urge you don’t let any of those political cronies in the toilet bowl of Wellington hoodwink you.

Remember each leader of every political party in Wellington agreed to Ardern’s Labour Cross Party agreement not to listen to the fears, serious concerns of those that were mandated out of jobs, those that had been jabbed and seriously harmed. Those whose loved ones had died post jab. Not one of them would listen to one individual as to the tremendous grief our nation of NZ  was staring them right in the face in parliamentary grounds. Not one of those political cronies took any interest in one individuals life of thousands that visited and resided beneath the windows of parliament. These are those that are suppose to represent your health and wellbeing, economically, physically, emotionally, mentally and medically. It was A NO SHOW.

The mainstream media continued and still continue to bully beef law abiding citizens. Where is the core of ‘Common Law’ “DO NO HARM” destroyed by the political bullies of parliament enacted out in the judicial system of NZ. One could never have envisaged such large scale political policing of law abiding citizens. An unapproachable, unaccountable, irresponsible government in every aspect mentionable. The deliberate character assassination of NZ law abiding citizens  by a  political authoritarian Govt. A Government full of politicians that are willingly obedient, compliant to a non-elected global elite entities and national non elected entities. The people of NZ did not give them a vote. I believe this is highly criminal.

13th June, 2019 the UN signed an official partnership agreement with the World Economic Forum. The WEF that represents Multistakeholder Corporations. This surely is a massive conflict of interest. However none of these political cronies in Wellington will publicise this. WEF Influential whisper advisors to all UN Member countries. Again I ask myself -Is the war between Ukraine and Russia a massive catalyst where global stakeholders of the UN/WEF been busily engaging, promoting the PPP’s. People, Planet for massive Profit, for the few already wealthy global elite in Ukraine as they have been elsewhere in the world. Is Ukraine a special country on their agenda????? Questions???

As is reported those billionaires who have become much wealthier during the Pandemic era. NZ and significant rises in inflation- go back to January 2020 when the Reserve Bank warned the Govt that inflation would rise significantly if they did not stop printing off so much money. At one stage a billion dollars per day. It took Ardern’s Government, minister of Finance Grant Robertson 13 months to heed the warning.

Act, Maori Party, Greens, Labour, National are all on the same page, they all mandated the jabs. 10th Oct 2022 European Parliament. Chief Executer for Pfizer testified “we did not check if the Pfizer Vax stopped transmission of the virus before it was rolled out”. They did not do clinical trials on pregnant women, and clinical trials on children are ongoing.  Every member of Parliament promoted, pushed using New Zealanders as guineapigs in a politically controlled police state. They have never truly represented the people, they have represented their own pay cheque. Where far too many Kiwi’s have lost their pay check. 2023 will roll around, election year – Lest we forget, we should never forget. They too are but mortal (mortalis) for every and each mortal sin. God Save NZ. I will never ever vote any political party that resides in the toilet bowl of Wellington again. I have already decided to vote for the minor parties under the umbrella of Freedoms For New Zealand

4.More Power for the People and less Power to the political cronies that reside in the toilet bowl of Wellington. Its time for the Bill of Rights to be enshrined in a written constitution, one that will never be used and abused again as it has been over these last few years.

The preaching of Climate Change. Of course Climate like science is unsettled. However man made climate change, fart and belch tax.. come on people do you really believe this crap. This is an  Eco Social Credit System being introduced into NZ. Emissions trading scheme is a scam. Every living being, plant, animal, human and even the billion or so tree’s the state are going to plant must have CO2 to survive, otherwise this would be a dead end planet.

He Puapua, Three Waters, all in the toolbox to introduce, implement the United Nations Declaration for Indigenous peoples in NZ. Minister of Maori Affairs 2007 parliamentary speech totally opposed NZ Signing the UNDRIP. Said this would bring about a two class citizenship, one more worthy than another. Art 26. Iwi/Maori to own all land in NZ.

That’s not possible land is legally owned by Maori and Non Maori legally in NZ. And UNDRIP is not compliant with the Treaty or of NZ’s Legal System.

Now, the PM, and other political leaders meet with the Iwi Chairs Forum to implement the UNDRIP into every aspect of NZ Life. (Vision 2040). All political parties and their cohorts determining our lives for their common greedy interests. For political control over the lives of all New Zealanders.  I do am not fooled. I will never ever vote for any of them again.

I would prefer they were flushed down the loo, in the stinky political toilet bowl of Wellington, their propaganda machine that(Mainstream media) that wipes their stinky arses for them.






Link to Freedoms NZs Power of the Umbrella – For A Better NZ

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Thank you – Carol Sakey




FIRSTLY-TO MAKE MY CASE I WILL EXPLAIN WHAT AN ‘OFF LABEL MEDICINE ‘is, later you will find out why I am explaining this ‘An Off Label Medicine is an unapproved drug can be used under certain regulations, legislations.

Under Sect 23 of the Medicine Act 1981 this provides the Minister of Health to grant provisional consent when considered desirable for the medicines to be sold, supplied or used on a restricted basis (LIMITED BASIS) for the treatment of a LIMITED number of patients (People)

June 12th 2015 The National Library Of Medicine published an article ‘Off-Label drug use as a consent and health regulation issue in New Zealand. ‘Off Label’ described as not yet approved or the status of drugs that have been approved

The NZ Medicines Act 1981 specifically allows for off-label drug use, however this authority is limited-Code of Health & Disability Services Consumers Rights Regulations and Common Law state:- It is required that ‘off-label’ drug use is of an acceptable standard, the patient should be fully informed, the patient must give informed consent.

Off Label drug use is an extremely important issue, the current law provides medical practitioner very wide discretionary power without providing classification for what is required of the practitioner in exercising this discretion ’off label’.


The Government had unsuccessfully introduced policy proposals for the Therapeutic Content proposals  back in 2011 and 2016. In 2019 the Therapeutic Product proposal was back on the governments table. “Iwi/Maori natural medicines would be exempted from the Therapeutic Product proposal”

A Med-Safe Report in May 2022 refers to the Medicine Act being replaced with the Therapeutic Products Bill to allow for ‘Off Label’ Medicines Chris Hipkins the COVID19 Response Minister and Andrew Little Minister Of Health where the Director General has the ability to make decisions regarding the administration of the COVID19 jabs, the dose and the frequency as the pandemic developed whilst being outside of the established Medsafe Regulations- medicine process.

A legal base for the provision of the medicines process of any further doses of COVID19 Vaccines (Jabs) including Pfizer’s 4th doses. The 4th dose had not yet been approved by Med-Safe. The government had recommended that Maori and Pacifika peoples over the age of 50 who are immune-compromised can receive the 4th Pfizer dose before winter 2022.  NO public consultation was undertaken as to the governments proposal, however the 4th dose was consistently promoted by mainstream media.

Ministry of Health reported that Pfizer have not yet applied for approval of 4th dose in NZ, that local jurisdictions have to find their own approval strategies.

2.The Ministry of Health reported as to Maori, Pacific peoples health- cannot be overstated as to the impact of COVID19 that there is a time pressure to maximize immunity when winter illnesses are at their peak. (Specific targeting of Maori and Pacific Island peoples for COVID19 jabs -guineapigs) saying “It would be ideal to enable the broader doses of4th Pfizer doses. Opportunities to administer flu and COVID 19 jabs at the same time.

 To provide their populations with 4th doses, but they had to find their own legal route.. However Standing Orders cannot be made for an unconsented medicine (A new medicine), this undermines the purpose and consents process under the 1981 Medicines Act

NOTE: Under the Medicines Act 1981 ‘Off Label’ – number of people receiving doses of ‘unapproved Med-Safe medicines are limited. Pfizer COVID19 dose 4 was unapproved and therefore limited as to how many New Zealanders could receive it.

The government ‘WITH URGENCY’ introduced new arrangements, they  were implemented to amend the Medicine Act introduced 7th June 2022, passed in mid June- recommended by Andrew Little that the Ministry Of Health would be responsible for the implementation of the 4th dose of Pfizer, utilizing all existing delivery settings, processes & technology that has been used previously for the COVID19 rollout.

Ministry Of Health to monitors new data collection. Andrew Little Minister Of Health will administer the application of the Medicines Act 1981 to ensure ‘off-label’ medicines eg COVID19 Pfizer 4th Dose practices.( Ria-moh-amat-may.22.pdf)

In a Court hearing-Judge Rebecca Ellis stated when referring of ‘off label’ medicine, “a limited number of people  specified for in Section 23 Medicines Act 1981. This could NOT be stretched to the whole population over 16years old” Andrew Littles response to Judge Ellis was “I will fix the snag” (Intro to the Therapeutic Product Bill)

RNZ reported 18/5/2021 ‘Technical Anomaly Spurs Urgent Law Change for COVID 19 Vaccine. Government URGENTLY’ seek a change of law to ensure COVID19 Vax rollout is LEGAL following the High Court decision of Judge Rebecca Ellis. Judge Ellis ruled it was ‘reasonably argued, that the governments approval of Pfizer vaccine rollout went beyond the Medicines Act 1981 allowed” . This gave  Andrew Little the right to approve medicines for a limited number of patients. However the COVID 19 Vaccine rollout would cover all New Zealanders over the age of 16years. THUS NOT LIMITED AS IN MEDICINE ACT 1981

Chris Hipkins response to Judge Ellis was “this raises no safety issues, it just highlighted a technical anomaly as to the law. NOTE THE GOVERNMENT WAS TECHNICALLY BREAKING THE LAW. AND THEY NEEDED TO COVER THEIR ARSES.

Andrew Little again responded to Judge Ellis “The government will pass legislation under URGENCY to rectify the problems ( THERAPEUTICS PRODUCTS BILL- This will most definitely be passed to save Governments arses)

Six products are potentially affected by Judge Ellis court decision these include Pfizer Vaccines, 2 Flu Vaccines and 2 types of contraceptives and an electrolyte solution

3.On the 30November 2022 the Therapeutic Product Bill was officially introduced by Andrew Little to the House (Parliament). He describes this in his speech in the Beehive “To modernize the way medicines, medical devices (includes COVID Test Kits) and Natural Health products are regulated. Strict rigorous regulations on natural health products eg. Vit C, Vit D etc., etc., you can buy at the supermarket.

The Therapeutic Product Bill if passed replaces the Medicines Act 1981 and the Dietary Supplement Regulation 1985 with one comprehensive  regulatory regime. Andrew Little stated “FIT FOR THE FUTURE’. Enables NZ to take advantages of advances in medicine -gene therapies, AI and machine learning software also vaccines for pandemics. The Therapeutic Product Bill legislation will work alongside, contribute to ‘Pae Ora Health Futures Act’

David Seymour said “Medsafe tended to approve drugs that were approved elsewhere in the world saying “Well, has Medsafe ever declines to approve a drug that the rest of the world is safe”. David Seymour was supporting replacing the Medicine Act 1981 with the Therapeutic Product legislation. He also stated  “the Court were right to uphold the law, however he backs the law change to replace the Medicine Act with the Therapeutic Product Legislation.

As to Judge Rebecca Ellis court outcome David Seymour said “the Court were right to uphold the law, however he backs the law change to replace the Medicine Act with the Therapeutic Product Legislation. National Party COVID19 Minister Chris Bishop said to reporters that National Party support the law change.  .

RNZ Reported 18/5/2021. Technical Anomaly spurs Urgent Law Change. Government urgently seek a change in law to ensure COVID19 Vaccine rollout is LEGAL following a High Court decision. Judge Rebecca Ellis ruled “it was reasonably argued that the government approval of Pfizer Vaccine rollout went beyond the Medicine Act 1981.

NOTE: The Medicine Act 1981 only gave the government the right to approve a limited number of patients, whereas the COVID19 Vaccine Rollout covered everyone in NZ over 16years of age. There are be legal enforcement includes, huge fines, court hearings etc., for those who do not comply to the Therapeutics Legislation (announced Beehive)





The implementation governance, management, technical structure, also the prioritising of the Water Working Group-The Hamilton to Auckland Corridor Plan and Waikato District Blueprint Incorporated.

Interesting information granted under OIA  Relationship agreement under the RMA. Waikato Raupata River Trust (Waikato-Tainui) and Waikato Regional Council (Co Management Agreement for Waikato River Related Lands)  Minister of Local Government and Waikato Tainui. Local Government Accord 18th June 2010

The Local Government Accord 2010 was made between the Minister of Local Govt and Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui Incorporated as the trustee of the Waikato Raupatu River Trust (Waikato-Tainui)

The background of the Local Govt Accord came under the Waikato Raupata Claims Settlement Act 1995 which settled certain claims made to the Waitangi Tribunal by Robert Te Kotahi Mahuta of the Tainui Maori Trust Board and Ngaa Maree Toopu

By deed of settlement dated August 22nd 2008 Waikato-Tainui and the Crown (Govt) reached agreement on the terms of settlement to enter a new age of co-management over the Waikato River . However they agreed to a revised deed of settlement 17th December 2009

The Kiingitanga Accord was signed between govt and Waikato-Tainui 22nd August 2008 remains in force. The government have agreed to various accords to facilitate, advance so management a public private partnership with Waikato-Tainui. The commercial arm of Waikato-Tainui is Tainui Holdings.

The Kiingitanga Accord clause 9.4 deed of settlement and clause 3.1 further the enhancement of the relationship between Waikato-Tainui and the Govt.

3.2 and 3.3  Gives authority and rights of control over the Waikato River to Iwi

Sir Robert Mahuta passed away in 2001

Local, Central Govt affirming partnerships with tangata whenua on agreed matters to achieve an integrated settlement pattern that enables, aligns infrastructure and funding, collaborates on growth management and cross boundary issues, effective new growth management tools and opportunities.

Providing thought leadership on key issues relevant to growth management affirming partnerships with between tangata whenua, central and local council, an integrated settlement plan to collaborate new growth management tools, collaborating on other initiatives including -promote sustainable resource use includes water, minerals, soil and energy

Collaborating on Growth Management, Waters, Transport, Land integration issues as to Spatial planning, inter-regional connections, Boundaryless planning, Implementation HA2. Te Ture Whaimana one place to enagage partners with Central, Local Govt

A vision that responds to the government Zero Emissions, a climate emergency, climate urgency, supporting a lower carbon economy through a more compact intensive urban form. The Taangata Whenua Vision for the Future Proof Strategy,

The Freshwater Iwi Leaders Group was formed in 2007 to advance the interests of all iwi in relation to fresh water through direct engagement with the Crown. The group comprises the leaders of Ngai Tahu, Whanganui, Waikato-Tainui, Te Arawa and Tuwharetoa and reports regularly to all iwi



6TH July 2021 David Clark Commerce Affairs Minister announced to the House “the government has agreed to establish a ‘Consumer Right Data’ Framework (CDR) which is otherwise known as ‘Open Banking’. That consumers would be in the drivers seat controlling their own personal information (data) that is also shared with third parties. This is a mechanism requiring data holders, eg; banks, energy retailers, Internet-Phone, transport, health, education whatever essential products, services you purchase in the market place. Refers to your personal data through banks, financial institutions, your transactional information can be shared with third parties in the commercial and domestic marketplace. The government takes control of the market place and your money. Money in and money out- data in and data out.

In 2021 the government implemented a timeline for ‘Open Banking’ CDR which includes engagement, consultation of draft legislation. Thus industry changing factors, outsourcing of regulation, modernization of payments infrastructure and ongoing digital disruption. Incomes, welfare benefits, superannuation etc., will be deposited and distributed to multiple sources of services & products providers. So that customers data can be much easily stolen. The more data that’s shared with third party companies, financial institutions the more risk that your personal information (data) will  fall in the wrong hands.

The Govts Consumer Data Right Strategy (CDR)..Open Banking is a narrative that centres itself on a promise to make it much easier for the consumer, give them greater opportunities as they are being told they will control their own personal information (data).  The ‘You can trust us, a trust building exercise’. The potential risks are inherent in CDR (Open Banking) system. The Govt implements the right to mitigation measures, the govt tells the individual consumer in the business and domestic sector they now have increased control over their own data” NOTE: Banks carry strategic, operational, model, conduct, financial crime and reputational risks. And continued risks as increased volumes of data and speed is consumed. There are hidden costs associated with compliance, risk, security protocols etc.,

Open Banking is a system that has primary components that are namely players- technological, processers, data and a constant evolving risk. The Open Banking playing field expands way beyond the  traditional financial institution, includes Fintech, banks, data aggregators, credit bureaus, payment networks and third party providers (TPPs). Healthcare has even joined the game. As soon as your personal data is shared it is at risk. The misuse of customer data, a third party’s lack of process controls, fraudulent TPP access. A lack of traceability of customer data use, lack of accountability by all parties & data security across devices.

Eg: If a customer went on say a business trip that involved service provider transactions, those transactions may remain as ‘ open status’ for several days & may require hundreds of data transmittals, and dozens of analytical models to support it. Technology risks, platform business model championed by Google, Amazon, Alibaba is what Open Banking is to financial services. Technology- the ‘risk of risks’ is execution risk, failure of platform components to deliver high performance which is required for customer interactions. There are new challenges stemming from data.

The Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is certainly warming up. The process starts with Consumer Data Rights (Open Banking) to ‘Open Finance’. Promoting a framework of so called trust, psychologically sucking people in by namely the term ‘Consumer Data Rights’. (We have lost so many Rights over these past few years, wow we are going to get some Rights and the Govt is going to give them to us. Wow. ) Now the authoritarian government can really control your private data, your data in the wrong hands, third parties, cyber attacks., overseas criminal groups, this can be very dangerous .CBDC’s worldwide are in various stages of evaluation of launching national digital currencies. CBDC’s have come to the forefront with the disruption and restrictions of COVID19. The government wants to track your journey in this ever increasing digital financial world. Faster payments, rapid digitization, a demand for a more efficient domestic, cross border value transfers and ‘financial inclusion ‘

‘Open Banking’ and the ‘Open Financing’ revolution the next step to digital currencies. The adoption of the Government ‘Consumer Data Right’ Strategy (CDR). Open Banking moving to Open Financing to change the banking landscape – the goal ‘Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). The dangers of CBDC, there is no limit to the level of control that the govt can exert on people, businesses if money is purely digital and provided directly by the government this means they will have full control of money going in and going out of a persons, a commercial, business account. This is incompatible with ‘freedom’. This is the governments attempt to protect its privileged position, exert more control over peoples lives, their money. The Government saying ‘your money is not really your money’, and your property rights are subservient to the ‘public good’ and the supposed necessity of ‘managing the national economy’.

The International Settlements Central Bankers Report on ‘Future Monetary System’ proclaims the metaphor for the future monetary system like this:- The future monetary system is a tree, its solid trunk is the ‘central bank’ that supports a diverse multi-layered vibrant eco-system of participants and functions however only after the Central Bankers have set the rules. (Reserve Bank of NZ-Is the Central Bank of NZ chief advisory, collaborator with Government- – working with the Treasury) The system serves the public interest but the central bankers define those interests

The authoritarian political control of government is not compatible with economic or political freedoms, therefore limits the protections of Human Rights. The Govts Consumer Data Right Strategy makes consumers choice an unreality.3.Consumers choice is an unreality. Large corporations get greater control. The International Convention of Economic Social & Cultural Rights (ICESR) Article 11 provides for the ‘Rights of All (each one of us-everyone) to an adequate standard of living, adequate clothing, adequate housing, adequate food, an adequate standard of living, a continuous improvement of living conditions

Advancing of digital technologies influence interactions with society to the full realization of Article 11. Which requires access to financial institutions, to a bank account into which your income is paid, to develop credit ratings, apply for home loans, collect welfare payments, superannuation, pay taxes and energy bills, telecommunications – phone, internet, health & education all essential services. All these are reported as promoting social inclusion. Social Inclusion robs people of their individual dignity and human rights. Art 11 ( ICESR) includes other rights that require services for fulfilment, this includes ‘freedom of expression ‘, education, mental & physical health also public participation. Underpinning all of this is ‘privacy’, the foundational rights such as dignity, self-determination for ALL, everyone, each one of us. However advanced technology, data neglects Human Rights and Freedoms.

The real danger of CBDCs is ‘there is no limit to the level of control the govt can exert over people if money is purely digital, this gives them the control of money going in and out of your account. Programmable CBDC is very dangerous, a controlling force over peoples lives, a mechanism for specified behaviour. Like a voucher system is programmed for entry and expiry at certain points in time. Can be only used to purchase certain goods and services. Govt determines how you spend your money, you can’t.

The Reserve Bank of NZ has referred to CBDC as to whether they could support this as a steward of money in the digital future. A Reserve Bank of NZ Executive Summary reports “We characterise our mandates, roles, responsibilities in terms of the Tane Mahuta narrative. Tane and the big trees eco-system. The steward of money and cash in NZ, ensuring that CBDC contributes to a modern inclusive economy. Including the partnering of corporations, large companies with government. Programmes. NZ’s Central Bank-The Reserve Bank of NZ. The govts lead advisor on matters relating to formulating, implementing of monetary policy and all matters related to fiscal policy and financial markets. The Memorandum of Understanding on Information Exchange and Collaboration where the Govt’s Treasury Dept and the Reserve Bank of NZ work together was agreed to in June 2012.

CBDC RISKS- Accumulates sensitive payment and user data on an unprecedented scale, in the wrong hands this data can be used to spy on citizens private transactions, obtain security sensitive details about individuals and business, organizations, groups and can rob them of their money.The unelected globalists at the WEF continue to push schemes -ESG, C BDC whilst calling on governments and businesses to crackdown on ‘misinformation ‘ Remember Arderns war on ‘Free Speech’ Her ‘NZ’s first in the world ‘Algorithm Charter’ 2019

The World Economic Forum representatives of Governments, CEOs of large corporations very influential philanthropists etc., of Multistakeholder Corporate capitalist economies. WEF references the building of ‘Inclusive Eco Systems, Digital ID to provide financial services to households. “A digital ID layer should be developed independently of other parts of payment processes’ WEF Forum, Future Focus 2025. The World Economic Forum (WEF) references:- as hundreds of govts explore fully traceable programmable and permission based digital currencies that will allow central bankers to control what you can and cannot purchase, these CBDCs will require that every citizen have a digital wallet pegged to their Digital ID. The unelected WEF call on governments and corporations to establish rules for Digital ID Governance.

Vaccine passports by nature serve as a digital ID – WEF Feb 2022. Digital ID Future Agency “Next level of data intermediaries (embedded in body, devices, homes, cities etc.,WEF Feb 2022. Digital ID schemes have been on the rise in recent years thanks to vaccine passports which according to WEF Feb 2022 ‘serve as a form of digital ID’. While Vaccine Passports store highly medical data about an  individual the globalists project that Digital ID will expand to include credit history, social media activity, and online purchase behaviours. This is extremely invasive.. Devices in your body, your home and the cities where you live- aimed at collecting as much information about you as possible. Constant surveillance in Real Time.

The transition to a lower carbon economy requires a large rewiring of the global economy with approx. $3.5 trillion of investment needed annually for decades, WEF ‘Future Focus 2025’. Finance plays a pivotal role in facilitating the transition to net zero economy, innovative approaches are needed to bridge the net zero funding gap – WEF ‘Future Focus 2025’. Lumping together digital inclusion, finance and the environment is the concept of ESG scoring for allocating, distributing digital payments with programmable CBDC’s. According to the report ‘Finance plays a pivotal role in facilitating the transition to a net zero economy, innovation approaches are needed to bridge the net zero funding gap.

Rewiring of the global economy is the same as the ‘Great Reset’. Taking advantage of the fight against climate change, of the shock inflicted by the pandemic to implement long lasting and wider environmental changes. Making good use of the pandemic by not letting the crisis go to waste.- COVID19 The Great Reset. Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret 2020 ‘Presenting a rare but narrow window of opportunity, to re-imagine, reset our world. Massive exploitation of the Pandemic and Climate Gloom and Doom narrative. Never let a good crisis go to waste.WEF Future Focus 2025 “When lacking data to quantify risks and evaluate their likelihoods, well formed scenarios developed in a collaborative process can help draw out potential impacts, can educate the public on possible threats”

Governments and corporations to invest narratives using behavioural science mechanisms, (manipulating behaviour). Any critical thinking that goes against the WEF narratives label them as ‘Misinformation & ‘disinformation’. Narratives to shape perceptions, which in turn form realities for people, that end up influencing choices and actions. -The Great Narrative, Klaus Schwab & Thierry Malleret 2022. “In the battles for hearts and minds of human beings, narrative will consistently outperform data in its ability to influence human thinking and motivate human action”. In the absence of hard data Future Focus 2025 (WEF) report reiterates the importance of narratives as ‘well formed scenarios’ to ‘manipulate perceptions’

The WEF calls on corporations and governments to regulate misinformation, disinformation on social media. Outsourcing critical thinking, giving all trust to government bureaucrats and unelected technocrats. The 134 page report draws from and supports the WEF platforms dedicated to catalysing a new economy, a new society- The Global Redesign, the Great Reset agenda. A roadmap for steering society to re-engineering people, planet for immense profit of the few by unelected entities.

ESG scoring is not a mandate from the people  but a concept dreamed up by unelected globalists bureaucrats to control the global economy, time to push back. Our Free-market economy has served us extremely well, is innovative, has a significant effect on the countries growth and wealth, provides jobs. A free market economy determined by supply and demand. (Free-market = Freedom Of Choice)

Digital ID, CBDC, ESG, Open Banking, Open Financing, Social Inclusion = Corporate Capture. Corporates the drivers in the front seat, governments as back seat passengers, and the people, small businesses, farmers, rural communities are the roadkill. NOTE: Ardern used NZrs as guineapigs for WEF project  Re-imagining Digital Regulations’

SOLUTION? Ideas- ‘Staying local, bartering systems, get to know your community. Get in the face of politicians from all parties to introduce a Citizens Initiated Binding Referendum and a constitution set in concrete’, more face to face group meetings.

BEWARE OF: Financial Inclusion, Consumer Right Data Strategy,(Open Banking) and Open Financing leading to Central Bank Digital Currency. The Consumer Data Right Strategy is on the governments agenda now


WEF pushes digital ID, CBDC, ESG & crackdowns on ‘misinformation’ in Future Focus report 36 pages. WEF Pushes Digital ID, CBDC and ESG in misinformation in Future Focus report July 8th 2022




QUESTION: Are elderly people with underlying serious health problems and the disabled including children being deliberately culled by some UN Member States that have Euthanasia Policies.

QUESTION; Many elderly in care homes, are receiving shingles, pneumonia, flu, CVID shots and the Boosters, Many of these shots given within a short period of time of each other. Do you believe this is good for their health, is it advantageous or do you think the elderly are being culled.

QUESTION: The worst abortion law in the world was introduced in NZ whilst people had their eyes fixed on COVID19. Is this part and parcel of depopulation globally?

QUESTION: The NZ Govts purchased mainstream media is certainly influencing a vast number of peoples minds. The ongoing crisis events of emergencies, COVID Deaths. Stay in your bubble-its dangerous outside your bubble. The Mandate the significant loss of jobs and small business, the severe struggle the farmers have with the govt using them as their whipping boy. The shortage and huge cost of living, basic living expenses.

The failed Mental Health System. Children not attending schools for long periods of time and many not returning to school. Education being politicised, sexualized. The Govt with its Marxist Class ideology of Pakeha and Maori/Iwi- deliberate separate and divide to cause distention and fragmentation. The favouring of Iwi Elite, pandering to all their wants. Indigenous Constitution, UNDRIP entrenchment. Control of Water. Control of NZ’s environment.

QUESTION: How much did the government know about the COVID 19 shots before they purchased millions of dozes for NZ and Pacific Island? Zilch to very little. Yet they signed an agreement to give Pfizer / Moderna immunity from being held accountable responsible for jab injuries and post jab deaths. ZILCH

NOTE: An official complaint was heard in a Texas Court on January 6th 2022. By Judge Pittman/ The courts concluded  findings  were based on the complainants seeking of all FDA information as to the authorization of Pfizer jabs that allowed them to market them worldwide.

The court concluded that the request of the complainants is of paramount importance” and referred to excessive administrative secrecy, thus reducing confidence in governments.  The FDA shall produce the 12,000 plus pages of Pfizer information before January 31st 2022. They will also produce 55,000 pages every 30days – with the first production being due on 1st March 2022 until production is complete.

NOTE:  It was reported that it will be 2 to 3 years before these documents are made public. In the meantime Pfizer jabs are still being pushed worldwide  including in New Zealand. So if all this important information pertaining to the Pfizer COVID19 jab. This proves N Z Govt knew zilch about the COVID19 jab before they promoted it, demanded it, mandated it.

.NOTE: Pfizer chief Executive had refused to give information about their Pfizer COVID19 jabs had said “NO you are not having it, and NO we won’t give it to you” Hence this is why it had to go through the court process – a case against FDA.  However, again what has Pfizer not told FDA?

What does the Government NOT tell N Z Citizens…They are corruptly reporting false COVID19 death rates. Are not accurately reporting the true death rates of Post jabbed. Heaps and heaps.. As from 10th March 2022 a COVID 19 related death was re-classified in NZ. ‘If a person receives a COVID19 Positive test result and they die within 28 days of that test they are now classified as a COVID19 death. Hence hiking up the number of COVID19 deaths deliberately so . The is highly corrupt and evil, cruel has enormous effects on peoples lives.

The Climate Emergency Gloom and Doom Scam: Targeting the farmers.They do not tell you that their balls-up of the Local Govt Act 2002 had a massive legal loophole in it from day one, and they knew this. No – lets just blame the farmers, lets throw them under the tractor.  This is actually a corporate capture of NZ, a globalised Corporate capture. To replace the free-market economy with a multistakeholder corporate governance . Has huge effects also on all NZrs. No Farmers-No Food.

The  Local Govt Act 2002- the loophole that’s existed for 20 years which govt has deliberately not fixed as allowed businesses, companies to leach heavy toxins, ammonia and other shit like yellow gunge that covers filters in waste water stations, heavy pollutants that run into drains, rivers, out into our water.

 The Government has been asked to amend the Local Govt Act 2002 multiple times and they still turn a blind eye to it. No prosecutions, no fines and hundreds of company breach the Traded Waster Regulations time and time again over this 20 year timed frame. But no the government are more interested in Iwi Elite controlling fresh water in NZ. The waste water has to wait another couple of years Mahuta says. Mahuta is the Minister for Local Government.

Fonterra’s 29 Ghost Farms in NZ. That leaches heavy nitrates into the soil across the land into neighbouring farms bore water. They call it Nutrient farming. Fonterra washes their factories out with this water, and the waste water is piped onto these farms that they have purchased, then sprayed across the land. The cattle have all been removed from these farms. But the sign ‘Beware of the cattle still remains on the gate’. They sell the sprayed grass elsewhere for cattle feed, they call it ‘Cut Grass’. Fonterra admitted this and have had supply many farmers with filters for their bore drinking water.

Water on the stock market is like selling  gold on the stock market. The Corporate Capture of New Zealand. Iwi Corporates have been around for more than a decade.. A Corporate Governance of NZ was reported by the government themselves in 2003. The Corporate Governance= Public Private Partnership, a vehicle where the corporates are the drivers, the government the back seat passengers and  NZr’s the roadkill.The Truth MUST be exposed.   

NOTE: All this information was found in the mainstream media Not Social Media                                                           

