The World Economic Forum’s army of global shapers were named for this year. The 2022 WEF Army of Global Shapers includes Ukraine’s Minister Of Digital Transformation Fedorov. Another added to the other leaders around the world that are using destructive strategies to shape the world they want. Mikhailo Fedorov is the Vie Prime Minister of the Ukraine. The key leader of Ukraines WEF digital revolution.

Volodymyr Zelensky at the WEF DAVOS Forum’ gathering in the very wealthy Swiss ski resort in 2020 announced that “Ukraine would be the very first nation to implement a massive ID system in Ukraine, a social credit type system all in one digital wallet. Millions of US dollars flowed  into Ukraine, which far exceeded $63 million in crypto donations. One must question “Is/was Ukraine the vanguard for the WEF’s ‘Great Reset’?

After all Fedorov Ukraine’s Digital Transformation Minister, Ukraines Vice Prime Minister did “by 2024 we will  have 100% of all government services available online” and that”our goal is to enable all life situations with this Digital ID”. In a panel discussion Fedorov openly stated that “the governments goal is to create a digital ID where within 3 years this would make Ukraine the most convenient state in the world by operating as a digital service provider”. Saying, that  “President Zelensky has tasked our ministry within 3 years to create one of the most convenient states in the world in terms of the state as a service provider”. The Ukrainian Parliament adopted a draft law making Ukraine one of the first countries to legalize E-Digital Passports and Digital ID’s that are accessible in all life situations.

Fedorov said “When it comes to winning trust in the government, then run digital ID scheme, in other words when there is no other choice but digital ID then there is no other choice than to  trust technology” He added “The pandemic has accelerated Ukraine’s Govt progress with their digital transformation, as people are now demanding online digital services, so they trust them. Fedorov said “We have to make a product that is so convenient that it will disrupt peoples stereotypes, break though their fears therefore we started using a government made application. We allow a person to register a business in 3 clicks, we allow them to pay their taxes in 2 click, no matter how sceptical citizens are they will use our service” Fedorov said.

Fedorov ambitiously wanted to make Ukraine a digital transformation leader globally. Fedorov introduced ‘Diia-ID 2.0’. This includes an Identification Card, Foreign Biometric Passport, Student Card, Drivers License, Vehicle Insurance Policy, Tax Number, Birth Certificate, IDP Certificate, E-Passport, a huge Ukraine Govt Digital Transformation project. Fedorov’s ambition was and is to make Ukraine a world champion in digital leadership referencing Ukraine’s  Diia ID 2.0 included in this are ID Card, Foreign Biometric Passport, Student Card, Drivers License, Vehicle Registration Certificate, Vehicle Insurance Policy, Tax Number, Birth Certificate, IDP Certificate, Vaccination Certificate. This is an extremely large scale governmental digital Identification project.

To promote Diia (digital services) among the Ukraine population, Fedorov the Minister Of Digital Transformation launched the Diia Digital Learning project to teach digital competency to 6 million Ukrainians by 2024. Fedorov has boasted that his country is (no longer of course) the world leader in digital transformation in the public sector. Chandran Nair is a WEF entrepreneur, president of the ‘World Institute of the Future’ noted that “the world is moving towards a post western order and Ukraine is a big part of this” Klaus Schwab has publicly reported  “he will help Ukraine in whatever was possible when it comes to Russia’s aggression”

The WEF unveiling of the worlds most promising 110 global leaders of 2022, those under the age of 40years old, were those involved in activities from ‘green energy’, health equity’ to refugee rights and education reform. Mykhailo Fedorov, was named as a WEF Global Shaper of 2022. Another one of Klaus Schwab’s global army that’s been sent out to transform the world into one humongous Marxist Socialist planetary Eco-social credit system, much bigger and more aggressive than China’s. Ukraine Minister of Digital Transformation-Fedorov yet  another name to add to the Schwab’s WEF army of Global Shapers along with Putin, Macron, Trudeau and Ardern . 1,000’s of WEF Global Shapers in 120 countries. Be aware of the words- Equitable, 2.Equality, Sustainability, Inclusiveness. The Global Shapers global network was created in 2005 by Klaus Schwab founder of the WEF

These WEF Global Shapers are reported on the WEF website that they are were seen  to be the young leaders that would create a more sustainable, inclusive world.  As annual Global Shapers are chosen they take part in a three year leadership programme, this includes opportunities to collaborate and test ideas with a network of peers. As the war was started between Russia and Ukraine, Fedorov campaigned for supports from multinational companies and corporations so as to get rid of Russia from the global economy, cut Russia off from the worldwide internet.  New York Times reported that Ukraine’s Minister of Digital Transformation, Fedorov has turned technology and social media into modern weapons of war” It was reported back in June 2019 (21st June) that the Presidential administration of the Ukraine held discussions on the concept of a ‘State Smart Phone’, as one of the most important components of the digital economy.

Attendees at the June 2019 gathering were representatives of International donors & technical assistance projects including that of the US Agency for International Development (USAID), the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine, the Swedish Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and the Swiss Cooperation Office (SDC) and others.It was at this 2019 meeting that Ukraine presented a large digital action plan to its international partners, a basic framework for the digital economy from digital infrastructure to digital skills and the implementation of digital transformation projects, regarding e-services, we have clearly described typical life situations, births, admission to kindergarten, school, university, obtaining a passport, a drivers license registration of a car, real estate, land, marriage etc., etc.,  “A state smartphone being an opportunity to solve all situations in just one click, the same applying to business situations. Also included are online surveys

The Deputy Head of E-Governance of Ukraine stated “by the end of this year (2019) we can implement 70 new top e services that will be prioritized, a convenient e-services portal and a mobile application.With the support of Ukraine’s International partners mobile applications- MobileID and SmartID. Representatives at the June 2019 meeting made recommendations to prioritize projects of digitalization. They discussed the adoption of laws to harmonize the Ukraine Digital Law with European Digital Law, thus paving the way to a single digital European market which would include a reform of the security system in Ukraine. Also formalising a digital universal education service

In the 2019 gathering they discussed the creation of an electronic register of the population, with the use of existing state registries- demographic, fiscal, medical, civil, registry of voters, thus allowing a National Identification System (E-ID) Fedorov noted that all the digital tasked projects of digital transformation had already been included in a single action plan and coordinated meetings following the 2019 one would become regular.  One must question– Is Ukraine’s Digital ID Wallet a World Economic Forum’s Blueprint for the West? Ardern is also implementing a Klaus Schwab Digitalization project on New Zealand- NZ a guineapig state. (Without your permission to do so)‘Reimaging AI Regulations’ (Digital Transformation)

WEF accesses and re-accessories NZ Police Force. 1 low to 7 high. Two years in a run 6.2 and 6.4. WHY?                             Is Ukraine’s Digital ID Wallet the WEF Blueprint for the West?

Prince Charles, now King Charles openly said at the WEF DAVOS gathering that ‘the pandemic global crisis is a narrow window of opportunity, one we may never see again”. I question does the same apply to the war between Russia and Ukraine- ‘Is this also one of those narrow opportunities, one never to be seen again”? WEF Website documents what they call ‘Disruptive Strategies’ and ‘Opportunities’. The turning of billions of lives across this planet upside down and inside out, where many people can hardly even think for themselves anymore.

A massive confusion, a psychological warfare. And the NZ Govt, all parties played their part in this destruction, confusion, fear, anxieties that people suffered, and are still suffering. I call this a Godless Evil that has violated, invaded NZrs lives.

3.As Helen Clark Co Chairs the World Health Assembly to give the World Health Authority extreme control of all living kind with an International Pandemic Treaty, to control humans, animals-domestic and in the wild, plants, soils etc., Yet they are already planning the next plandemic. Solution ‘NO’. The easiest word to say and the hardest one to action. NO NO NO NO- NO MORE.

I personally believe that an Eco Social Credit State is being introduced, implemented in NZ, firstly in a voluntary capacity and then will become mandatory in the very near future. Using the narrow window of opportunity, one we will never let them get away with. .Political control, eco social credit system. As the warning bells ring we must urgently seek solutions. Yes we must gain the knowledge of what is really happening. We must always seek the truth.  Ignore the ‘Build Back Better’ because its not building back better for NZrs. Its building back better for them to control you. It’s the Trojan Horse .I urge you don’t let any of those political cronies in the toilet bowl of Wellington hoodwink you.

Remember each leader of every political party in Wellington agreed to Ardern’s Labour Cross Party agreement not to listen to the fears, serious concerns of those that were mandated out of jobs, those that had been jabbed and seriously harmed. Those whose loved ones had died post jab. Not one of them would listen to one individual as to the tremendous grief our nation of NZ  was staring them right in the face in parliamentary grounds. Not one of those political cronies took any interest in one individuals life of thousands that visited and resided beneath the windows of parliament. These are those that are suppose to represent your health and wellbeing, economically, physically, emotionally, mentally and medically. It was A NO SHOW.

The mainstream media continued and still continue to bully beef law abiding citizens. Where is the core of ‘Common Law’ “DO NO HARM” destroyed by the political bullies of parliament enacted out in the judicial system of NZ. One could never have envisaged such large scale political policing of law abiding citizens. An unapproachable, unaccountable, irresponsible government in every aspect mentionable. The deliberate character assassination of NZ law abiding citizens  by a  political authoritarian Govt. A Government full of politicians that are willingly obedient, compliant to a non-elected global elite entities and national non elected entities. The people of NZ did not give them a vote. I believe this is highly criminal.

13th June, 2019 the UN signed an official partnership agreement with the World Economic Forum. The WEF that represents Multistakeholder Corporations. This surely is a massive conflict of interest. However none of these political cronies in Wellington will publicise this. WEF Influential whisper advisors to all UN Member countries. Again I ask myself -Is the war between Ukraine and Russia a massive catalyst where global stakeholders of the UN/WEF been busily engaging, promoting the PPP’s. People, Planet for massive Profit, for the few already wealthy global elite in Ukraine as they have been elsewhere in the world. Is Ukraine a special country on their agenda????? Questions???

As is reported those billionaires who have become much wealthier during the Pandemic era. NZ and significant rises in inflation- go back to January 2020 when the Reserve Bank warned the Govt that inflation would rise significantly if they did not stop printing off so much money. At one stage a billion dollars per day. It took Ardern’s Government, minister of Finance Grant Robertson 13 months to heed the warning.

Act, Maori Party, Greens, Labour, National are all on the same page, they all mandated the jabs. 10th Oct 2022 European Parliament. Chief Executer for Pfizer testified “we did not check if the Pfizer Vax stopped transmission of the virus before it was rolled out”. They did not do clinical trials on pregnant women, and clinical trials on children are ongoing.  Every member of Parliament promoted, pushed using New Zealanders as guineapigs in a politically controlled police state. They have never truly represented the people, they have represented their own pay cheque. Where far too many Kiwi’s have lost their pay check. 2023 will roll around, election year – Lest we forget, we should never forget. They too are but mortal (mortalis) for every and each mortal sin. God Save NZ. I will never ever vote any political party that resides in the toilet bowl of Wellington again. I have already decided to vote for the minor parties under the umbrella of Freedoms For New Zealand

4.More Power for the People and less Power to the political cronies that reside in the toilet bowl of Wellington. Its time for the Bill of Rights to be enshrined in a written constitution, one that will never be used and abused again as it has been over these last few years.

The preaching of Climate Change. Of course Climate like science is unsettled. However man made climate change, fart and belch tax.. come on people do you really believe this crap. This is an  Eco Social Credit System being introduced into NZ. Emissions trading scheme is a scam. Every living being, plant, animal, human and even the billion or so tree’s the state are going to plant must have CO2 to survive, otherwise this would be a dead end planet.

He Puapua, Three Waters, all in the toolbox to introduce, implement the United Nations Declaration for Indigenous peoples in NZ. Minister of Maori Affairs 2007 parliamentary speech totally opposed NZ Signing the UNDRIP. Said this would bring about a two class citizenship, one more worthy than another. Art 26. Iwi/Maori to own all land in NZ.

That’s not possible land is legally owned by Maori and Non Maori legally in NZ. And UNDRIP is not compliant with the Treaty or of NZ’s Legal System.

Now, the PM, and other political leaders meet with the Iwi Chairs Forum to implement the UNDRIP into every aspect of NZ Life. (Vision 2040). All political parties and their cohorts determining our lives for their common greedy interests. For political control over the lives of all New Zealanders.  I do am not fooled. I will never ever vote for any of them again.

I would prefer they were flushed down the loo, in the stinky political toilet bowl of Wellington, their propaganda machine that(Mainstream media) that wipes their stinky arses for them.






Link to Freedoms NZs Power of the Umbrella – For A Better NZ

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Thank you – Carol Sakey




The Guardian reported 4th April 2023 Jacinda Ardern to tackle online extremism in new role as ‘Special Envoy’ for Christchurch Call. Working alongside international governments and social media companies to target content online. Prime minister Chris Hipkins announced on Tuesday evening that he had appointed Ardern as special envoy for the Christchurch Call, a newly created position. Her relationships with leaders and technology companies and her drive for change will help increase the pace and ambition of the work we are doing,” he said. he Christchurch Call project calls on signatory nations to adopt and enforce laws that ban objectionable material, and set guidelines on how traditional media can report acts of terrorism without amplifying them. Ardern said “since stepping down as Prime Minister she believed that her resignation could lower the temperature in NZ Political discourse after deep division emerged around vaccinations, the country’s COVID response. It did occur to me that my departure might just take a bit of heat out,” Ardern said in one of two Tuesday night television appearances. “If it did, that would be good for New Zealand,” she said. “I knew I was a flashpoint for some people, and again [while] that wasn’t the basis of my decision, I hoped it would be a consequence of my decision.

Ardern also announced she would be joining the board of trustees of Prince William’s Earthshot Prize, which awards five £1m prizes each year for work providing solutions to major environmental problems. Ardern said she “believed Earthshot’s power to encourage and spread not only the innovation we desperately need, but also optimism”. Prince William said that Ardern would “bring a rich infusion of new thinking to our mission”. Prince William and The Royal Foundation created the Earthshot Prize, a global research project for innovative solutions to environmental challenges that supposedly face the planet

Who is on the Earthshot Team .Prince William. Founder and President.* Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah.* Cate Blanchett.* Sir David Attenborough. *Ernest Gibson.* Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim. *Indra Nooyi. * Jack Ma.and Jacinda Ardern. The Earthshot Prize is supported by our Global Alliance, an unprecedented network of organisations worldwide. group of leading global organisations and philanthropists which act as strategic funding partners. The Earthshot Prize coincided on 21st Sept 2022 with New York Climate Week described as a ‘summit in partnership with Bloomberg Philanthropies with a line up of speaker State and business leaders, philanthropists and activist addressing the subject of climate doom and gloom. Hosted by Michael Bloomberg. Jacinda Ardern, Bill Gates, Christina Figueres  as speakers.  And David Attenburgh World Wild Life Friend funded by the UN.

Ardern’s newly created special position will “represent New Zealand’s continued commitment to push for greater protection online from terrorist and violent extremist content,” the prime minister’s office said in a statement. Ardern will report directly to the prime minister, and will work closely with France as co-leaders. She will begin her duties later this month, on 17 April. She will not accept remuneration for the role. Currently, a person who had held the office of Prime Minister for not less than two years – whether continuously or in total – can receive $11,400 for each complete year they served in the office up to a maximum of $57,000 per year until they die. Their spouse or partner is also paid an annuity at half that yearly rate.

As Politico News reports 4th April 2023 Jacinda Ardern is back and she has been appointed by Chris Hipkins PM as ‘Special Envoy’ for the Christchurch Call. backed by countries including the United States and Canada; tech giants such as Google and Meta are participants. Macron welcomed Ardern’s appointment. “My dear Jacinda Ardern, I am pleased that you will continue to work alongside us as Special Envoy for the Christchurch Call as we fight terrorist and violent extremist content online. Jacinda Ardern may not be physically sitting the  House.. No the elephant still in the room has not left… Hipkins just appointed her a new special role, as she continues her journey  as special Envoy a self described ‘The Only Source Of Truth’.

Arderns promise to ‘Build Back Better’ to reshape New Zealand. Greater need for Big Bold Transformations. It will be conveniently comfortable to get around. In 2030 the govt chose to invest its multi billion dollar infrastructure fund in cycleways bike paths, public transport. Oops 1,000 cancellation of bus services this week or is it again next week or was it last week. But its happened and happening. But she said don’t worry the buses and trains run on time and they are frequent. Take the kids to school on your bike. Its cheaper to buy an electric car. Oh by the way if the country runs out of fuel, then the governor general will be confiscating yours under International Law. Never mind we have 8 days of fuel left. Don’t worry be happy. You’ll be happy when you own nothing. 2022 Earthshot Prize New York



2019 Jacinda Ardern was the guest speaker at a private gathering in New York which was hosted by Bill and Melinda Gates. She boasted to the audience that New Zealand is the first country in the world to embed UN Agenda 2030 in NZs Legislation and Regulatory framework.  UN Agenda 2030 was non-binding however once entering it into domestic policy becomes binding. The gathering was an event arranged by Goalkeeper an organization set up by the Gates Foundation in 2017 to accelerate UN Agenda 2030 with its 17 goals which include 169 targets globally.

The first in the world, the leader of human experiments, the experimental path of UN Agenda 2030, to leave no-one behind, everyone, everywhere at every age. Prior to implementing Agenda 2030 into NZs domestic policy did the opposition publically warn us, after all this is a global economic, social engineering strategy to be actioned at local level.

UN Agenda 2030 was however in the 2017 ‘Confidence and Supply Agreement’ between the Labour Party and Greens, but the name was missing, it was merely a commitment to 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Agenda 2030 featured in the 2017 Confidence and Supply Agreement between the Labour Party and the Greens – although not by name. Instead, the parties made a commitment to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals that underpin Agenda 2030: And yes Jacinda Ardern became the poster child of UN Agenda 2030.

In 2018 Ardern spoke at the Conference on Sustainability in New York, she again boasted that her intention was to lead the world by embedding the UN Agenda 2030 SDGs into NZ’s domestic affairs saying :we have decided to try something no other country has done before, we have embedded the SDG Indicators into everything we do. (NZ Government chooses to do) She pointed out that traditional measures of progress for economic growth would no longer exist but these traditional methods would be replaced by new experimental indicators, “a national achievement that go far beyond growth”, she said.

Ardern’s ambitious project namely Indicators Aotearoa N Z, the creating of a set of indicators across varying dimensions eluding to New Zealanders future economic, cultural, social, environmental wellbeing. The introduction to the ‘Wellbeing’ Budget’ was not an innovative strategy to grow NZ’s economy it was merely the beginning phase of Ardern’s deliberate Socialist degrowth of our country. The plundering of New Zealand had begun. Ardern introduced the ‘Wellbeing Budget’. Never mind growth because she had already started taking the country into ‘degrowth’, and 2022 the global media familiarly report purposeful, deliberate ‘Degrowth’. . Ardern has said “whilst economic growth is important and something we will continue to pursue, it alone does no guarantee improvements to New Zealanders living standards”, and so New Zealanders living standards started to drop, as more people joined the public housing waiting list.

To publicly oppose any of Ardern’s decision making, pending legislations, regulations makes one the governments political politicking target practice. Failure to be compliant to government demands means that deliberate character assassination is deal out by the governments purchased mainstream media. Sadly far too many people in New Zealand can not, or choose not to conjure up moral courage to publicly speak out for one reason or another.

The housing crisis in New Zealand is a nightmare, the high cost of housing and sections. I have to wonder does anyone just purchase a section anymore. All I see are’ pack and stacks’ hastily being built all over Auckland. I wonder whatever happen to council bylaws etc., where a huge number of townhouses over shadow peoples property next door, stopping the sunlight, spoiling their privacy, built right close to the boundary fence line. The intensification of housing ‘Agenda 2030’ Smart Growth.

Everything is just so entrenched in an ideological global framework of so called ‘Smart ‘Cities’ which don’t look that smart to me. No gardens for the children to play in and n o apple tree to climb, eem yes my dreams of yesteryear. No children playing  with the neighbours kids in the cul-de-sac’s now its little ones in pushchairs with cell-phones in hands. Both parents having to work to survive, children put into day care during their parents working day, they have no choice of being a ‘stay at home mum’

Now its all about ‘Smart Growth’, Agenda 2030,  surveillance camera’s and the talk of transhumanism where humans meet machines and become robot like. The UN Agenda 2030 that Ardern boasted about on the global stage, as she implied that she would take the lead, the lead to control every aspect of our lives, the UN-WEF have mapped it all out. Destruction of ‘free-market enterprise economy’, replacing it with ‘multi-stakeholder Capitalist corporations’, in public-private partnership with governments worldwide. Corporations in the drivers seat, government (regime) as the back seat passenger, small businesses and rural communities – farmers are the roadkill, those that New Zealand’s socialist regime deliberately throw under their tractors. The government using the farmers as their whipping boy in their ambitious climate hoax scheme. Yes, New Zealand the ‘guineapig state’.

There is no open public debate and no justification for Ardern’s actions nor that of any of the other political cronies in the toilet bowl of Wellington… In my research I have touched on UN Agenda 21, Agenda 2030. Agenda 2050 and Agenda 2063 in on the table yet to be exposed worldwide. The UN Global Socialist States of the World. Socialism has failed miserably and caused huge suffering in the past. If you wear a blindfold and a mask around your mouth time to get rid of both and see it for what it really is. Ardern has gone replaced by Hipkins, just rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic.

Yes New Zealand truly is a guineapig state number one alongside Australia for human trials. New Zealand with its one regularity agency-Pharmac. A small populated country with numerous cultures, ethnic groups that live her. For human experiment, varying cultures are important part of human trials. NZ is the first country to see the rising of the dawn which is advantageous when it comes to the rest of the world. Much needed cancer drugs for example are often too expensive for people to buy, hence more people are inclined to take part in human trials. New Zealand has one of the quickest time frames for human trials to be completed, therefore saves drug companies, research agencies lots of money. ‘Wealth NOT Health’

New Zealanders have become guineapigs of socialist experiments.  Ardern also offered New Zealanders up to be guineapigs for the World Economic Forums ‘Reimagining Regulation for the Age of AI

Back in 2013 Google chose New Zealand to be the guineapig for global tech firms. Facebook has enthusiastically used New Zealanders as guineapigs when they trailed a scheme where user pay to make their posts more prominent on friends newsfeeds. In 2011 Facebook also rolled out its timeline feature first in New Zealand in 2011 saying at the time “As a global company we need to gain perspective and insights from outside the US”

The LinkedIn social network also tested its endorsement feature in New Zealand

However Googles Project Loon is probably the most ambitious high tech test carried out in New Zealand, this aimed to bring the internet to 2/3rds of the global population currently without web  access. This involved send 30 helium filled balloons to the edge of space above the South Island, each of these balloons were carrying transmitters capable of beaming wi-fi internet access down to antennae on properties below. Googles ultimate goal was a network of thousands of these balloons thus creating a  network that provides online access to anywhere in the world.. this was Googles dream and still remains Googles dream.

NOTE; Guinea pigs often sleep with their eyes open looking like they are in a trance. COVID19 Guineapig State. Ministry Of Health reported ‘COVID19 Vaccine trials and testing..ongoing trials, safety monitoring and real world data from COVID19 vaccination programmes worldwide provide us with useful information.

We are in phase 3 of the clinical vaccine (Jab) trials as the government determine whether the Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 jab is safe and effective.  YES this government purchased enough of these shots for every man, woman and child in New Zealand to be a guineapig for this human clinical trial. Coerced, blackmailed, lied to, manipulated and mandated into being guineapigs in global Human Clinical Trials as Guineapigs. And to top it off the government ignores the multitude of post jab deaths and numerous severe adverse events.

NOTE: A Texas Court demanded that FDA share their thousands of papers that Pfizer produced to gain authority to market their jab. This information will not be available to the public until at least 2024. Therefore NZ Government know jack shit about the Pfizer drug and all its contents, however they do know that there are huge risks but continue to announce this is for the public good, benefits the public with zilch risks.

October 2022 Pfizer admitted in European Court it did not test their jab to see if it stopped transmission of the virus before it entered the global market place . Governments, including NZ Govt continues to lie to us. If a person has a COVID test and it comes up positive e, if they die within 28days of that positive test they are counted as a COVID death. This was introduced 10th March 2022 in NZ. The World Health Org., (UN) requested that all countries align themselves in counting COVID19 deaths in this way. Therefore a suicide, a post jab death, a motor vehicle accident, being shot by the police equates to a COVID death if that person came up with a positive COVID19 test within 28 days of their death. The window of time can be expanded and has been in the UK.   ZILCH TRANSPARANCY AND THE BULL SHITE LIES CONTINUE. Just keep people in the state of fear, so they are easier to control.

Guineapigs that sleep with their eyes open as if in a trance.



As other UN Nations agreed to UN Agenda 2030 (Non-binding Agreement), Ardern had to go one step further by entering UN Agenda 2030 into New Zealand Domestic Policy hence making Agenda 2030 Binding, not only did she do this but she urged other UN Nations to follow her lead, as she boasted about this when she was a guest speaker at a Global Shapers gathering hosted by Bill and Melinda Gates.  To be UN Agenda 2030 was adopted 25th September 2015 includes 17 Global Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 Targets to transform economy and re-engineer human behaviour, social engineering. References:- Poverty, environment, housing, energy, health, infrastructure etc.,  UN Agenda 2030 is namely a ‘soft law’, does not require a referenda, or parliamentarians to give their approval only the leaders of the Regime-government of the country in question. Sustainability is a word used for multi-stakeholder corporate capture of the world’s economy, a global introduced locally acted out advertising campaign. The 1987 Report stated ‘development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs’.

There are legal implications as to UN Agenda 2030, it was adopted by way of a  UN General Assembly resolution 70/1 that reaffirms commitment for UN Agenda 2030 implementation “in a manner that is consistent with the rights and obligations of States under International Law (Para 18) despite the faxt that the content, text of UN Agenda 2030 is NOT legally binding. This employs Human Rights as a lens.  Some of the intersections between UN Agenda 2030 and International Law may create legal obligations for UN Member Nation States

International Law and Sustainable Development:  International Law is a legal system (NOT necessarily lawful). It governs relationships between countries, has extended its scope to include international organizations and individuals. There are four recognized sources of International Law (Art 8 Statute International Court Of Justice). They are International Conventions. International Custom. General Principles of Law. Judicial Decisions. International Law is based on the mutual consent of nations as in UN treaties and conventions, or way that is practiced and then eventually becomes custom. UN Member States are legally bound by the international instrument,  through the Sovereign acts of signing and ratifying the instrument.  UN Member States may be legally bound when a practice becomes a ‘custom’, which happens when two requirements are met. (1) There must be an established State practice that must be ‘general and consistent’. (2) The practice in question must be accompanied by a sense of ‘Legal Obligation’ and ‘Accepted as Law’, thus meaning that States carry out the practice because authorities believe it is a legal obligation to do so. (3) Several UN Agenda 2030 SDGs and Targets mirror ‘Legal Obligations’ that UN Member States have already assumed under ‘Treaty Law and ‘Custom’. The UN Agenda 2030 Indicators can be used to measure compliance with ‘International Law’ where intersections exist between targets and ‘International Legal Obligations.

Human Rights ‘Law within the Global Development Indicator Framework: Preamble. Para 3- Realizing the ‘Human Rights for ALL’ UN Agenda 2030 actually breaches the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which forms part of the International Bill Of Rights. NZ Bill Of Rights 1991 and NZ Human Rights Act 1993

Human Rights for ALL:Does not fit New Zealand Governments ‘Two Tier Marxist Ideology’. It is noted that NZ Government is actually a Corporation. The sovereign (people) of New Zealand cannot be ruled by a Corporation unless they make an agreement via a ‘Contract’ with that Corporation. ‘Hereby established a corporation, to be called the New Zealand Government Property Corporation’, cannot legally action legislations but as I have said before ‘what is namely legal is not necessarily lawful’

The United States Securities and Exchange Commission has the government of New Zealand registered as a corporation under the name of ‘Her Majesty The Queen Of England In Right Of New Zealand’.  Note Prince Charles has not yet been crowned as King of England. It is her Majesty Queen Elizabeth’s role when a new prime minister is appointed to meet and appoint the new prime minister. But Queen Elizabeth is dead, then how can Chris Hipkin be Prime Minister? Then I question “is Chris Hipkin a fake Prime Minister” ?

UN Agenda 2020 ‘human rights for ALL’ (Preamble para 3) is unrealistic. UN/WEF/NGO’s and all their cohorts are seriously breaching, violating International and National Human Rights for example Freedom of Speech, Freedom Of Assembly, Freedom Of Religion. NZ Bill Of Rights 1990 ‘Everyone has the right to refuse to undergo any medical treatment that includes jabs. Individuals freedom to choose is taken away by being pressured, coerced, mandated or lose ones income, making  people reliant of an authoritarian regime that is already seriously harming New Zealanders.

UN Agenda 2030 SDGs 1 & 2: Article 11 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights stipulates that everyone has the right to “an adequate standard of living… including adequate food” and “to be free from hunger”. United Nations Member States that are parties to the Covenant thus have a legal obligation to fulfil Goals 1 and 2. Far too many people in New Zealand have an inadequate standard of living. 67,000 people on the backlog of the hospital waiting list.  Approx. 25,000 people waiting on the Social Housing list.  RNZ reported 2nd August 2022 41,000 New Zealanders will bed down without adequate access to housing tonight. WSWS.Org report 9/9/2022 ‘New Zealand’s worsening homelessness crisis driven by property speculation, soaring rents and not enough public housing’. Salvation Army reported in a Winter Appeal 2022 they have provided more than 90,000 food parcels in NZ, as New Zealanders are struggling to put food on the table.

NOTE: UN Agenda 2030 and UN Member States Obligations to Comply: With Indicators and 1.2.2 measure the prevalence of poverty that policy makers must verify compliance with the legal obligations, commitments of UN Agenda 2030. To demonstrate that the SDGs are not merely aspirational but are reinforced legally, a responsibility of UN Member States. This must be acted put universally. (Universally- by everyone in every case)

UN Agenda 2030 (para 5 of Resolution 70/1). Un Agenda 2030 is of an unprecedented scope and significance, is accepted by ALL countries, is applicable to ALL. Goals and Targets that involve the ENTIRE world, a ‘New Global Obligation’. (an obligation equates to an action that is morally bound). The obligations, commitments that the NZ Government (Corporation) has agreed to are anything but moral. Global Obligations: Have not yet received adequate legal recognition, regulation and realization.

The UN Agenda SDGs As Legal Stimulant: Legal does not necessarily mean ‘Lawful’. There is no clear correspondence between the SDGs and International Laws. International Law comprises of ‘hard law’. Binding treaties, agreements are ‘customary laws’, otherwise known as ‘soft law’. Soft Law for example relates to Non-binding but still significant  legal guidelines, policy declaration, codes of conduct or UN General Assembly resolutions. Soft Law often precedes the codification of ‘international norms; and ‘practices’ into binding law, in two principal ways through ‘soft law’ instruments for example as in UN General Assembly Resolutions that may become binding, codification in a treat or transformation into ‘customary international law’. UN Member States may choose to codify the principles, declaration and policy prescriptions that have been introduced by the UN General Assembly in treaties, thus transforming them from voluntary influential instruments into legal obligations. UN Agenda 2030 does not explicitly create new legal obligations, but the intersections between international law and the SDGs stimulates greater compliance. A more plausible route to create legal obligations out of an aspirational plan in this case UN Agenda 2030, therefore UN Agenda 2030 is the formation of customary international law (Soft Law)

If a significant number of States pursue the SDGs, they may become legally binding as custom. There is no timeline for that transformation; it does not necessarily take long. It is simply a matter of enough States undertaking the practice with a discernible sense of obligation. However Jacinda Ardern decided to take the lead and urged others to also follow her, when she introduced UN Agenda 2030 into Domestic Policy. Ardern was a guest speaker at a gathering arranged by Bill & Melinda Gates for the ‘WEF Global Shapers’. Ardern boasted to the audience that NZ is the first nation in the world to enter UN Agenda 2030 into NZ domestic policy, hence making the non-binding UN Agenda 2030 binding (Legally not necessarily lawful)

If enough States abide by Goal 17 and authorities believe that they have a legal obligation to do so, related targets may become customary international law and have the same force of law as an investment treaty pursuing this very goal.

Rooting the UN Agenda 2030 SDGs in concrete as legal principles ultimately serves Global Corporate capture. However  does seriously violate  International and National Human Rights. UN Agenda 2030 is devoid of Common Laws as at the very heart  of Common Law is ‘Firstly Do No Harm’. There is no doubt massive harm is in the process of being done to populations, economies across the world.

(Resource: International-human-rights-law-agenda-2030-english.pdf )





UN Agenda 2030 ‘ A Global Contract For The Future Of The World’

Traitors of Sovereign Peoples: NZ Government (Corporation) deliberately neglected to seek acceptance from the peoples of New Zealand. The peoples of whom are the Sovereign of our Nation of New Zealand when they agreed, committed to UN/WEF global agenda’s of demands and compliances. For example – UN Agenda 21, UN Agenda 2030. The Paris Agreement, UN Global Compact of Migration etc., NZ Govt is a party to approx.., 1900 UN Global Agreements. Many are non-binding but does mean country leaders are not committed to them. Once entered into Domestic Law a Non-Binding UN Agreement becomes Binding and lawfully effective. These UN Agenda global agreements are known as ‘soft law’, do not require parliamentary consensus or permission from parliamentarians only by key persons such as Government leaders.

Soft Law: Reinforces existing international law globally. Soft Laws drive the development of international law, ;lays down the groundwork for codification  constitutes new customary law. Soft Law norms do not need parliamentary approval. Soft Law depends on the acceptance rather than judicial enforcement. Soft Law and Compliance go hand in hand as does obligations, monitoring mechanisms. Peer pressure groups, individual are important motivators, as are young people as they take part in Schools Climate Change Strike, where student s are taught how to make their climate doom and gloom propaganda boards.

Bill and Melinda Gates organized a Global Shapers gathering, Ardern was the guest speaker, it was here she boasted to the audience that NZ was the first country in the world to enter UN Agenda 2030 into govt policy and urged other countries to do the same ‘to follow Ardern’s lead’.  Govts favour ‘soft law’ because it allows agreement on content beyond consensus. UN Agenda 2030 preamble states ‘Human Rights For All’, however this is a huge fallacy. The global implementation of UN Agenda 2030 includes a massive invasion of privacy, discrimination and corruption worldwide also severe violations of human rights and civil liberties. 193 UN Member States pledged to ensure their commitment to the implementation of Agenda 2030 17 global Development Goals which include 169 Targets

Global Corporate Capture: UN Agenda 2030 is a very wordy document focuses on implementing global partners   (UN Member States partnering large companies- corporations). People centred-PPPs =People, Planet for Profit.. Wealth for the already very rich few. Agenda 2030 includes 5 Ps..People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership. Agenda 2030 repeatedly references the ‘Financing for Development Outcome Document’, a major part of Agenda 2030 Action Plan to achieve the SDGs (Targets). Replacing ‘greenwashing and blue-washing with rainbow washing

Impossible To Action: In reality UN Agenda 2030 168 targets within the 17 global development goals are impossible to action as this means re-engineering everyone’s mindset, behaviour and evil regimes will never stop purposely and most deliberately keeping their populations poor and hungry. Wars make huge wealth. Evil and Godlessness is rampant. Equality is a bloody great lie. Population resources have been regulated and many restricted for many decades. This will get much worse as UN Agenda 2030 is obsessively implemented. Restricting, regulating people equals a much lower standard of living.

UN Agenda’s Global Pathway: We are in the midst of being accelerated to meet the goal timeline of 2030. In 2018 UN recognized that they could not succeed in meeting their deadline of 2030 for Agenda 2030 so they signed a strategic official partnership agreement with the World Economic Forum representative of Corporate Capture (Multi-stakeholder Corporate Capitalism), hence the acceleration of implementation of UN Agenda 2030 world wide through ‘Public-Private Partnerships’. Corporates on the accelerator pedal driving UN Agenda 2030 vehicle, government and their cohorts the backseat passengers and the sovereign peoples of New Zealand, small businesses, farming communities (farmers) being the road kill.

All Political Cronies On The Same Page: Why do we know this? They have not shared and asked the sovereign peoples of New Zealand for their permission to re-engineer our lives, our economies to politicize, sexualize our children.-.Why? Because they know we wil say NO NO NO NO and you bastards will GO . They have not listened to our sovereign peoples serious concerns. They deliberately ignore our Human Rights and Civil Liberties. It’s my personal opinion that we the Sovereign Peoples of New Zealand are being ruled by liars, crims, cheats and traitors.

Public-Private Partnerships: New Zealand Government with Iwi Elite is already happening. (Fresh Water Iwi Group Leaders- National Iwi Group Leaders). Partnership with Blackrock and Vanguard and other Global Corporations. Blackrock asset manager of NZ Superannuation Fund. Blackrock partnership with Kiwi Bank, both government owned. Blackrock invested Superfunds into weapons and chemicals when Ardern introduced the ‘Buy Back of Firearms’ the government then halted the Blackrock investment into weapons. Non-transparency of NZ Authoritarian regime means we can never trust them to implement ‘public good’ or the common law of the sovereign peoples of New Zealand ‘Firstly ‘Do No Harm’. They have done immense harm to the sovereign peoples of NZ. Have no conscience, show no shame consequently will do anything they choose to do. Hence Corporate Capture and the plundering of New Zealand.

Financial: Digital Corporate Capture. Blackrock already owns more wealth than the World Bank and the IMF. Central Bank Digital Currency. Digital Wallets. Cashless Society. Digital capture and control people. The richer become much richer and the poor become poorer. Again Corporate capture and controlling of peoples lives, re-engineering behaviour and society. See UN Agenda 2030 ‘Financing for Development Outcome’. Expanding taxation. A progressive tax system, broaden tax base, set domestic target & timelines as part of the SDG Agenda 2030 strategies support for developing countries. Increased empowerment of IMP and World Bank to access financial information. The sharing of information through financial institutions and third parties. Privacy no longer exists -your life in their hands. Blackrock partners Kiwi-bank and other major banks in New Zealand.

Financing of UN Agenda 2030 Global  Development Goals (169 Global Development Targets.): Information sharing, significantly restrictive regulations and increased policies. Access more information from financial services. Financial services increase sharing peoples personal information with third parties. Government -Corporations have access to peoples personal information. Financial institutions share your personal information. Strengthen regulatory frameworks to be aligned with UN Agenda 2030 so these practices can implement, adopt  Agenda 2030 strategies. Note: Clean energy includes footing the bill for $100 billion to promote public service & private investment in energy infrastructure-technology & renewables.

Migration: Grow inclusive services for migrants in their host countries, countries of origin and transit destination countries as to the implementation of UN Agenda 2030. Ensure adequate affordable finance for migrants in their host and home country. (This appears to replicate UN Global Compact Of Migration signed by NZ in Dec 2018). Climate Refugees flood across the world, the gap caused by the depopulation of host countries will be filled by refugee’s, migrants hence sovereign states will cease to exist.

Corporate Capture: Economic degrowth. Destruction of small businesses and farming. International laws increase as National laws decrease. Sovereignty will cease to exist as Friedrich Engels predicted “the withering away of the state in the wake of socialism”. At a meeting of the ‘Global Futures Councils’ the gathering focused on the worlds political landscape in 2030, it was said

Degrowth: UN Agenda 2030 the degrowth of New Zealand’s small businesses and rural farming. The corporate capture of New Zealand. National laws and sovereignty will cease to exist. Friedreich Engels predicted the “withering away of the state” in the wake of socialism.  At an annual meeting of the ‘Global Future Councils’, it was said that the worlds political landscape in 2030 will look somewhat considerably different from the present one.

Housing: Mega Cities: Greater surveillance, increased influence and more power of the people. High density city-urban living increases as does people isolation and working from home hence many more suicides. People living in pack & stack apartments not domestic pet friendly, not child friendly.

Transport: Walk, cycling, E scooters, Electric cars, Uber, share rides and public transport hence becoming dependent on public services.

Employment: Ardern in her trip to Europe in 2018 referred to New Zealand and Germany having 45% unemployed within the next 20years. Four day working week. Working from home. Will significantly crush personal innovation, goals and initiatives, incentives. Uncertainty and instability.

Food & Water: Water continues to be sold on the world’s stock market. Water restrictions and regulations increased, monitored. Control of all water and food by corporate capture. C40 cities increase worldwide planned dietary intake. Central Bank Digital currency controlling what people purchase and the services they use eg.,  food, travel, what you do and whom you meet with                       Food controlled worldwide by Nestles, Coca Cola, Blackrock, Vanguard, Bill Gates etc., this path has already started.

Law: Huge increase in crime. People become a law unto themselves. Domestic laws will be replaced by global laws as all peoples will become global citizens of the world (Global Citizenship) Again Corporate capture.  Increased political control via political policing.

UN Agenda 2030 equates to the Decade Of Action which also is in collaboration with IA Immunization 2030 ‘To leave no-one behind, everyone, everywhere at every age’. Depopulate and Degrowth.

These UN Agenda 2030 Goals as listed:- Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere. – Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.    Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.    Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. Goal 6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.  Goal 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.  Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.  Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation. Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries. Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.  Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.  Goal 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.  Goal 15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.  Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.  Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.

FEAR MONERING IS THEIR WEAPON OF DESTRUCTION-Psychological warfare. One Crisis after another is being played out on a global scale. Fear leads to compliance and slavery of populations. They are scaring your children with Climate Doom and Gloom, the making of fearful placards at schools as to climate doom and gloom. Schools strike for Climate Emergency. UK Health Mental Healthy Services reference ‘Eco Anxiety’ and children’s nightmares as to climate alarmism. CDC publication of a book with monsters hidden everywhere refencing the COVID19 Pandemic. The alerting signs, images are everywhere. Children who are 5 years old and first attending school will no nothing but crisis and fear, facial masks and isolation.   Elderly people in nursing homes waiting for loved ones to visit. Funerals cannot be attended by all family members, friends and loved ones. Bodies of loved ones cremated where this was not a loved ones wishes. Gates to crematoriums, graveyards were locked. Imprisoned within borders. Traditions and cultures deliberately ignored. Peaceful Assembly and publicly opposing the governments narrative equated to character assassination by the govts purchased propaganda machine, house arrests, court appearances, huge fines. (Heil Hitler in NZ -Goebbels censorship). Increased violent political policing.  My own personal thoughts are “ All these fearmongering crisis strategies to control people are being used to  implement, action UN Agenda 2030 Global Development Goals worldwide”. Is UN Agenda 2030 the driving force behind COVID19 Pandemic?

UN Agenda 2030 introduced globally: Actioned, implemented locally. Population control . Technocracy. Resource Management, Destruction of the Free-market economy to replace the Free-market economy with the ‘corporate capture’ of multi-stakeholder corporate capitalism. The rich become richer, the poor become poorer and the middle income drop down to the poor class. This is a Marxist Class system, a Two Tier Society. The Jabbed and Un-jabbed. The Slave drivers and the Slaves. The compliant and the non-compliant, however comply or not you are still being controlled. There is no getting out of jail free card. Police State. End of Sovereign Nations. Destruction of Human Rights and Civil Liberties. Social re-engineering of people minds, behaviours to be compliant to UN Agenda 2030 strategies. (UN/WEF and  UN Member Nation Authoritarian Regimes)

Transforming Our World: Implemented, actioned by a global ruling class namely the ‘Great Reset’ has been planned for decades, the foot is on the accelerator now. Technocratic dehumanization, transhumanism we must STOP this from happening. Every crisis is a key strategy. This is not a conspiracy theory, they are so confident its well published all over the world. Its in your face, they are not hiding it, its no secret. The Sovereign peoples of New Zealand must hold those responsible to account, every MP that resides behind the political doors of the toilet bowl in Wellington. They ALL have full knowledge as to the deliberate harm being caused and will continue to be caused to our Sovereign Nation New Zealand, yet they continue down this road without conscience or shame. This deceptive fearmongering of vulnerable people and children, of the aged and the disabled. The deliberate destruction of traditions and cultures to replace them with a UN/WEF New Normal. Red, Blue, Green-Maori Party, Green Party, Labour and National Parties I personally believe are traitors of the Sovereign People of Our Nation. (All New Zealanders). They have deliberately actioned a divide and conquer, institutionalized racism with a Marxism Class ideology strategy. A Gender Diversity of Rainbows and Unicorns. A deliberate targeting of Males. UN Association Porthole for Education used by teachers to teach your children. Eg: Depopulation. A Stock carrying a baby in a nappy in its beak flying around the globe, is about to land on earth, however flames appear from the earth so the stork flys away with the baby still in its beak. Message: The world’s too dangerous to give birth to more children-depopulate.

UN Agenda 2030 JABS:  14 of the 17 Global Development goals include Immunizations, vaccinations.

Depopulation: Rockefeller Population Council collaborated with International Planned Parenthood Federation (History of Eugenics and Socialism) is affiliated with NZ Family Planning Services. (Largest Abortion Org., worldwide was accused of selling foetuses) . Eugenics is an ideology the global ruling class adheres to, supports and promotes. Replacement population rate for New Zealand is 2.1 we currently sit at 1.6

New Zealand Tax-payers: Donate to UN Agencies and their strategies. Because UN/WEF strategic partnership they also  donate to WEF also. Auckland City Council Website publish the promotion of the WEF. Central and Local Government are executing the strategies of UN/WEF SDGS & Targets. Sustainability is a global advertising pun. Smart technology relates to the strategies used to accelerate UN Agenda 2030. Technocracy is the science of social engineering. The focus is on Resource Management and Population Control. The theory of Malthusian (Marxist).

Resource Management Act: Is high regulated and will become much more so. This is a technocratic governance system to control peoples diets, the way they live. Behaviour  re-engineering. Auckland C40 Global City includes global dietary plan- more plant based foods and much less meat. All Local Councils implementing the measuring of our carbon footprint to change our behaviour (travel, food, energy etc.,) Equates to the New Normal – The Great Reset- UN Agenda 2030 Global Development Goals to transform all life on this planet by means of Corporate Capture and slavery.

Socialism- Communism: Are bed partners. Mahuta and her mystical taniwha friendship with the CCP Red Dragon.

Self Empowerment: Solutions include self-empowerment, you cannot walk in another’s shoes. A valuable source of information, knowledge walking alongside like minded people. Spread the truth. Do your research. The truth is out there. Live your inner truth. Be aware but not fearful of digital censorship, fear is a number one killer. Note the medical tyranny and serious violations of Human Rights. Reject vaccine certification and vaccine passports.  Use cash where-ever possible. Reject digital wallet. Reject new smart meters. Be aware that Smart TVs have an invisible camera within them, if you do not turn it off it can be hacked through the use of Netflix. You have been listened to and viewed in your own private home. (Have already experienced this hacking). Do not take part in COVID19 tests or COVID19 jabs. Do not trust this government (regime). I urge you to gain  Moral Courage.

Electioneering: Vocally push for ‘Citizens Initiated Binding Referendums’ and a Constitution set in concrete for the Sovereign Peoples of New Zealand-ALL New Zealanders this election year. When you hear an MP call for a referendum remember there is no binding referendum for the people of NZ therefore the government (regime) will always have the last decision making rights. Break the cycle of Red, Blue, Green and Maori Party. Support and encourage minor freedom fighting parties who are speaking out publicly about the tyranny that exists in New Zealand (Parties that come together under one umbrella).

Yet another fear mongering strategy: The pandemic is not going away. New variants a new crisis and the shite goes on. The propaganda machine -many more people are dying of COVID19.

DEBUNKING THIS FEAR MONGERING PROPAGANDA- Here is the Truth:-The World Health Organization last year requested all UN Member Nations to classify COVID19 deaths in alignment with them. 10th March 2022 NZ Government enacted that ‘Any person who had a COVID19 positive test, if they died within a month of that test they are then counted as a COVID 19 death. This window of time can be extended. In the UK it has been extended in some cases to 60 days. Therefore other deaths such as suicide and post jab deaths etc.,  are hidden. Remember the man that was shot by police in New Lynn Auckland, the propaganda machine called this a COVID19 death.

Arderns Global Christchurch Call: Is this all part and parcel of the strategy to implement UN Agenda 2030.  (Gun Buy Back Scheme) and Hate Speech- Censorship

The UN Global Compact of Migration signed by Winston Peters December 2018: Is this all part of UN Agenda 2030 strategy to rid us of our sovereign nation in favour of globalization (global citizenship) ? WEF Klaus Schwab stated that ‘sovereign nations’ will no longer exist.

Ardern’s Climate Emergency- Climate Refugee’s in host countries.. is this also a crucial part of implementing UN Agenda 2030 ?.

Central Bank Digital Currency- Is this all part of implementing UN Agenda 2030?

The Replacement of the Resource Management Act into 3 New Legislations. Three Waters, He Pua Pua are these all part of the strategy to implement UN Agenda 2030 development Goals?

The Mandating of COVID19 jabs. Arderns purchasing enough jabs for 2 shots in the arm for every New Zealander- man, woman and child. Is this a crucial part of the action plan to implement UN Agenda 2030 (SDGs 14 of the 17 relate to jabs) IA 2030 Global Strategy of Inoculation-Vaccination. 2020-2039 The Decade Of Action. Is this a crucial part of UN Agenda 2030 strategy?

The Therapeutics Products Bill. Strictly regulate Natural health products. Significantly increase off label medicines drugs across New Zealand. Note off label drugs are unapproved drugs and medicines. COVID19 jab number four was not approved by Medsafe was an off label drug. Off label drugs can only be given to a limited number of people.    Pfizer-Moderna had stated that each country, state would have to seek their own approval system for authorizing the jabs. Is this a crucial part of UN Agenda 2030 strategy?

Increased political policing and violence: At Parliamentary grounds was this part of UN Agenda 2030 strategy to control people’s voices and actions.. compliance and control ?

Targeting Farmers: No Farmers No Food. Those that control the food control the people, the same applies to fresh water. Is this also a critical part of UN Agenda 2030 strategy?

WAKE UP NEW ZEALAND NOW. Our Sovereign nation of people (New Zealanders) are under attack from the MPs that you voted in



