One school in NZ gave girls self defence classes and boys anger management. The message males are the abuses and females must defend themselves against males. All men are abuses.

The UN is all about support, education, caring, respecting Girls and Women. It appears that men have been rubbed on the chalked blackboard like they no longer exist, only as predators.

Whether its males abuse females more that females abuse males this does not equate putting all men under the one label of being predators, abusers of women. Domestic Violence does happen against men and its not unfamiliar but is familiar as not being publicised or reported in the mainstream media, the propaganda machine.

What is domestic violence against men? Its when some uses violence, controlling techniques to gain power over a male or female. Yes it happens to males. Eg a wife, partner abuses their male partner, husband

Men and women applies to both, the same scenario. Whether a same sex relationship or not, or any culture or religious group. Abuse relationships can happen between parents and children, grown children abusing parents, elder abuse, brother and sisters abusing each other

There are many different types of domestic violence, including physical assault, punching, slapping, hitting, scratching, bullying, emotional and psychological abuse including yelling, put downs, being ignored.

This may include social isolation, not being able to see family, friends, loved ones. And domineering behaviour- behaviour that frightens, harms, controls a person – man, women a child.

What are the signs that you may be experiencing domestic violence?

There are many different types of domestic violence, including:

Domestic Violence is mostly always discussed in relation to women. Man always regarded a s the perpetrator. Domestic Abuse is not limited to women alone. Men are most definitely abused verbally, physically, emotionally, psychologically, sexually. Men are what I call the ‘Silent Victims’. The law favours women as victims of violence, this is unjustly and is biased and discriminating.

Referencing:-January 2019 a Joint Submission for Men in NZ for the Universal Periodic Review of NZ (UPR Working Groups 32nd Session) Supporting Org., Canterbury Mens Centre, The Male Room, Wake Up NZ, Black Ribbon NZ, Mens and Boys Human Rights NZ. This important submission included:-That NZ has committed to full equality between men and women, however in some area’s men are disadvantages, men’s human rights are not protected  Men lack equality before the Law. Men face de facto inequalities compared to women.

Men are disadvantages by substantive differences in the justice system, in education, health, support for victims of violence and in family issues. There are system issues preventing NZ from addressing these human rights issues. Formal mechanisms to ensure gender equality, there is overwhelming evidence that concentrates on women’s inequalities. Ignoring the serious plight of men

NZ has at least three laws which explicitly discriminate against men and boys.  That violates the basic human rights of equality under the law and freedom from discrimination. “ensuring formal equality requires eliminating all instances of de jure discrimination”

In 1996 Female Genital mutilation became illegal in NZ however there is no protection for males.. While discussing intersex children, the committee on the Rights of the Child recommended “that no-one is subjected to unnecessary medical or surgical treatment during infancy or childhood”

Thus guaranteeing the Rights Of Children to bodily Integrity – autonomy and self-determination. Thus this should apply to all boys and girls.  NZ has accepted recommendations to remedy structural discrimination in the Justice System, however men face unequal treatment in the Justice System. Women who enter the Justice System are filtered out at every natural attrition point more than men.

Dr Samantha Jeffries found several disparities in the treatment of men compared to women  “In all but one case (the initial decision to imprison) -sex was found to have a direct impact on the judicial outcomes investigated including:- Length of prison tern, remand status, length of custodial, remand and bail conditions. Women’s imprisonment terms were found to be substantially shorter than men’s.  She also stated that she found judges and probation offices were more likely to talk about women in terms of their ‘superior’ nurturing capabilities, as weak willed, dependent on ‘bad’ men who had lead them astray, as mentally ‘unwell’ and /or as victims of  circumstance.

That the court was more likely to construed male offenders as bad, disruptive and dangerous.  This allowed the court to rationalise rehab over punishment for women.

There were other biases and discriminations by the justice system against men made in this report and no effort has been made to address, adjust these. Therefore NZ Judicial System, the Government should eliminate gender biases against men, males in general within the justice system.

NZ accepted recommendations to reduce inequalities in the education system however boys and men are behind at all levels of education. Dropping out, suspensions and expulsions:- Equal numbers of men and women reported being a victim of violent crime. Men reported less victimisation than women from family and partners and more from non-family members and strangers

4.The rate of death from assault for men is 1.6 times that of women

Men are unequally treated when it comes to services available to them purely because of their gender. Whether females or males are perpetrated both should be given the same relevant support. One police officer is reported as saying “I’m also seeing and I agree … that males are becoming expendable and it’s as if we don’t matter anymore.”

Much work needs to be done when it comes to health equalities, as NZ Health Strategy does not inclusively include men”( ‘gendered’ health strategy in New Zealand is not inclusive of men.” Traditionally men have a higher Mortality rate than women.  Many more men, young males suicide than females in NZ.

We have a horrific suicide history and its getting worse. Men suicide rate is three times higher than that of females. Men and fathers are very important members of families.

There is little to no recognition of mens reproduction rights, this is complicated because men do not bear the children but they should not be excluded without the male, father of the child’s sperm their would be no child in the first place.

Yes men become overjoyed, elated, look forward to the birth of their child, imagine if the unborn child’s mother then decides to terminate this unborn child that the father has already fallen in love with, is looking forward to holding in his arms, to show his little one of to the world his family. But that can be ripped away from him just like that, by a mother of his child deciding she doesn’t want the unborn baby right up to the time the unborn baby is in the mother birth canal.

Big Boys do cry, and they do hurt and they do suffer from family violence and they are discriminated against and treated unjustifiably discriminated against.

NZ Family Court System has significant problems. 21st September 2017 Zdenek Hanzlik died of injuries outside parliament. He was protesting issues with the family court,  He died of self immolation. Sacrificed himself by fire, set himself alight, burned to death

Another system that needs to be held totally responsible and accountable is Oranga Tamariki’s UPLIFTS’ and the systems that permit them. Report dated 23rd August 2019. The Equal Justice Project. Referring to a Newsroom report of ‘stolen generations’ Where thousands of children have been taken or lost “were stolen” Investigations into abuse in state care in 2019 found that more than 220 children were being harmed in 2018. 36 were sexually harmed, 182 physically harmed, 35 neglected and 83 emotionally abused by caregivers, family members, other Oranga Tamariki staff. When asked about these findings in March 2019 the ministry’s chief executive Grainne Moss failed to provide more detail about the number of Oranga Tamariki staff involved.

Figures obtained under the Official Information’s Act showed that in July – Sept 2018 there were three instances where Oranga Tamariki Staff were found to have physically harmed a child in care. There were three instances of physical harm in Oct-Dec quarter. In addition there was one instance of emotional harm and another instance of sexual harm caused by an Oranga Tamariki staff member, Oranga Tamariki refused to release details in its OIA response about what action was taken, if any, against staff members.

References to Oranga Tamariki namely ‘engenders a legacy of harm’ removal of children from their parents. Psychologically devastating.

The Guardian reportd 27th July 2019. An additional 18,000 children pushed into poverty In just one year) A study shows homelessness, food insecurity down to government neglect. Many children still living in damp conditions, more children than ever living in motels, families living in unaffordable homes. Public housing waiting list booms.

Ardern publicly declares “it would be difficult to find a government from the past several decades that had dome more to address child poverty than the current one. Ardern’s self praise. She says she is really prod of her government.  Government policies that failed to ensure adequate income support for hundreds of thousands of children.

The government doled out $13bn in wage subsidies to people whose jobs were affected by the lockdown and ongoing disruptions, but many people in lower-socioeconomic positions missed out, report author and Public Health Association chief executive, Leah Bain, said.

The complete failure of this government. Kiwi Build complete failure. Now the govt publicises, boasts all these houses are being built. High density housing, dog kennels without gardens.  Wait for it Red Traffic Light confined to your dog kennels of high density pack and stacks. Under constant surveillance.

Yep, that will really push family violence, anxiety, stress limits housed in little boxes with little or no gardens for children and no pets to cuddle.

Public Housing Waiting List 26,868 applicants as at March 31st 2022. An increase of 13.4% increase from the same time as last year. Now the NZ Govt invites 165,000 new residency visa’s by July 2022, even though there is a huge loss of employment and businesses that have seriously impacted on New Zealanders lives. The insanity persists.




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