Measuring Happiness by Metrics: Is about quantifying what is subjective opinion. Depending on socio-economic status or culture, mood or other psychological factors, an inappropriate, inaccurate measurement of happiness. The overall quality of life varies from person to person, different lifestyles and personal preferences. Health determines life expectancy. Life expectation vary, they wax and they wane. Happiness is the state of the mind with multiple interpretations
Psychological factors are uncertainties, the overall quality depends on numerous multilayered variables. The Metric Happiness Index is about the dark side of politics, academia, scientific analysis and who interprets the data and for what purpose, and the biases that lie within the interpretation of Happiness. Happiness is a state of the mind with multiple interpretations. The Happiness Index cannot be quantified or qualified creditably, accurately by the measurement of metrics. For instance, a person can be unhappy about something happening at home but happy at the same time in task away from their home, performing an activity, therefore that’s just one example of Metric Happiness Index being a bitter pill to swallow, statically bad metric measurements. Metrics do not take into account ones morale.
Revisiting the Kingdom of Bhutan that deported approx. 100,000 Nepalese because they did not fit Bhutanese Buddhist traditional dress, language, religion even though they had lived in the kingdom for centuries, the Nepalese Bhutanese were imprisoned, tortured, killed and deported like criminals. Became the people of no country they could really call home. These people were invited many centuries ago by the Bhutanese to build Stupa’s for Bhutan. Stupa’s are an important part of Buddhist architecture. These are religious mounds where saints and monks remain that have been cremated are kept. But centuries later these Nepalese people whose homes had been the Kingdom of Bhutan for so long were treated with extreme cruelty. There was only to be one way of life in Bhutan and that did not include the Bhutanese Nepalese people.
The King of Bhutan in 1970 first introduced the Happiness Index into Bhutan in the early 1970’s, however the outside world were clearly taking notice by 2008 as the Bhutanese Happiness Index became known. The 4th king of Bhutan in 1972 declared ‘Gross Happiness is more important than Gross Domestic Product’. In 2011 the UN unanimously adopted a General Assembly Resolution introduced by Bhutan and its Happiness Index approach. The small Kingdom of Bhutan only 23,857 square miles slightly larger than Switzerland became much more known on the global stage. It wasn’t until 2019 that Jacinda Ardern adopted the Bhutanese Happiness Index like the King of Bhutan to replace NZ’s GDP with the measurement of metrics, namely ‘happiness indicators. GDP was more transparent when it came to holding the government accountable for its spending. The Happiness Metrics model significant for non transparency, cover ups of corruption and inaccuracies.
When the King Of Bhutan first introduced his Happiness Index, the Buddhist population psyche overall was that of seeking contentment, training the mind. Simple ways of life that were non materialistic. This is what the Globalist power elite and Authoritarian States, the WEF and UN-Socialists, Marxists, Communists would like to think, believe that Bhutan is the ‘Happiest place in the World’. They want you to embrace the ‘Happiness Index’.
Bhutan has entered the post modernized globalist agenda of sustainability of climate doom and gloom. Yet the Himalaya’s have three climate’s ranging the warm weather to grow oranges and colder weather to grow potatoes. The Kingdom of Bhutanese people face serious socio-economic challenges The Kingdoms Happiness Index has 9 Domains and 33 Happiness Indicators including that od ‘Cultural Diversity and Resilience, Ecological Diversity, Bio-diversity and good governance.
In the 2019 World Happiness Assessment Report Bhutan came 95th. Bhutans is weak in the Education, Health Sectors, has serious social problems, family violence, human trafficking. The health sector failings- increased cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes.
The Himalaya’s have three climate variances. Bhutan has been embedded with Agenda 2030 (UN) Sustainability Development Goals. There is the prohibiting of exporting of timber, wood is used to heat homes by using cast iron stoves. Bhutan although geographically isolated is landlocked by powerful dangerous neighbors-India and China
In Bhutan’s north – Tibet has been swallowed up by China and India’s power is fast increasing in this globalized world. Bhutan like most UN Nation member states are embedded in this global psychological warfare, repression, oppression and recession, unemployment and poverty. There are no sign posts for the Kingdom of Bhutan, it is a isolated geopolitical place that is vulnerable to corruption, violence and political opportunism.
There are massive problems, inaccuracies when it comes to the Happiness Index and the Wellbeing of the Nation. Happiness is too subjective has far too many facets, people experience emotions in different ways. Metric measures of Happiness are inaccurate, incorrect, inappropriate cannot measure personal happiness. Whether it be a Global Happiness Index or New Zealand’s Happiness Index, it’s a sham and therefore corrupt.
Happiness Economics this is nonsense, there are numerous biases and this is dam right counter productive, hides government failures and the way they spend tax payer funds, non transparency easier to achieve. Does not measure how people feel from one minute to the next, from one day to the next, from one week to the next let alone annually or in a Happiness Metric Index budget that is introduced to the people of NZ recently.
The Kingdom Of Bhutan and its Happiness Index embraced by the 2019 Labour led government, where Ardern was praised worldwide for her Happiness Index initiative. Bhutan- New Zealand the people face restrictions on freedom of speech, on peaceful assembly. In Bhutan restrictions on domestic and international mobilization and also Human trafficking.
The Happiness Metric Index” And Happiness 15 Minute Smart Cities. Smart approaches to measuring happiness mean mobilizing an ever increasing array of mobile apps, behavioral data that aims to sense, explain our measurements of happiness. A popular approach for authoritarian government, the Happiness Metric Measurement an approach to move beyond economic growth to ‘communist de-growth’ where Behavioral Economists are highly influential in public policy agenda’s on the world stage.
The Happiness Index of Smart Cities: Informed by predictive behavioral analytics, wearable emotional sensing, mass surveillance, tracking your mobile phone, where you are, whom you are with, virtual doctors appointments, individuals mapped, measured and managed. Measuring Happiness, redefining observable behavior, monitoring a persons mental aspects. Economists working in ‘Happiness Studies’ in neuroscience, genetic evidence and comparable measures to define what happiness means. The serious limitations, what’s happening within our minds and what’s happening in our personal outside world.
Where people who have mental health issues can report they are happy, but suicide rates are high. New Zealand, Denmark and Finland all have high Suicide rates but Happiness Indexes yet were assessed relatively happy on the World Happiness Report. NZ with the highest Youth Suicide rate in the developed world. Happiness based policy making: Is a vague term that means different things to different people, its impossible to come up with a definition that captures all aspects of happiness and wellbeing for every person. Philosophers studied happiness for thousands of years but have failed to arrive at a single definition.
The Nature Of Happiness: There is no simple theory about the nature of happiness. Happiness is extremely complex, multi-faceted, multilayered, cannot be reduced to a metric formular. So what do we do, do we call it out for what it is – inaccurate, a lie, corrupt. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the time..
Do we journey down the path of being so called Happiness Metric Index pheasants or do we pursue the ‘Freedom of Choice’. Do we adapt to each of us being quantified, measured or do we embrace our individual identity, preserve our dignity and self worth as unique individual human beings.?
Measuring Happiness in quantitative metric terms is a disillusionment, this in reality is about re-engineering society, re-engineering peoples behaviors, destroying personal identity, destroying peace and happiness, this is what is being pursued behind the political closed doors of the cesspit in Wellington.
Carol Sakey
Friday - June 23, 2023 - THE MINISTRY OF TRUTH 'WakeUpNZ'
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