Article In Stuff Lifestyle Sunday Magazine Feb 19th 2023 Tusiata Avia a Christchurch poet and writer has authored a book titled ‘The Savage Coloniser Book’, this books contents have been turned into show for an upcoming Auckland Arts Festival (there is no bleeping our of censorship or the outrageous racial hatred Tusiata Avia how any person with fair skin. There is absolutely no censorship. The journalist of the Sunday Magazine writes “Tusiata Avia cannot wait to make you feel uncomfortable
Tusiata Avia from Christchurch is a poet and writer who’s book entitled “The Savage Coloniser Book” has been turned into a show for the upcoming Auckland Arts Festival. (Explicit language warning: Profanities have not been bleeped out in this video, against Stuff’s usual protocols, to allow the poet to read her work without censorship.). Michelle Duff talks to Ockham winning poet Tusiata Avia as she speels out racism, fearlessness of growing up as a Pasifika in NZ. In the interview she said brown people in the audience would laugh at her and white people are uneasy. In her staged event for Auckland Arts Festival she describes the following set for her show “A carload of brown girls seek grisly revenge on Captain Cook. A guide shows how to navigate the room of white people. Saying “cousins in Christchurch are uso’s in the so called ‘brown zone’. She does not apologise for her despising of so called white people saying “I think its good for white people to sit and squirm a bit. I mean we’re brown people squirming all the times (I call this incitement to hatred and racial discrimination, that has been left to run wild. If it were vice versa then the police would go knocking on doors, there would be arrests. The Government, police acceptance and promotion of Cultural Marxism’. She eludes to white people stepping outside their comfort zone, then “states she loves her white audience, as silent as they are”. She also refers to colonization and white settlers that perpetuated damage in the pacific in the past is still here right now, and her dislike of white people to the massacre 15 th March 2019 Christchurch Attack of one loan wolf from Australia, she then linked this as others have to ‘white supremacy’
However the truth comes out when the Royal Commission of Inquiry responds to 17 Questions by the community of New Zealand where the Royal Commission of Inquiry stated that “3 yrs prior to the attack and up to the date of the attack 15.3.2019 the Muslim community in Christchurch were seriously concerned about a Daesh attack (ISIS). Tusiata Avia wrote these words “The White Spirits rise up from the swamp, and many bad things happen. The White Spirits rise up from the swamp and kill those that kneel and pray” Saying “I think it’s good for white people to sit and squirm a bit. I mean, we’re [brown people] squirming all the time,” Avia says. She states publicly that “she does not care what people think, because she is writing for herself”.
The Sunday Magazine journalist states that ‘Avia is warm and funny, she represents the truth, the universal truth about colonisation, which was basically rape and pillage and massacre. Avia was raised in Christchurch to a Samoan father and Pakeha mother. Her mother was of Scottish and English ancestry. She says “I have colonisers roots” Actually saying this out loud refers to the 250th Anniversary of James Cooks Arrival In New Zealand:-
Hey James, yeah you in that big Endeavour sailing the blue water like a big arsehole. F—YOU,BITCH- James. I heard that some-one shoved a knife right into the gap between your white ribs at Kealakekua Bay. I am going there make a big Makahiki-luau cook a white pig, feed it to the dogs and F—YOU UP, BITCH. Hey James, its us these days, we are driving around in SUVs looking for ya or white men like you who might be thieves or rapists or kidnappers, or murderers- yeah, or any of your descendants or any of your carnations – cos you know – ay bitch We’re gonna F..YOU UP. Tonight, James its me Lani, Danielle and a car full of brown girls we find you. You’ve got another woman in a headlock and I’ve got my fathers pig hunting knife in my fist and we are coming to get you.- sailing around in your ‘Resolution’- your ‘Friendship’- your ‘Discovery’ and you F—king ‘Freelove’.. Watch you ribs James, cos I am coming with Kalaniopu’u, Kanekapolei, Kana’ina, Keawe’opala, Kuka ‘ilimoko who is God and Nua’a who is the King with a knife. And then James, then we are gonna ‘F— You UP FOR GOOD BITCH’. Author Tusiata Avia. Sunday Magazine. Image if the tables were turned this would have been the main item before the House-House . The Maori Party would have made mince meat of it. The police would have raided your house. So why hasn’t the Race Relations Commission been onto this?
I have many hundred of people with Maori and Pacific Island blood never have I ever heard them speak like this. This is just plain evil.
International Socialist Aotearoa summer reading – The Best of 2016. 18th December 2016 reported. We asked writers, activists and intellectuals to offer picks from their reading and watching this year for others over the summer. Refers to a new Tusiata Avia collection, moving, angry, dextrous work, has received all sorts of hype and richly deserved. “Wild Dogs Under My Skirt’ and ‘Bloodclot’. Further reference : A celebration of Aotearoa NZ’s LGBTQI writing talent poet Tusiata Avia asks what collection of molecules am. I and I think about queer kinship and how do I trace my ancestors?
NZ Book Shelf Tusiata Avia is an internationally acclaimed poet, performer and children’s author. She has published 4 collections of poetry, 3 children’s books and her play ‘
The Word Christchurch festival 2018 TUSIATA AVIA GUEST PROGAMMER. Described as Socialist Feminist Activist Poet Writer-Author. https://wordchristchurch.co.nz/content/uploads/2018/07/SPUB0000_WORD-2018_Festival-Programme_LR.pdf
Patrons ans supporters of this festival included Corporate Patrons. Supporting publishers- Auckland university Press, Awa Press, Allen & Unwin, Penguin, Victoria University Press. Partners: includes British Council. Harcourts, Kate Sylvester, LISTENER, Heartland, University of Canterbury. Christchurch City Council. And RATA Foundation and more were Festival Partner Christchurch 2018. Major Funders were Christchurch City Council CREATIVE NZ and RATA Foundation. The 2023 Auckland Arts Festival Funders and Sponsor- Auckland Council, CREATIVE NZ . Major Funders are FOUNDATION NORTH, PUB CHARITY, FOUR WINDS, NZCT. Gold Sponsors are The NZ Herald and Auckland Live. Silver Sponsors COLENSO BBDO and Bronze Sponsors are Russel McVeagh, AA, Think Science, TPDD Corporation and FLITS. Corporate Patrons..MOJO, DELMAINE, RICKETMASTER, BDO , BECA and G H MUMM Champage
FUNDING PARTNERS..The LION Foundation, Asia NZ Foundation, Made In Scotland, K’ARTS. Australian High Commission NZ, Canada Down Under, Government , The Trusts Community Foundation Of Canada a;; supporting the appalling incitement promotion of hatred for anyone who does not have a brown skin. The language used and the discrimination NOT censored and published By Sunday Magazine Stuff NZ
. https://wordchristchurch.co.nz/content/uploads/2018/07/SPUB0000_WORD-2018_Festival-Programme_LR.pdf
https://samesamebutdifferent.co.nz › 2021/06
Friday - May 19, 2023 - APARTHEID IN NZ
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