The UN Declaration of Rights for Indigenous Peoples has been used widely in policies, globally, regionally worldwide. The UN Declaration was widely known as a ‘Declaration of Aspiration with no legal intent intended. It is non binding, majority UN Declarations are Non-binding. Non-Binding does not mean that a government whom agrees to an UN Declaration is not committed to it. The UN declaration can be used as a reference in the judicial system. When a UN Nation State agrees to sign a non-binding  The UN Declaration it then sits in a place called ‘Soft Law’, this is a great advantageous to the Govt as this can be quickly, quietly be legislated, or used for reference in the judicial system  at anytime without public interference, this is a place of non-transparency. This also applies to the agreed upon UNDRIP which John Key and Pita Sharples of the Māori Party secretly arranged to be signed, as Pita Sharples attended the UN in 2010 to sign the UNDRIP without public scrutiny in complete secretary. However it was a different story on 13th September  2007 when the UN first adopted the UNDRIP in the UN Assembly. It was who a Labour led Government at the time what rejected the UNDRIP. Rosemary Banks was the representative of NZ who explained to the UN Assembly why NZ was rejecting this UN Declaration. She announced that the UNDRIP a number of reasons why NZ would not agree with the UN Declaration they were included in four provisions of the UN Declaration. Australia, Canada, US and NZ rejected the UNDRIP in 2007

NZ’s reasons for rejection of the UN Declaration included there were four provisions in the declaration fundamentally incompatible with NZ’s Constitutional and legal arrangements. The Treaty Of Waitangi, the Principle of Governing for the good of ALL NZ Citizens (Art 26)..

Article 28 Lands & resources redress (compensation) Article’s 19 and 32 the right of Veto over the State

(Art 26) stated that Indigenous Peoples has a right to own, use, develop, control lands and territories that had been traditionally owned, occupies or used. For NZ this meant the entire country was potentially caught up in this scope of Artic 26.

Thus this required recognition of rights to land lawfully owned by other citizens. This article implies that Indigenous Peoples have rights that others do not have. (Art 28)  again the entire country would fall within this scope on redress (compensation). The text of the UN Declaration did not take into consideration the fact that land might now be occupies or owned legitimately by others, or subject to numerous different, or overlapping indigenous claims. The UN Declaration implies that Indigenous Peoples have a right of Veto over a Democratic Legislature and over Natural Resource Management. The UNDRIP is incompatible with democratic processes, legislation and constitutional arrangements, and also implied different classes of citizenship, where Indigenous People have the right to veto over that of other groups or individuals. Other groups, individuals did not have the same rights. The Declaration does not reflect, recognize the general principles of NZ Law. The States that voted in favour of the UNDRIP viewed the UN Declaration as being an aspirational document, intended to inspire rather than have a legal effect. The term ‘Indigenous Peoples’ is now used majorly and in various ways worldwide. ‘Indigenous People and Agenda 2030 ‘, Indigenous Biodiversity, Better Indigenous Policies, The Constitutional Korero- Indigenous Futures Aotearoa, International Indigenous Council, NZ Human Rights Commission’s commitment to Indigenous Rights

In 2019 the NZ Govt and the National Iwi Chairs Forum plus the Human Rights Commission set about developing NZ’s National Action Plan to implement the UNDRIP in 2019. This was paused, postponed would be completed at another time. There is external international  and internal oversight pressure for the govt to implement the UNDRIP in NZ. However the UN have highlighted concerns over the actions of NZ Parliament as in December 2022, it passed legislation to remove Wairarapa Moana Incorporations right to seek return of their lands, territories and resources. The UNDRIP has been referenced as being contravened as a constitutional agreement, naming Te Tiriti on Waitangi and the UNDRIP rights of Indigenous Peoples.  As I have said, a Non-Binding UN Declaration referenced to that sits in the place of advantage ‘Soft Law’. As they highlight human rights breaches that are not included in higher law. Te Titiriti o Waitangi is the 1840 Maori Version of the Founding document of NZ. It never created Principles not a Partnership. It was Legislation and the Judicial that created these at a much later date in the 1980’s. The original Maori Treaty has been corrupted by the collaboration of the Iwi Elite and State Policies.

You may well ask ‘how did this terminology ‘Indigenous Peoples’ come about, where did it originate from? It certainly was not a term used in 1840 at the signing of the Maori Version of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Its is said that ‘many groups’ whom identify as ‘Indigenous’ do not claim to be ‘First People’. Many who did claim to be ‘First People’ do not claim to be Indigenous Peoples. 1989 Indigenous identity evolved by a man named Moringe ole Parkipuny he was a Maasai Radical Activist, a former member of the Tanzanian Parliament. He travelled around the US and met up with the Navajo Nation in South West America, he was invited to stay with them for a short visit on their reservation. Parkipuny at this time introduced them to the term ‘Indigenous People’. He was very outspoken, propelling his radical activism. He also became linked with international circles of other tribal nations, Mexico and Canada etc., to sharpen their understanding of the term ‘Indigenous Peoples’. Parkipuny allied himself with International workgroups for ‘Indigenous Affairs’ this was established in Copenhagen.

He later visited Geneva, by this time the ‘Indigenous’ groundwork had been done and had started its journey of transformation and the racial flavour of the term ‘Indigenous Peoples’ had intensified. Thus serving as a partition distinguishing that of white settlers and non European owned lands. In the 1960’s- 1970’s Liberation movements were flourishing. In NZ the Polynesian Panthers worked with Nga Tamatoa to rally for Indigenous/Māori Rights. In the US it was Red Power, the American Indian Movement and the International Indian Treaty Council. All aspired, were promoting pushing the ‘de-colonization agenda, eventually ‘Indigenous Peoples’ become a term that became globalized. Parkipuny had successful remodeled the old Latin noun ‘Indigena’ which was originally formed by combining ‘Indu’ (meaning ‘in’ or ‘within’ with the verb gignere (meaning to ‘beget’). To Beget is to ‘bring a child into existence by the process of reproduction. Is also reference as to ‘procreate, generate (Offspring), to cause, produce as an effect. The definition is too difficult to describe

Therefore the UN has no official definition for ‘Indigenous Peoples’ they have left this up to other to self determine themselves as ‘Indigenous Peoples’. Through the conclusion of the UN ‘Indigenous Peoples’ became one Global Identity of various peoples. Today over ½ billion people have claimed they are ‘Indigenous Peoples’. Being ‘first’ does not necessarily make people ‘Indifenous People’ A handful of Gaelic Monks and back then, the Vikings were the first to arrive in Iceland, yet Icelanders are touted as ‘Indigenous Peoples’ by the UN. Scandinavians can trace most of their ancestry to Siberian Reindeer herders, yet Scandinavians are listed in the UN Indigenous Peoples World Book. There has been protest at the UN Assembly when a mixed race of Afrikaners and Khoi Pastoralists read a speech at a UN Forum about ‘Indigenous AFFAIRS’. Hundreds of delegates walked out in protest, as people had been identifies as Indigenous people, without their knowledge or consent. Much is to do with reimagining’s, re-story telling, the idyllic  romanticism of history of a bygone era. Māori Scholar Evan Poata-Smith wrote about the pressure to adopt identities that are primordial, naturalistic and unchanging. If you fail to follow this path, you risk being looked at as inauthentic”.  The ideology of establishing a one world identity of ‘Indigenous Peoples’ for a widely diverse array of peoples worldwide. Includes that of widely, aggressively promoting ‘decolonization as a social revolution.

One of an imprisonment of oppression and victimization. Globalized, regionalized, nationalized identity politics. Legislated to cause civil unrest in Nations States, which is a political globalized agenda. This hurts ALL people, it’s a Human Rights Tyranny. People in Australia, NZ and North America have even sent petitions to British Royalty, one of these was T W Ratana, who appealed to the League of Nations in 1923 and 1924. With no references to the term ‘Indigenous Peoples’. George Manuel was the President of the Canadian Indian Brotherhood, he also established the International Indigenous Peoples Council at the UN belonged to Activist networks he expanded and entrenched the term ‘Indigenous Peoples as an identity in 1971.

A Canadian delegation visited the South Pacific to learn about the place of the Māori in NZ, Manuel was part of the delegation that represented Canadian Indigenous Peoples. When in NZ Manuel was whished away from one exhibition to another, so he could experience the Māori entertainment. He also took the opportunity to invite Māori Politicians and a troupe of Māori entertainers to his hotel room for a somewhat serious chat about ‘Indigenous Peoples’. Manuel was fluent in the politics of Canada’s First Nations. He was interviewed by a Yukon newspaper called The Whitehorse Daily, he spoke about ‘Indigenous Peoples’ saying “We want to maintain our special status, our special rights as the original inhabitants. Indigenous Peoples fighting a White Commonwealth Nation for Land. A worldwide movement for cultural autonomy and the rights of native people, aboriginal rights. From NZ Manuel travelled to Australia, he talked with an assembly of Aboriginal students and told them to be ‘proud you are dark” and “maybe we have a reason to be prouder than the white man.” October 1975 Manuels dream materialized, the stage had been set as delegates from 19 countries founded the World Council of Indigenous Peoples. Manuel was elected President. In the lead up to the conference, attendees decided no to call themselves ‘Aboriginal people and instead named themselves ‘Indigenous Peoples’

The World Council and the UN Working Group of Indigenous Population was founded in 1982, and had regular meetings with the promise of drafting an International law. In the UN 2021 report on the ‘State of the Worlds Indigenous Peoples’ referred to the status of Indigenous Peoples remains a subject of contention. When Parkipuny the original Tanzanian voice for ‘Indigenous Peoples, appeared in Geneva the Maasai wore emblems of a primitive Africa. With spears, shields, stretched earlobes, they adorned postcards, doco’s and travelogues, books, magazines on coffee tables. Pictures of men in ostrich feathers, feathered headdresses and beaded necklaces that was after the photographers, journalists relieved them of their very expensive sunglasses and watches. Parkipuny promoted tribalism, neighboring countries like Kenya feared that this ethnic mobilization would invite insurgent violence and economic instability.

It was also said that the Masai exploited ‘Indigenous’ identity to exploit, funnel money and attention towards themselves.  Politics built around  the term ‘Indigenous Peoples’ is said to weaken domestic ties. A Hindu Rights Propaganda Website in 2020, a columnist observed “In the game of WOKE, we Hindu’s actually hold all possible cards. We are people of colour. We come from Indigenous culture that is different from the organized religions..  ”HOW CAN WE NOT BE WINNING EVERY ARGUMENT?

The United Nations and the International Labour Organization have embraced the term ‘Indigenous Peoples. But this term ‘Indigenous can also trap communities its suppose to liberate” into a globalist Eco-incarnation. Used for the Globalist Agenda as the term ‘Indigenous Peoples’ is being used to expand and promote the UN One World Globalist Agenda. NGO’s, politicians, academics, environmental activists, the UN/ WEF, and all their cohorts that collaborate with them globally, regionally and nationally. Namely Indigenous Sovereignty Mirrors. Two classes of citizenship in one nation, civil unrest the hastening the journey to destroy nation states whom are reported to be the  enemy of globalization

As the professors, academics in Harvard refer to Indifenous World Building. Indigenous lands to transform Food Sovereignty worldwide. As the Food and Agriculture Organization a UN Agency has an Alliance of Biodiversity Internal -Indigenous Food Systems. Insights on Sustainability UN Agenda 2030 Global Development Goals, to leave no-one behind, everyone, everywhere at every age. The Indigenous Iwi Elite voice they are speaking for ‘Our People’. Who are ‘Our People. That they call ‘Our People’ Do they have consent from those that are namely ‘Our People’ to be identified as ‘Indigenous Peoples’?  I think not. I am of the opinion this is about Self Interests of the Iwi Elite.. that are conforming and collaborating with the UN/WEF Agenda’s and their puppets in Parliament, and Local Government.

RESEARCHER: Carol Sakey,concept%20escape%20its%20colonial%20past%3F&text=Identity%20evolves.


UN Declaration of Indigenous Peoples Rights Blog Posts View all Categories


13th September 2007 under the labour Government they were totally opposed to the UNDRIP for the following reasons. But  for all these reasons that all these reasons why they rejected it, they are now supporting it, and promoting it.

In 2010 John Keys under a veil of secrecy arranged for Pita Sharples co leader of the Maori party to go to New York UN Assembly to be a representative of NZ where he adopted the UNDRIP.  The following is what he agreed upon on behalf of the peoples of New Zealand, which of course they did not even know about until after the dirty deed was done.

Iwi/Maori to have  Veto Rights over others. Control of NZ’s Natural Resources. Veto rights over the laws of Parliament. Two classes of citizenship. The UNDRIP was not compliant with the Treaty. Iwi/Maori  would have own  the entire lands of NZ, that others already legally own. The rights to redress lands (compensation) for the entire lands of New Zealand.

It was said by Rosemary Banks that represented New Zealand at the UN in 2007 that the UNDRIP is seen by others attending the UN Assembly as a document of Aspiration not a legal document to be acted upon.

He Puapua report that was commissioned by Ardern’s Cabinet in 2019. This is the action plan which includes the UNDRIP which is the hugely controversial undemocratic  Co-governance of New Zealand.

Researched By Carol Sakey



In the 1960’a Maasai radical activist (Moringe Ole Parkipuny) former member of Tanzanian Parliament coined the phrase ‘Indigenous People’ . August 1989 he was the first African so called ‘Indigenous Person’ (A self-determined Indigenous Person) to address the UN Working Group on Indigenous Populations in Geneva. He laid the foundations for the UN 2007 adopted UN Declaration for Indigenous Peoples Rights (UNDRIP)

An article written more recently in the New Yorker Magazine by Maniv Singh wrote ‘Many groups who identify as Indigenous don’t claim to be first peoples, many who did come first don’t claim to be Indigenous’. Winston Peters recently stated that Maori are not Indigenous to NZ they come from Hawaiki, but those that self identify in NZ as Indigenous People argue “they are Indigenous People’

Many African view the term ‘Indigenous People’ as having negative connotations, that concerted radical activists call themselves Indigenous People as do their international partners. Referring to the obsessive shift in attitudes. In Africa ‘Indigenous People’ call themselves the dominant class stating they reflect the interests activities beliefs of the majority. The so called ‘Indigenous People’ of New Zealand have taken the same attitude as if they are speaking for all those people with Maori ancestry, calling them ‘Our People’, without consent or consensus.

The Parkipuny coined phrase has become an expanded dominant force used as a political, economically rewarding tool to favour one group over all others in Nation States. Thus influencing environmental legislations and Resource Management, riddled in Identity Politics of Oppression and Victimhood. Useful in character assassinating Non-Maori whom oppose their narrative by demonizing industrialization in colonies. (Back to Tribal Feudalism- Decolonize everything) INSANITY.

The re-story telling, re-imaginings of a tribal warfare being non-=existent, that those of Maori ancestry were people of the forest that lived peacefully amongst themselves. Masking, silencing the genocide in the Chatham Island of the Morori by Maori tribalism, they were easy bait being peaceful loving people. The tribal warfare  attacks, slavery, torture, cannibalism to expose these facts one would be targeted as Racist, White Supremacist even those that have Maori ancestry have exposed this and also called white supremacists too.

The so called ‘Indigenous People’ aiding the Globalist Agenda 2030 ‘Our Future’ Leave No-one Behind, everyone, everywhere at every age- the main actors of this massive transformation are the UN & WEF, UN Nation Governments, Globalist Elite and Iwi Elite – Corporations, Global Asset Managers, Philanthropists eg Rockefeller, Gates Foundation etc., COP 28 ‘Indigenous People are at the centre, forefront of the global transformation Agenda 2030.

Like the words ‘Partnership’ Principles they were not created by the original Maori Version of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and nor was the phase ‘Indigenous People’. How did that coined Parkipuny phrase enter New Zealand? George Manuel President of the Canadian Indian Brotherhood with a Canadian Delegation visited to NZ, this was arranged by Justin Trudeau father Pierre Trudeau in 1971. George Manuel met with Maori Politicians where discussions took place on the use of the phrase ‘Indigenous People’

George Manual and the Canadian Delegation then travelled to a university in the Northern Territories of Australia where Manuel gave a speech to Aboriginal students on ‘Indigenous People’. Travelling from one place to another, the Parkipuny coined phrase ‘Indigenous People’ expanded across the world. George Manuel then established the UN International Indigenous Peoples Council. At one UN gathering 100+ native, tribal people walked out in protest complaining they had never consented to being classed as ‘Indigenous People’

The adopted ‘self determined’ identification ‘Indigenous People’ a one label for many natives, tribes, with numerous various cultures, traditions and globally 4,000 plus different languages. George Manuel was influential in planning the UNDRIP which took many years to plan, also Maori Ngati Awa hosted the first International Conference on Indigenous Cultural & Intellectual property rights

On the drafting of the UN Declaration for the Rights of Indigenous People many governments actively opposed it because of legal arguments such as NZ, Canada, US and Canada. It was in 1985 that enough UN Nation States agreed to drafting the UN Declaration hence establishing a working group to draft a plan. Maori from New Zealand were involved. Moana Jackson was a chairperson at the UN in 1990. Also involved were Joe Williams, Aroha Mead the daughter of Alec Kaihau who was also involved. Nganeko Minhinnick and her brother -Alec Kaihau (A family affair you could say. However as the years went by more Maori were involved in the drafting of the UNDRIP including Aunty Pauline Tangiora.

The Non-binding UNDRIP was first adopted at New York UN Headquarters 13th September 2007 (143 countries in favour of the UNDRIP- 4 countries rejected it-Australia, Canada, US, NZ- 11 abstained). Over the years Clair Charters who has been awarded a role in the NZ Human Rights Commission, Tracy Whare, Maona Sinclair and Catherine Davis are self determined advocates of the UNDRIP the goal being to implement this in New Zealand.

So why did the Labour Govt reject the 2007 UNDRIP.? Rosemary Banks was the representative of NZ that spoke for NZ at the UN Assembly on 13th Sept 2007, she explained to the gathering why NZ opposed the UNDRIP. She referenced 4 Provisions in and 4 articles that were non compliant to NZ that NZ has difficulty with. The text of the UN Declaration being fundamentally incompatible with NZ’s Constitutional and Legal arrangements also the Treaty Of Waitangi and the principle of governing NZ for the ‘GOOD OF ALL NZ CITIZENS’

Article 26 of the UN Declaration on Lands and Resources, Article 28 on Redress (Compensation) Articles 10 and 32 on ‘Rights of Veto Over The State’ . Article 26 states that ‘Indigenous Peoples’ have the right to own, use, develop or control lands, territories they have traditionally owned, occupied, used. This means the entire country of NZ being potentially caught up in the scope of this article. Does not recognize the rights of land lawfully owned by other citizens. Indigenous People would have rights that others do not have. Does not take into account land tenures.

The whole country would fall under Article 28 of the UNDRIP on ‘Redress’ (Compensation0. Does not take into account the land occupies by others legitimately. Implies that Indigenous People have  the Right to Veto that other groups or individuals do not have. The Provisions of the UNDRIP are so fundamentally incompatible with the democratic processes of NZ as a Sovereign Nation State, with legislation and NZ’s Constitutional arrangements.

Implies Indigenous People have the Veto Rights over Democratic Legislature & National Resource Management. Implies 2 classes of citizenship. Supporters of the UNDRIP in 2007 at the UN Assembly explained the UN Declaration as being an ‘aspirational’ document, one of inspiration rather than having a legal effect. In 2010 John Key under the National Govt arranged under a veil of secrecy for Pita Sharples of the Maori Party to sign the UNDRIP at the UN. Those other UN Nations States that rejected the UNDRIP have since agreed to it.

November 21-23rd 2023 a convention took place at Auckland University with overseas guests and speakers namely ‘The Korero Constitution’ referencing the enabling of the UNDRIP into NZ’s Constitutional arrangements. Nanaia Mahuta opened the 2nd day of the convention.

As the Three Party Coalition openly talk about the ‘Principles of the Treaty Of Waitangi’, time to bring certain issues of concern, and the facts to the eyes of NZ Citizens. The original Maori Version of Te Tiriti o Waitangi did not create a ‘Partnership’ nor ‘Principles’ nor was the coined Parkipuny phrase ‘Indigenous Peoples’ created by Te Tiriti O Waitangi. Te Tiriti O Waitangi NZ’s founding document has been severely corrupted.

Recent COP 28 gathering “Indigenous People’ are at the centre, forefront of Climate Change, the Global Agenda 2030’



Hate Speech and the coined post modernized phrase given to native and tribal peoples throughout the world ‘Indigenous People’ focus on, promote  a ‘self determination’ as to what one deems to be true for oneself, or deliberate pervasively is used to be ‘true’ for ones self through political, social, economically self-interests. ‘The negative harmful mentality of Oppressor vs Victim – the implementing of the State with certain Iwi Elite and certain Iwi/ Maori parliamentarians.  The  radical extremist focus and implementation on Hate Speech as it fits hand in glove with the NZ’s preplanned adoption, entrenchment of the UN Declaration for Indigenous Peoples Rights (As seen in the documentation of the Cabinet’s He Puapua) Which was secretly authored and used until it was eventually exposed.

The focus being on the character assassination of anyone person, group that opposes the governments narrative of a racial divide in NZ, anyone that promotes a One Nation- A One Law for All New Zealanders’ will be deliberately targeted and critically attacked using a toolbox of ‘shut your mouth’ phrases, utilized by the mainstream media purchased by the NZ State. (Much like Goebbels did in Hitlers Germany). The Nazi Regime under Hitler were well into Self Determination’. Self determined to control all people who did not agree with their cruel narratives.

Self-Determination is built into the core of the UN Declaration for Rights of Indigenous People. This includes ‘No discrimination against Indigenous People’ hence ‘No Hate Speech’. However the UN states that ‘Hate Speech’ refers to ‘offensive discourse targeting a group or an individual based on inherent characteristics eg Race, Religion, Gender, that threatens ‘Social Peace’. A kind of communication- speech, writing, behaviour that attacks, pejorative or discriminatory language that references a person or group on the basis of whom they are – for example:-

Race religion, ethnicity, nationality, colour, descent, gender or any other identity factor. To-date the UN has NO UNIVERSAL DEFINITION FOR HATE SPEECH OR MIS-DIS-INFORMATION’ in UN International Human Rights Law. Hence the concept of ‘Hate Speech’ Mis-Dis-Information has caused continuous discussions with UN Agencies eg UNESCO (Specialized UN Agency for Universal Education-Science and Cultural namely Education 2030- Universal Education from the cradle to the grave (for Everyone-Everywhere-at Every age)

Self-Determination’ – Partnership-Principles- and the coined post modernized Indigenous People’ are not included in the Maori Version of the 1840 Te Tirit-o-Waitangi. This was all created by the ‘Dark Side Of Politics’. In the 1960’s-70’s liberation movements were flourishing, in NZ it was the Polynesian Panthers working with some members of the Nga Tamato that rallied for Maori Rights. In the US it was theRed Power (The American Indian Movement) In Canada it was the President of the  Canadian Indian Brotherhood -George Manuel, in Tanzania it was Moringe Ole Parkipuny a member of the Maasai Tribe who had a short stint as a parliamentarian in the Tanzanian Parliaments. 

It was the radical Tanzanian Activist Parkipuny that coined the phrase ‘Indigenous People. Parkipuny and George Manuel expanded this across the world into the UN this led to the implementation of the UNDRIP (UN Declaration) that was first adopted into the UN Assembly in 2007. George Manual established the UN World Indigenous Council. August 3rd 1989 Parkipuny evolved as he spoke at a gathering in Geneva before the working group on Indigenous Population. Coining this a now ‘Indigenous People’

In 1971 Justin Treudeu’s father Pierre Trudeau arranged for a Canadian delegation, that included George Manuel to visit NZ. Manuel whilst in NZ spoke with a number of Maori politicians on the concept of Parkipuny’s coined phrase ‘Indigenous people’. All tribal and native peoples being classified as ‘Indigenous People’ which in turn romanticized ‘tribal feudalism’. Where tribes were seen as peaceful, as they roamed the forests, and sat by the clear pristine waters. Dismissing history as it really was to blame all on ‘colonization’. Totally ignoring the massive benefits that the colonies bought to New Zealand. The Canadian delegation including Manuel then went on to the Northern territories of Australia,, where Manuel gave a speech to Aboriginal students at a University promoting Parkipuny’s ‘Indigenous People’ concept.

The Original Te Tiriti O Waitangi does not include:- Principles, Partnership, Indigenous Peoples or Self Determination Interests and Rights of a Māori Sovereignty. The insanity grows as the ‘Whanganui River’ is officially gained ‘Personhood’  Even the Whanganui River has gained ‘personhood’. However, if the Whanganui River overflows its banks, floods peoples homes, and people die, farmers loose livestock, crops, their life’s savings in farming  will the custodians of the Whanganui River having Personhood be to blame? (Or will they revert back to this is just the nature of things not man-made climate doomist) Of course that will  be Self Determination’ self-determined by the so called ‘Indigenous People’. (Whatever cap fits at the time) As the same as Hate Speech ‘self determined’ – Self Determination.

The post modernization of the Old Latin word  meaning ‘in’ or ‘within’- beget or to be born. The UN determined that the Rights of Indigenous People are through the fundamental criteria of ‘Self-determination’. The UN also states Hate Speech- Mis-dis-information is also through ‘Self determination’ how the receiver chooses to perceive it. (A fundamental self- identifying criteria). Masny groups of native, tribal people worldwide do not identify themselves as ‘Indigenous People’. Do not see themselves as self interested  (the first up is the best dressed concept)’

The intensity, global expansion of everything, everyone being decolonized through the concept of  ‘Critical Race Theory’, the shaming of children in the school curriculum for their ancestry. The decolonization of everything everyone, changing of street names, places etc., Parliamentary Agencies, NGO’s and even the clothing racks in the Salvation Army shop gets Māori names at certain times of the year. Ardern’s Cabinet secret document on He Puapua  was exposed to the public not published in Parliament for us all to see. The pre-determined entrenchment of the UNDRIP throughout NZ Society, Economy, politics. The de-colonizing of everything, everywhere.

UNDRIP ‘Indigenous Veto Rights Over Others’, Ownership- control of lands-territories, Veto Rights over Parliamentary Law. Control and ownership on Natural Resources in NZ. ‘A Political Economy of Neo-Tribalism’ a Neo-Tribal Capitalism the emergence of the Iwi Elite. The Discursive Strategies of Māori Tribal Elite . The constructing indigeneity as a polity in opposition to the Nation. People, Power or Ethnic Elites?. All authored by Prof Elizabeth Rata world renown scholar-professor.  She wrote “If the Iwi approach were to be successful, the consequences for NZ are serious will undermine the integrity of NZ as a Nation”. Her references were to ‘Property Rights’, the privatizing of large public socio-economic assets into the hands of Iwi Corporations. The inclusion of Iwi into the Nations Constitutional Arrangements will undermine the integrity of New Zealand as a Nation” she wrote. This was authored approximately 1 year after John Key under a veil of secrecy arranged with the Deputy Leader of the Maori Party (Pita Sharples)  to attend the UN where he signed the UNDRIP

The UNDRIP first adopted in the UN Assembly in 20017 (13th September). Rosemary Banks represented NZ she explained to all that gathered why NZ was rejecting the UNDRIP, would not ratify it. She spoke about 4 Provisions within the UN Declarations that were opposed to. The non-compliancy to NZ’s Constitutional Arrangements, Indigenous Veto Rights over that of others, ownership-control of the entire land of NZ even that which is legally owned by others. Veto Rights over Parliamentary legislation. Control-ownership of NZ’s Natural Resources.

2 Days later 15/9/2007 Maori Affairs Minister  Parekura Horomia confirmed  in a speech at the Beehive what Rosemary Banks  at the UN.  The Maori Party was absolutely Pro the UN Declaration. Horomia told the Maoria Party to get their heads out of the clouds. Later Pita Sharples paid tribute to those Iwi/Maori that helped draft the UNDRIP- Moana Jackson (1990 Chair of the Indigenous Peoples Council at the UN) And to the early 1970’s acticists (Parkipunny and George Manuel were among them) Sharples also referred to Ngandeko Minhinnick and her brother Alec Kaihau, his daughter Aroha Mead and Joe Williams, Erihapeti Murchie, Archie Taiaroa ,Pauline Tangiora and others.

Others whom also became advocates of the UNDRIP Claire Charters, Tracey Whare Moana Sinclair, Catherine Davis were among many. SCOOP News Parliament 7/12/2006 Speech ‘The Maori Party’ Hone Harawira speaker at the Beehive referred to the earlier days of hui around the UNDRIP that also included a delegation that attended the UN Working Group on the UNDRIP, the relationship between the State and Indigenous People. In the delegation were Nganeko Minhinnick, the late Alec Kaihau, Aroha Kaihau, Joe Williams, Hinewhare Harawira and Aroha Mead,

At the signing of the UNDRIP in 2007 Rosemary Banks reported that many whom signed the UN Declaration did not view this as a legality to advance legislations on but a document of Aspiration. However certain Iwi / Māori namely the Māori Council were determined that Sovereignty of NZ would be determined by the use of the 1835 Declaration Of Independence. Doug Graham Treaties Minister gave a speech  in the Beehive on 23rd Feb 1999 as a consequence of the Māori Party wanting to take their claims of Māori Sovereignty to APEC Countries. Doug Graham said he’d be surprised if they were even interested, after-all its none of their business. He referred to Judge Temm who spoke on Maori Sovereingty in 1993, saying it was only of interest to historians. Referencing the course of events and the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi signed in 1840.

When Governor Hobson issued his Proclamation of 21st May that year, and when the Royal Proclamation ratifying the Treaty was published in the Gazette 2nd October 1840. Saying “from that year on the writ of English law began to run in NZ but it had not operated in NZ before this”. It was recognized by London as evidence of the existence of a ‘Sovereign People’. Once the Treaty had been confirmed, sovereignty as it is commonly understood passed from Māori to Britain. Judge Temm stated :If Māori are still sovereign, as some claim.. then Māori have effectively terminated the Treaty, and have no rights under it. They cannot have it both ways. In light of the claimed rights under the Treaty, and the settlement of Crown Breeches of it he would be surprised if Māori want to rescind the Treaty.

He said that the “1835 Declaration of Independence had no standing, that Maori  Sovereignty is totally inconsistent with todays world” That “neither Common Law not the Treaty permit ‘Maori Sovereignty’. English Common Law cannot, did not recognize a challenge to the authority of the Sovereign. The Treaty did not include any concept of ‘Joint Government’ and to keep referencing the Treaty as a Partnership is misleading” said Judge Temm. He concluded that the Māori Councils assertion of Maori Sovereignty has no legal basis, because that would reject the Treaty Of Waitangi itself. He said “We should all work towards a united peaceful country rather than promote separatism and division .

But it still continues the Racial Division and Separation through certain Iwi /Maori Elite for example ‘The IPETCA Partnership Council  (Indigenous Peoples Economic & Trade Cooperation Arrangement ( NZ Govt ). December 2021- brining together officials and Indigenous Representatives to jointly oversee, implement the IPETCA the endorsing of economies. NZ Chairing this partnership for 2 years- Nanaia Mahuta and Damien O’Connor announcing the IOPETCA Initiative Dec 10th 2021, inviting economies to declare their intention to join this.

November 2021  A National Hui took place that provided legal, technical support for constitutional transformation in NZ bringing together overseas experts that offered pragmatic legal advice, legal options for NZ’s Constitutional transformation, this was grounded in the models for transformational change that were proposed in the 2016 Report of Matika Mai Aotearoa. Govt opportunities to engage with legal and academic experts on constitutional law and Indigenous rights. 21-23rd November 2022 the Korero Constitutional Convention was held at Auckland University, again overseas experts were invited to the planned implementation of the transformation of NZ’s Constutional Arrangements. To incorporate, entrench the UNDRIP into NZ’s Constitutional Arrangements. Nanaia Mahuta opened the second day of the event with a speech.

NZ’s Constitutional Arrangements took place at Auckland University between 21-23rd November 2022. The Michael & Suzanne Borrin Foundation gave a grant of $125,000 for the work as to implementing the UNDRIP into NZ between 2020-2021. The Nikau Foundation is the Trustee for the Borrin Foundation, the delivering of transformational change for our Nikau whanau with Corporate Support. Good News: The Spin-Off News Politics 14th December 2023.  Implementing, accelerating the Global Agenda UN SDGs

NZ ‘The Peoples Report UN Agenda 2030’ Indigenous Values can lead to change (UNESCO (UN 11th January 2022). Social Inclusion (Indigenous People) at the heart of Agenda 2030. The final resolution Indigenous Perople ‘Transforming Our World’ Sustainable Development (UN Assembly 2015) refers to Indigenous People. Leave no-one behind 8th August 2023 ‘Indigenous knowledge, traditions, lifestyles are integral to all Agenda 2030 SDGs. Indigenous People as nine major stakeholder groups involved in the UN Global Agenda framework of Agenda 2030- Social, Economical and Political indicators to promptly promote Indigenous Rights. SDGs focusing on Economic, Social Environmental (ESGs) promoted by the WEF

2021 to 2024 Enhance Indigenous engagement to global decision making in relationship to the SDG’s Targets of Agenda 2030, monitoring sustainable development, ensuring inclusion, contribution to the partipation of All Indigenous People globally, regionally, nationally locally includes monitoring climate action.(Source of information Oxford Academic Policy. Com 2022) The effective participation of Indigenous People at all levels of decision making. The NewGlobal Power of Indigenous People (Victor M Toledo) published by the ‘Voices of Mother Earth’

Green Colonization the wests climate strategy April 23rd 2023. UN Summit . Discussions, debate as to the emerging threats of the green economy included mineral mining at the forefront of native peoples concerns stating that “Its common to hear the expression ‘Leave No-one Behind’ but its debatable who are leading. (112day Summit at New York Headquarters) Referencing  concerns of Indigenous People. Highlighting the serious concerns as to minerals being fast tracked, the latching onto environmental projects- the mineral needs for Electric Car Batteries and Wind Power, usurping the rights of native peoples. Referring to Joe Bidens Admin and his Net Zero Strategy having this rammed down Natives throats

Back to the Tanzanians the Maasai, this is where Parkipuny has led them with his Indigenous Peoples Rights and Interests. Thousands of Maasai displaced from their homeland in Tanzania to make way for a luxury game reserve as fear, suspicion sinks in over mobile phone surveillance by United Arab Emirates. A UAE based company behind the Big Game Hunting Operation being masked under the name ‘Conservation’ Norway, Russia, Sweden, Finland organizations are discussing concerns as to ‘Green Colonization’. The driving of harmful sustainable projects on Sami and their Islands. EG., The Fosen Onshore Windfarm’ despite Norway’s Supreme Court ruling in defense of Sami Reindeer herding grounds this still goes ahead.

Joe Biden COP27 in Egypt stated in his speech “the importance of Indigenous People in mitigating, adapting to Climate Change”. Another UN Leader refers to Indigenous People, “they must be brought into the fold of Global Human Rights decision making, An Indigenous Leader responds “Let us not forget Climate is the language of Mother Earth. Greek Goddess born out of Crisis. Goddess Gaia. The 2023 Occult World. Greek mythology. Gaia has the powers to control all lands on the planet earth, produce strong children without a spouse”. The Occult Invasion Al Gore praises ‘the wisdom distilled by All Faiths’ A pan religious global citizenship, praising Goddess worship blaming Christianity for wiping out the last vestige of organized Goddess worship.

Praise anything but do not praise Christianity is the message. Praise Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism and Baha’i as well as the New Age Occultist Catholic Priest Teilhard de Chardin. Gore in his plenary address at the 1990 Global Forum Moscow declared that the ecological problems could be solved if we have a common new religion for all people on the planet (The CONVERSATION Academic News Article 14/12/2011) Titled a Long history with Islam gives Indigenous Australians pride (Source Melbourne University). Australian Census 2001 641 Indigenous people identified as Muslin. 2006 this increased by 60 plus %. The rise was reported to be attributed to a political gesture.

Pandemic Policing NZ Police admitted they had implemented the facial recognition for surveillance. 8th June 2020 No active cases of COVID 19. Stringent border controls, emergency powers, instructions for everyone to stay at home, official lockdown. State power over-reach, intrusive new legislations. Extraordinary powers of enforcement officers to enter premises, land, building, craft, vehicle, place or thing on reasonable grounds. The State decided what those so called reasonable grounds were. The reduced trust in the police. Policing partnerships between certain Iwi/Māori to control communities, borders in NZ. (Self determination over local policing strategies

Armed police attending 8629 incidents (NZ Police website 2020)Through COVID19 Crisis an opportunity for Indigenous People, not merely to fine tune, improve partnership between Māori and Police. The Pandemic re-exposed the State to cede power, allow Iwi/Māori the authority to implement their own initiatives.NZ Police report (NZ Police Website 22/9/2021) “Iwi and Police co-designed the checkpoints south and north of Tamaki Makaurau, which demonstrated the success of a genuine Treaty partnership is at the heart of NZ Policing. Deputy Commission Wally Haumaha said “I am glad we travelled together in this partnership, referring to Iwi and NZ Policr. Dame Naida Glavish said she was passionate about the partnership between Iwi and Police

The 2021 NZ State Government- Country Report on Human Rights Practices in NZ includes Indigenous People; Approx 16.5% of the population claim to be of Maori descent. The Govt bestows specific recognition, rights of Indigenous People enshrined in the laws of New Zealand, in the customs, and practice on Maori persons, Derived from the Treaty Of Waitangi guaranteeing Indigenous People autonomy, self determination- Maori Sovereignty and Self Govt to Maori Persons. Prohibits discrimination against Indigenous Population

The SPINOff News 14th December 2023 ‘News Article titled ‘What would pulling out of the UNDRIP mean for New Zealand? Reports that the National-NZ First will not recognize the UNDRIP as having a binding effect on NZ. UN Declarations are not usually legally binding. It’s the commitment of States to certain aspirations from resolutions adopted by the UN Assembly. They can however become binding on UN Nation States out of ‘Custom’. Customary International Law, for example the UN Declaration of Human Rights 1948. UNDRIP is not legally binding on any country under International law. It’s a set of agreed standards to protect the rights of Indigenous People. (The term coined by Parkipunny Tanzanian Radical Activist and George Manuel President World Council and Canadian Indian Brotherhood). Moral grounds are being used to put pressure on UN Nation States. NZ is seen as a global leader in Indigenous Rights.

The original adoption of UNDRIP 13th Sept 2007 UN Assembly NZ Rejected this, as being fundamentally incompatible with NZs Constitution and Legal Arrangement and the Treaty Settlement Policy. Objections included Article 26 on lands & territories also resources. Article 28 on rights to redress (Compensation of the entire lands of NZ) Article 19 & 32 to obtaining free, prior and informed consent. Maori Affairs Minister Parekura  Horomia said Article 26 “appears to require recognisition of rights to land now lawfully owned by other citizens, ignoring contemporary reality, this would be impossible to implement. He raised concerns about different classes of citizenship, that Indigenous People would have veto rights over parliamentary decision making not held by others. The Labor Govt of the day stated that the “UN Declaration breeched the Treaty Of Waitangi because it gives Māori special rights over other citizens”

2010 National Govt in coalition with the Maori Party reversed NZ’s rejection of the UN Declaration and announced its support for it, Pita Sharples signed the declaration at UN New York Headquarters. He Puapua was commissioned in 2019 by Labour-NZ First Govt to investigate how NZ could implement the commitments to the UN Declaration UNDRIP, outlining a roadmap to achieve what is known as ‘Vision 2040’. The vision realizing UNDRIP in entrenched in NZ by the year 2030. 200th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty Of Waitangi

The Cabinets He Puapua report recommendations included.. A separate Maori Court System  * Health System *Parliament *Mmaori Wards *Compulsory Te Reo in schools – putting it into legislation and much more. National Party and Act called this racial separatism, the creation of a two tiered governance system, but Labour said “He Puapua is merely a report, not govt policy”. But it was veiled in secrecy until exposed.

David Seymour called for all parties to renounce the UNDRIP, saying that Helen Clark in 2007 got it right by rejecting it when it was first adopted at the UN in 2007. John Key got it wrong in 2010 when he arranged for Pita Sharples to sign the UN Declaration that has created division. He said “ The He Puapua report demanding it transforms NZ’s Constitutional Arrangement with ‘Declaration Compliance by year 2040’. 2023 one of the provisions of the National -NZ First Coalition agreement “Stopping all work on He Puapua”. UNDRIP will have no binding effects, nothing more than symbolic effects.

In face-to-face interactions, symbolic gestures are frequently used to show approval, calm down a heated exchange. Is the Act, NZ First National Coalition sane enough to reject the UNDRIP where all other countries have ratified it? Symbolic Gesture does not mean that this Indigenous concept coined by radical activist just prior to 1970 Parkipuny of Tanzania who coined the post modernized phrase ‘Indigenous People’. That  George Manuel President of Canada’s  Indian Brotherhood introduced to Māori Politicians in 1971 on his visit to NZ with a Canadian delegation. The Self-determined- self identified- self declared identification of those that wish to call themselves Indigenous are not all that have Maori ancestry.

TIME TO CALL IT A DAY- AMEND ANY LEGISLATIONS THAT INCLUDE THE PARKIPUNY COINED PHRASE ‘INDIGENOUS PEOPLE’ OF NZ. At the same time disengage with the id of NZ namely Aotearoa until you see it named as a country on the world globe geographical  (Maps). We need a coalition that will not soften by using ‘Symbolic Gestures’ leaving this open to further corruption, division and separatism.  NZr’s need to be more aware, by holding the government to account, to follow through with election promises. Words do not mean actions. Actions speak loader than words. Bugger the ‘Symbolic Gestures’

Researched By Carol Sakey


Links to this information  can be found on my website

. 23, 2023

The New Global Power of Indigenous Peoples








In 1972  the UN Sub Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities commissioned a study on the issues around discrimination of Indigenous Populations The Study was completed in 1982

1977 A conference was held in Geneva to mandate all documents relevant to International Indigenous Movements. 25 Years prior to the UNDRIP being first introduced into the UN Assembly (2007) Much preplanning of the draft had taken place this involved. Governments, UN Agencies – Representatives of Indigenous Peoples – International Labour Organization (ILA) and Certain NGO’s. Namely: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, India, US, Nicaragua, Panama, Morocco, Sweden, North Yemen, The PLO and New Zealand

In 1993 The UN announced the  “World Indigenous People Day being 9th August. .June 2006 the UNDRIP was adopted by the UN Human Rights Committee. The Purpose of the UN Declaration -This is laid out in the Declaration itself

Article 3 Declares Indigenous Peoples have a right to self-determination by virtue – To freely determine their political, economic, social, cultural  status. Article 4 Have the right to autonomy or self governance relating to their internal and local affairs and financial autonomous functions. Article 5: Indigenous Peoples have the right to maintain, strengthen their distinct political, legal, economic, social, cultural institution. Retain their right to participate in the political, economic, social, cultural life of the State

Article (8e ) To stop any form of propaganda to promote or incite racial, ethnic discrimination against them. Self-determination of Culture-Identity-Education-Economic Development-Religious custom-Health-Language..NOTE: The UN Charter 1945 and the d International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and other International Treaties. accords ALL peoples the Right to Self-Determination to seek their own destiny

The Declaration of Indigenous Peoples Rights (UNDRIP) was first introduced into the UN Assembly on 13th September 2007. NZ’s Representative (Rosemary Banks) addressed those present as to why New Zealand had decided to reject the UNDRI15.She said NZ has a system of ‘redress’ accepted by Indigenous and Non -Indigenous Peoples. Referring to the 1840 Treaty of Waitangi as the founding document of New Zealand which is significant in NZ’s Constitutional arrangements, laws, Government activity. That claims of over half on NZ land area had been settled. New Zealand has implemented most standards in the UNDRIP for many years. That are too difficult to implement

In 2010 John Key under the National Govt arranged for Pita Sharples (Co-Leader of the Māori Party) to travel to the UN Assembly where he adopted the UNDRIP on behalf of NZ. This was all done under a veil of secrecy.. All 4 countries that rejected the UNDRIP in 2007 have now adopted it.

 WHAT SORT OF NATURAL RESOURCES WAS THE UNDRIP TALKING ABOUT?  I went to NZ Government website to research what Natural Resources we have in New Zealand.. The Treasury report states describes NZ’s Natural Resources. Clean water, clean air fertile soil and a climate well suited to humans, tree’s, livestock, agriculture. Lengthy coastlines this  means significant aquaculture resources.  Significant  petroleum reserves, extraordinary biodiversity on land and in out water bodies

HOW DOES OUR NATURAL RESOURCE WEALTH IN NEW ZEALAND COMPARE TO OTHER COUNTRIES OF A SIMILAR SIZE? A 30 Page Landcare Research Report Refers to NZ being a significant producers of Natural Minerals and Coal. Construction aggregate, oil, gold and silver. NZ is well documented for its minerals petroleum both onshore and offshore. NZ is well endowed with Aggregate, Clay,  Coal  – Natural Gas – Iron-sand- Minerals-Petroleum. Another 2 Page Government Report: Describes to ‘Incoming Ministers’ Natural Resources in NZ. Which states that: NZ is small country with a wealth of Natural Resources. Good access to water, productive land and biodiversity. These resources have helped New Zealand grow into a prosperous country. Has a strong Natural Resource base

The Treasury reported the following:-.Our Natural Resources are central to our cultural heritage . Māori draw their identity from the environment, exercise kaitiaki responsibilities over ‘Land and Resources’. “We have a responsibility to recognise cultural relationship in accordance with the Principles of Waitangi

NOTE: The World Bank estimated that NZ ranks 8th out of 120 countries and 2nd out of OCE countries in ‘natural capita’

PARLIAMENT REFERRED TO UNDRIP: 15th September 2007 Parekura Horomia (Minister Of Māori Affairs)s poke in Parliament In his speech he said:- That the UNDRIP is a ‘wish list’. Is ‘toothless’ offers indigenous peoples “no more than Aspirational’ statements. He referred to the same four provisions Rosemary Banks referred to at the UN. The UN Declaration is incompatible with NZ’s Constitutional-legal arrangements and the established Treaty Settlement Policy. References that Indigenous Peoples would own land that other citizens have legal rights to.  Ignores contemporary reality, impossible to implement. The Declaration implies two classes of citizenship. He concluded the Maori Party need to get their heads out of the clouds, rather than pie in the sky talk. The Doctrine of Discovery’ is an International Law  Its is centuries old. In simple terms the Doctrine of Discovery refers to the principle in International Law under which a Nation ‘discovers’ land, it directly acquires ‘Rights on that Land’. This still exists today

THE CONTENT OF THE UN DELARATION ITSELF..SPECIFICALLY RELATES TO CO-GOVERNANCE. The cabinet commissioned report He Puapua. A Co-Governance as the basis for a strengthened partnership between Indigenous Peoples and States,  He Puapua was commissioned by the Labour Party in 2019. Described a  pathway for NZ to meet its commitments under the UNDRIP. A roadmap for Co-governance by 2040 (VISION 2040). The UNDRIP proclaims the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as a standard of achievement to be pursued in a spirit of partnership and mutual respect exercise their rights to self determination, Article 4: Have a right to ‘Autonomy’ or ‘Self Government’ in matters relating to their internal and local affairs. Article 20 1. Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain, develop their political, economic and social systems or institutions, to be secure in the enjoyment of their own means of subsistence and development

Claire Charters is a NZ Iwi academic specialising in Indigenous Peoples Rights . In International and Constitutional Law. She has official UN Status. Represents the  NZ Human Rights Commission. The authors of He Puapua are Claire Charters (Chair) ).. Waimirirangi Ormsby, Naomi Solomon – Gary Williams – Dr Jacinta Ruru;  Also government officials who are Emily Owen -Judith Pryor – Kayla Kingdon-Bebb   and   Tāmati Olsen. At the forefront of He Puapua and its implementation plan is the Maori caucus I they are the dominant faction within the Labour Party and cabinet. National Iwi Forum, Claire Charters representing NZ Human Rights Commission and various MPs, – NGOs are key players. He Puapua is a projected dismantling of the basic features of NZ Society,. Adoption s racial divide, a domination of a certain minority over the majority. Recommends Co-governance between Iwi and the CROWN (Government). He Puapua recognizes and makes the claim that Iwi/Māori have the ability to exercise full authority over entire NZ lands, water and Natural Resources. (As described in the UNDRIP)

Prof., Elizabeth Rata Auckland University. Sociologist of Education. A former Fullbright Senior Scholar to Georgetown University Washington. Specializes in the ‘Effects of Ethnic Politics on Educational Change’. Authored an article for NZ Centre for political Research 4th July 2021. ‘THE ROAD TO HE PUAPUA-. She referred He Puapua to revolutionary change for New Zealand. She refers to three events 1985, 1986 and 1987 and the Treaty Of Waitangi partnership. The transformative restructuring of governance, recognizing Iwi self-determination. The co-governance laid out in He Puapua. The likelihood of claims for ownership of up to 50% of public assets, eg water, sea territories, flora and fauna, airwaves. The pathway to Ethno-Nationalism’. Firstly she refers to the 1975 Treaty Of Waitangi Amendment Act 1985. The recognition of Iwi/ Maori as the inheritors of Treaty settlements.

Reviving the tribe as a political and economic corporation. Secondly she refers to the creation of Treaty principles in the 1985 Amendment Act. Where Geofrey Palmer agreed to let Sir Hepi Te Heuheu insert a clause into the Act. “Nothing in this Act shall permit the Crown to act in a manner that is inconsistent with the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi (Section 9 of the State Owned Enterprises Act 1986. (Parliament defined the Principles in the Treaty. The Treaty did NOT create Principles.)  Treaty principles, partnership has been used by successive governments of Crown (Govt) and opened the way for the so called ‘Partnership’ (Crown -Government- Iwi Partnerships). In legislations, policy making local and central govt, NGOs.

Thirdly the 1987 Court of Appeal where the judicial stated the Treaty established a relationship ‘akin to a partnership’ The Treaty did not create a Partnership the Judicial system did.. Of course this was quickly picked up and hastily used as it is today. By 1987 the Waitangi Tribunal, and Iwi Leaders Forum and other powerful Iwi Interest Groups have successfully achieved claiming ownership rights. ‘Partnership’ justification Of course another arrow for the He Puapua bow to entrench UNDRIP into NZ Society.


RESEARCH BY:  Carol Sakey
