Carol Sakey


NZ Herald 26th July 2023 reported how a Gynecologist has been accused of sexually abusing over 200 patients and is sentenced to 20 years prison. The sentence for Robert Hadden, 64, was a measure of vindication for hundreds of former patients who accused the doctor of molesting them during examinations but saw an earlier prosecution end with a plea bargain that spared him from jail.
In statements over the past two days, US District Judge Richard M. Berman said the case was like none he’d seen before and involved “outrageous, horrific, beyond extraordinary, depraved sexual abuse”. He noted that at least 245 women Hadden treated said they were abused.
The federal trial involved a smaller number of victims. Hadden was convicted of four counts of enticing women to cross state lines so he could sexually abuse them. Nine victims testified at the trial, describing how Hadden molested them during gynecology treatments, starting in the late 1980s, at prominent hospitals. According to trial testimony, Hadden benefited from the prestige of the hospitals where he worked as he groomed his patients in a private office decorated with pictures of his children as he conversed with them about their personal lives. But once he had isolated them after a chaperone or nurse left the treatment room, he fondled and probed them with gloveless fingers and sometimes orally
NEW ZEALAND PRIOR TO THE MASS CLINICAL TRIALS OF THE COVID JAB. New Zealand’s history on experimenting on patients is not angelic, in fact its cruel how many women have tragically prematurely have died because of a medical experiment at Greenlane Hospital Auckland.
DOCTOR GREEN OF GREENLAND HOSPITAL ‘I WONDER HOW MANY PEOPLE REMEMBER THE PAIN AND PREMATURE DEATH HE CAUSED WOMEN IN NZ?’ The horrific experiment at Greenlane Hospital. Women with cervical cancer were deceived and mistreated for years. The official inquiry took 6 months and a number of public hearings
Ronald W. Jones, an obstetrician-gynecologist at National Women’s who played a central role in exposing this terrible scandal. In Greens early days of practice he sterilized cats on the hospital grounds. Nurses prepared surgical trays whilst Green operated on them to spay them in the operating theatre instructing medical students how to kill fleas with ethyl chloride. He petitioned the Queen requesting her to exhume Jane Seymour’s (Henry V111 third wife) to determine whether she has, had a C Section.
Green had conducted an experiment on women for 7 years before being exposed. His experiment was to show that CIS would not progress to Invasive Cervical Cancer, however there was medical evidence that this did often progress into an invasive cervical cancer and it had been known for decades.
.Green would eventually withhold treatment from more than a hundred women with CIS . Just how many women died as a result has never been confirmed; the Cartwright Report did not give a figure.
Green’s experiment was dangerous seriously jeopardizing the lives of patients. It was not even a well-designed experiment. The study had no control group, no stopping rules, no consent forms, and no data safety monitoring board. The results showed that CIS had invasive potential and that many subjects with untreated CIS had gone on to develop cervical cancer.
What allowed the experiment to run for so many years, despite protests, was the authoritarian hospital culture of the period, in which department heads presided over their fiefdoms like absolute monarchs.
Medical Professional Jones published a 1984 paper he thought this would really awaken colleagues and the Hospital authorities at National Womens Hospital Greenlane Auckland, there was no response from medical colleagues or the wider medical community. Green’s treatment of CIS did not change in the slightest
Seven years of Dr Greens experiment before a governmental inquiry which is called the Cartwright Inquiry (Cartwright Report) by Judge Silvia Cartwright
The United States Public Health Service kept the Tuskegee experiment going in plain sight for a full forty years. It took seven years for Peter Buxtun, a young employee, to convince anyone that the experiment was unethical. Whistleblowers at other institutions have had to agitate for even longer. The twenty-two years that elapsed between McIndoe’s initial protest against Green’s experiment and the publication of the Cartwright Report in 1988 may seem excessive, but the stonewalling and delays faced by McIndoe and his allies are the rule rather than the exception.
Many scandals vanish from public consciousness within days and leave no trace.
The Cartwright Report also revealed that Green had ordered nurses to take vaginal smears from 2,200 newborn baby girls without informing the parents. Another experiment of Green’s was internal radiation called the ‘R’Series experiment. This was to determine which of two treatment for Stage 1 or 2 cervical cancer was better, radiation alone (internal and external) or internal radiation plus surgery. Once again, Green “enrolled” subjects in the experiment and randomized them to one of the two treatments without their informed consent—indeed, without their awareness. The women were told that the most appropriate treatment had been chosen for them. They had no idea they were in a research study
Just as shocking was the testimony of many of the hospital’s patients. “I loathed and detested being a patient and going through the clinic, one woman said. She had been given a cone biopsy without her consent and would have never known had she not secretly looked at her medical file when her doctor was out of the room. Another woman said she was treated like an “animated cadaver.” Yet another said that after she had undergone treatment for invasive cancer, “I woke up from that anesthetic screaming, absolutely screaming. I was out of control because I was in so much pain. It was like waking up to torture.” A cesium rod had pierced the wall of her cervical canal. Doctors never told her what happened. She did not learn the truth until the inquiry.

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Carol Sakey

Medical Abuse Gynecology New Zealand

Gynecologists in NZ are true physcopaths. Basic things they don’t know and there main aim are to get your organs for NO reason but financial.
Consenting processes illegal and thousands atrocities against women.
Unnecessary high rate of castration.
Do no trust NZ gynecologist.
Thousands are bed bound and gaslight. Either commit suicide or live in horrific pain.
– IUD pushed like lollies(toxic)
– Endometrial Ablation pushed like low risk
– Mesh thousands harmed without consent
Unnecessary hysterectomy for benign reasons.
NZ women are just Guinea pigs for them. As no one has any accountability. The should have shame but there is none.