What is mana whenua? In the consenting context, mana whenua means the indigenous people (Māori) who have historic and territorial rights over the land. It refers to iwi and hapū (Māori tribal groups) who have these rights in Tāmaki Makaurau, Auckland.

Mana whenua interests are represented by 19 iwi (tribal) authorities in Tāmaki Makaurau, Auckland.

Resource consent applicants need to engage with mana whenua, in certain circumstances, by contacting the relevant iwi authority.

Mana whenua and the environment

Mana whenua have a special cultural and spiritual relationship with the environment, which is a matter of national importance under the Resource Management Act.

This includes their relationship with their:

  • waahi tapu (sacred sites)
  • taonga (treasures)
  • water
  • ancestral lands.

Resource consent applicants and the council must consider these matters of national importance.

When you should consult mana whenua organizations

Resource consent applicants are expected to consult with iwi authorities when developments affect mana whenua values.

The best way to identify these values and take these into account is through consultation with the relevant iwi authorities.

Mana whenua values may be affected by developments subject to or involving:

  • landscape overlays
  • maunga (volcanic) viewshafts
  • ancestral land
  • significant ecological areas
  • coastal marine area
  • discharges to, or may enter, the sea, rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands, aquifers and air
  • sites and places of significance to mana whenua
  • historic heritage overlay sites of Māori interest and significance
  • statutory acknowledgements
  • treaty settlement land (PDF 299KB)
  • Māori land.

Cultural Values Assessment (CVA)

As part of the consent application process, new developments may need to provide a Cultural Values Assessments (CVA), prepared by mana whenua or their nominee.

Not all resource consent applications will require a CVA. This needs to be decided by the relevant iwi authority.

After consideration, mana whenua may formally advise that a CVA is not needed.

Benefits of engaging with mana whenua

Working with mana whenua can help you to:

  • understand the history of your area and site
  • be informed about the views of mana whenua
  • ensure the Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE) that must accompany your application fully identifies and addresses the effects of your proposal
  • get written approvals from potentially affected iwi to help avoid notification
  • reduce the risk of processing delays or appeals due to supplying an inadequate AEE.

Mana whenua’s expectations

When mana whenua are engaged by an applicant, they expect that:

  • they have access to all relevant consent information
  • there is a willingness to meet face-to-face
  • their views are respected
  • their intellectual property is handled with sensitivity
  • they have the right to:
    • decide what their interests in an application are, and declare those interests
    • make submissions on notified applications and be heard in support of those submissions.

You do not need to reach an agreement, but you are obliged to report on the outcomes of any consultation you undertake. If mana whenua concerns cannot be resolved, but you still want to proceed with the application, then the application must demonstrate that you made genuine attempts to engage in an open and honest manner.

Cost of engaging with mana whenua: Mana whenua organizations, or their nominee, may charge a fee to:- consider an application  *conduct a site visit   *meet with applicants and their experts  *prepare a cultural values assessment, if one is needed. Mana whenua organizations should provide a schedule of their fees before any work starts. You can ask for an estimate of costs before you formally engage with mana whenua.



AUCKLAND’ CLIMATE PLAN (179 Pages) December 2020

To take action, we need to act now. How do we plan to take action. This is a human centered approach, by dramatically changing how we move around the region and how we work. Our economy is based less on consumption. We must make radical urgent changes to what we do as individuals, communities and businesses. We must embed mataurangi Maori and Te Ao Maori principles to ensure no-one is left behind.. We will make major shift

The narrative speaks to the struggles of Tāwhirimātea, the primal ancestor associated with weather. Tied to the Māori creation narratives of the universe and the world, Tāwhiri-mātea is seen to be influencing our climate and accelerating the change in our climate in response to human induced climate change.

the climate, as part of a wider whakapapa / intergenerational symbiotic system of relationships, is always moving and changing. We are responding specifically to the impacts of human induced change as a result of western-centred values, behaviours and systems. • our tupuna Atua / primal ancestors are reciprocating those behaviours, which we refer to Te Tāruke-a-Tāwhiri – the struggles of Tāwhiri

The global response to climate change must be underpinned by the best knowledge available. Indigenous knowledge systems

To guide Auckland’s approach to climate action, mana whenua, through the Mana Whenua Kaitiaki Forum has partnered with the council to provide a Te Ao Māori perspective throughout the development of the plan. Early in the process, this forum set up a climate change working group to work with council representatives and subject matter experts on their response to climate change. Climate Change included in all Global Development Goal UN Agenda 2030. Includes Mass Migration ‘Environmental Migration globally)

Leading the response The Mana Whenua Kaitiaki Forum has taken the lead role in anchoring and guiding a Māori response to climate change within Tāmaki Makaurau and working closely with Māori community organisations. The approach has been underpinned by the following principles: • whakapapa centred approach to understanding and responding to climate change (Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri) • mātauranga Māori forming the foundation to restoring balance with our tupuna Atua • mana whenua-led conversation, focused on a practical expression of our obligations of kaitiakitanga of Tāmaki Makaurau and the manaakitanga of its people and, in particular, our Māori communities..Auckland Council  in Phil Goff signed Auckland City up to the C40 Cities Global Green Deal. This includes support, promoting a Plant based diet. The Auckland Council climate plan reinforces C40 city initiatives. 2018 the Mayors Migration Council introduced the Mayors Migration Declaration through a Global Mayors Mitigation Group.  Planning of future mass migration is to be established by Mayors of C40 cities worldwide. (Climate Refuges namely ‘Environmental Migration)

The C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group is a group of 100 global cities  committed to taking bold climate action.

Auckland has been recognised as an Innovator City within the C40 network since 2015 and has endorsed a range of C40 commitments, including: • the Green and Healthy Streets Declaration (formerly the Fossil Fuel Free Streets Declaration) Auckland Council will endorse and enable to put Iwi/Maori framework into action. :

The Auckland Council references the following :- The development of an indigenous measurement tool to support management, prioritization, and measurement of the state of progress against the indigenous framework.

Actively  partnering with Iwi and recognized organizations to co-design and implement reconnection programmes for rangatahi and their whānau. To endorse support resource food sovereignty in accordance with Indigenous measurement tools

Auckland Council is a delegate of the Crown exercising powers of local government in Auckland and has  statutory obligations to Iwi/Māori to recognise, respect the Crown’s responsibility to take appropriate account of the principles of the Treaty.


The Council reports that the Treaty is articulated in law through an evolving set of principles. Treaty principles have been expressed and recognised through a range of courts and the Waitangi Tribunal. They are not exhaustive, and it is recognised that other principles may be developed with time. (NZ’s Founding document ‘Te Tiriti o Waitangi’ did not create Principles nor did it create Partnerships).

The Waitangi Act and the Crown Enterprises Act created these Partnerships and Principles that continue to be entered into our domestic policies and regulation. Not one political crony in the Cesspit of Wellington will stand up and tell the truth about this whole corruption. Instead they keep the corruption going through entering Principles and Partnership time and time again in Bills, Legislations and Regulations.

Whiria Te Muka Tangata is Auckland Council’s Māori Responsiveness Framework. It brings together the council’s commitments and obligations to Māori. This enables Auckland Council to ensure that it considers how its policies and actions recognise and protect Māori rights and interests, and contribute to Māori needs and aspirations.

Auckland Climate Plan has a Independent Iwi/Maori Statutury Board. They are Non-Elected bodies with specific powers given to them by local and central government to promote cultural, economic, environmental and social issues of significance to Maori. (They mean certain Iwi Elite). This the Auckland Council states is a partnership approach as a Te Titiri partner.  An economic force at Iwi/Maori levels. (There is NO Partnership in Te Tiriti o Waitangi) .  FOLLOW THE MONEY….

ACTIONS: • mātauranga Māori plays an equal role in decisionmaking • establish a Māori Sustainability Office / Think Tank for the Mana Whenua Kaitiaki Forum • establish Mana Whenua supported rangatahi group (intergenerational) • establish an online Māori knowledge and information portal • preparing and educating Māori communities, businesses and landowners for change • promote new ways of collective action

Māori have had to bear the negative impacts of colonisation, westernisation and urbanisation for over 160 years within Tāmaki Makaurau. Any response to climate change needs to consider the impacts on Māori and, in particular, mana whenua. Our collective response to climate change needs to enable sustainable circular Māori economic development and growth and encourage innovation across Māori business ecosystems. A key outcome is to focus on lifting whānau Māori from poverty and transform the conditions of wellbeing with whānau. Mātauranga Māori Mātauranga Māori – Māori knowledge systems and practices hold a key to climate change response. Mātauranga Māori is community-based and collective knowledge that offers valuable insights that complement western scientific data with chronological and landscape specific precision and detail. This is critical to verifying climate models and evaluating change scenarios. Māori knowledge systems and practice provide a strong foundation for community-based adaption and mitigation actions. Mana whenua have been able to observe and interpret change through the environment within Tāmaki Makaurau over many generations.

There will be times when our leaders need to decide and act to protect and enhance mauri before everybody is ready

Climate emergency We are seeing millions of people around the world strike, led by youth calling for a safe climate future. People across Aotearoa have called for decisions and action to protect our regions and our planet from the impacts of climate change. In June 2019, Auckland Council responded to this call and the irrefutable evidence of climate change by declaring that our region is facing climate emergency. By declaring a climate emergency, the council commits to: • incorporate climate change considerations into work programmes and decisions • provide local government leadership in the face of climate change, including collaborating with local and central government partners advocate for greater central government leadership and action on climate change • increase the visibility of our climate change work • lead by example in monitoring and reducing its greenhouse gas emissions • include climate change impact statements on all council committee reports. Responding to the climate emergency will require rapid and transformational change in how we live, work and travel. Our eight priorities identify the actions we need to take in our emergency response

Climate emergency We are seeing millions of people around the world strike, led by youth calling for a safe climate future. People across Aotearoa have called for decisions and action to protect our regions and our planet from the impacts of climate change. In June 2019, Auckland Council responded to this call and the irrefutable evidence of climate change by declaring that our region is facing climate emergency. By declaring a climate emergency, the council commits to: • incorporate climate change considerations into work programmes and decisions • provide local government leadership in the face of climate change, including collaborating with local and central government partners advocate for greater central government leadership and action on climate change • increase the visibility of our climate change work • lead by example in monitoring and reducing its greenhouse gas emissions • include climate change impact statements on all council committee reports. Responding to the climate emergency will require rapid and transformational change in how we live, work and travel. Our eight priorities identify the actions we need to take in our emergency response


Anyone wishes to view this Auckland Council 179 page pdf  https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/plans-projects-policies-reports-bylaws/our-plans-strategies/topic-based-plans-strategies/environmental-plans-strategies/aucklands-climate-plan/Documents/auckland-climate-plan.pdf





June 2019 the global network of C40 Cities Report June 2019 referred to the impact of ‘urban consumption’ as to greenhouse emissions and the need to ensure urban/city reduce their greenhouse gas emissions in line with an internationally agreed limit. This includes: Urban consumption as a key driver of global greenhouse emissions having a significant impact  beyond their geographical borders by influencing global supply chains. Stating that C40 Cities represent 10% of global emissions when accounting for consumption based emissions. Therefore C40 cities have a strong plan in place to significantly cut emissions directly within their geographic boundaries. These are emissions measured  by what is consumed in cities, where urban consumption is to be halved by 2030 (7 years from now)

Where high income C40 cities must decrease their consumption by 2/3rds within the next decade, to adopt sustainable consumption patterns. Cities have already set targets to take meaningful action to reduce local emissions from buildings, energy, transport, waste, however its taking much more action than this. C40 Cities key consumption categories are that cities are to target food, buildings and infrastructure, clothing and textiles, private transport, aviation and electronics, also household appliances. Reduce the number of new clothing items an individual can buy each year. Dietary change – lower meat and dairy consumption, reduce the number of flights an individual can take, reduce car ownership

The report builds on ‘The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5c World which includes food as the biggest source of human consumption based emissions stating that food related emissions could increase by 38% by 2050 under a ‘business as usual’ scenario

That 60% of food emissions are agricultural, 16% relate to electricity use, 9% to fossil fuel production, 5% to transportation. Food types are documented as animal based food representing approx. 75% of food emissions against 25% consumption of plant based foods. Therefore C40 cities encourage, support the consumption of plant based foods, stating it is sustainable to eat much less meat and dairy that animal sourced food needs to decrease significantly. Make diets rich in nuts and vegetables. An average of 2,500 Kcal per person a day. The problem there is that depending on height, weight, metabolism, what sort of work one does depends on how many calories one may need to consume. (That throws that one out with the babies bath water.

As for plant based food research has found that this is higher in sugar and often lacks the important nutrients of real meat. That those that consume plant based foods fell below the daily requirement for calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc and B12. Our bodies are designed to absorb protein from animal sources much more efficiently than from plants. The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry has shown that we do not absorb as many essential or non essential amino acids from meat substitutes as we do from real meat itself.

The C40 Report that reducing food emissions from food consumption requires actions from all actors- government, business, cities, civil society and citizens. That government are to influence the availability and affordability of foods working with regulators conveners and educators to affect change. That urbanization/ cities will shape urban food consumption. Addressing food related consumption based emission in C40 cities 10th September 2019 report (Salesforce.com). Salesforce is a customer relationship management platform that enables businesses to manage customer data, sales operations and marketing campaigns.

Salesforce partners with Microsoft. Blackrock owns large shares in Salesforce. 66,756,973 shares. Vanguard also has shares in Salesforce. BlackRock the largest Asset manager of coal, oil and gas in the world. World Economic Forum biodiversity Cities by 2030. Transforming cities. The guiding framework for cities to transform their relationship with nature and urban development. WEF Network of Global Future Councils 2019-2020. The WEF Network. Director of International Diplomacy, C40 cities Climate. President and Chief Revenue Officer Salesforce. Deloitte, Salesforce and World Economic Forum collective action within the community to develop sustainable city solutions. C40 Cites is a network of  mayors from a 100 cities worldwide.

Reduce private vehicles by 30%. C40 Cities and ‘no driving days program’. South Korea rewarding their citizens who reduce their driving each year in C40 Cities. A reward system. Mayors, business and citizens in C40 cities must take action to reduce consumption based emissions on aviation by 26%  by 2030. Citizens living in urban/City areas to have their climate footprint measured in new ways which include consumption. Urban businesses, citizens what they ear, what their wear, how things are made and what transport they use

The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5c World produced in partnership with Arup and the University of Leeds collaborating with the C40 City Global Network, where C40 Cities consumption based emissions must be cut by 50% by 2030 (within 7years). Auckland a C40 City. Auckland Council website ‘Easy eco tips to green up your life’ 28/4/2023. Through activities, workshops cook healthy plant based meals use climate friendly transport.

Scoop News 5th January 2023 ‘ Aucklanders Rates Pay for Project to Convert Meat Eaters to Vegetarianism. Auckland Ratepayer Alliance called on Auckland Council to get its butt out of Aucklanders dining rooms after it uncovered that the council had spent nearly $50,000 on a survey to measure how receptive meat eating households are to converting to vegetarianism

Auckland rates significantly increasing and ratepayers money being spent on Aucklanders diets. Its reported that cities are leading the way to consumption degrowth. A planetary health diet by 2030. A C40 Food Cities Declaration. C40 City Adaption monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Systems around the world, a governance structure. Operation of the MER System regional, national  policy makers as well as other actors. Auckland plan sets out detailed series of indicators to measure success. Descriptions of climate action, sub-action, measurable targets, indicators, levels of resources required

The plan incudes a data series by partner agencies as well as data collated by Auckland City admin. The Auckland Adaption Plan can be found on the net it is 179 pages long.(Dated December 2020) Making urgent radical changes as to what you do as individuals, communities, businesses. Mana Whenua Kaitiaki Forum partnering with Auckland Council to provide a Maori perspective throughout the councils plan to control the population of Auckland, through an Iwi lens.

Stating our human behavior is out of balance with the world around us. Social engineering your behavior is critical to bring about their C40 Consumption reduction plan..

BEHAVIOURAL ENGINEERING OF POPULATION’S WITHIN URBAN ‘CITY’ AREA’S ‘AUCKLAND C40 CITY’ : How do you feel about being told you can only buy 3 items of clothing per year, what to eat and how many calories you are allowed consume per week? I kid you not, its on the global agenda this is a radical  plan that’s ready to be implemented with urgency. How is Auckland Council spending rate payers money?




https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/plans-projects-policies-reports-bylaws/our-plans-strategies/topic-based-plans-strategies/environmental-plans-strategies/aucklands-climate-plan/Documents/auckland-climate-plan.pdf 179 pages pdf

https://cdn.locomotive.works/sites/5ab410c8a2f42204838f797e/content_entry5ab410fb74c4833febe6c81a/60ab8b42cc0a6f00a50c1c3d/files/MER_Annex_FINAL.pdf?1621855171 15 pages pdf






https://c40.my.salesforce.com/sfc/p/#36000001Enhz/a/1Q000000MfOM/N6kN_Qv9B.ilgwImBIwaOKqDXVKtr5wcjY6q8NBtw40 Addressing Food related consumption based emissions in C40 cities (Salesforce.com) 31 pages 10th September 2019













After viewing Carl Bromley’s video today about the stench of chlorine coming from the Avon River in Christchurch I decided to do a bit of digging on this Chlorine problem myself. Christchurch Council  have reported they have high quality drinking water. However they Council report they are using Chlorine whilst update water supply network. The Central Govt’s Water Regulator Taumata Arowai has declined an application by Christchurch Council for an exemption as to introducing chlorine into the water supply.    All public water supply networks must be treated with chlorine unless an exemption is obtained

16th May 2023 Newsline reported that Christchurch Councillors are very frustrated it appears for some time now there has been a tennis game going on between Taumata Arowai and the Council. When the Christchurch Council  has applied to have exemptions of chlorine in their water supply. Christchurch Mayor Phil Mauger  said he is outraged that the government insists the water is chlorinated.  The Water Services Act 2021 makes it mandatory for owner of reticulated water supplies to add residual disinfectant-chlorine- to the water unless they obtain an exemption from Taumata Arowai. Christchurch’s Mayor Mr Mauger stated “While we’re being forced to chlorinate our water supply we will continue to fight and advocate for the people of Christchurch,”. He felt the council had been led up the garden path by central government Taumata Arowai.

Stuff NZ reported 30th May 2022 more than a year ago that Christchurch Chlorine Free Water could still be years away- more than 4 years away after the council started temporarily treating the water supply. Go back another year to 9th July 2021 Stuff NZ reported the Christchurch Councils battle to remove chlorine from its water. As a Christchurch Councillor reports “to remove chlorine from the water is like a tennis game with safety assessors. At that time there were reported to be hopes that Christchurch would be free of chlorine in their water by Christmas 2021. Health Authorities had refused to sign off a plan detailing the city’s water supply. Again Councillors were reported to be left frustrated when trying to completely remove chlorine from Christchurch water supply.

13th February 2020 Christchurch Councillors back to the drawing board, the tennis match  was going on then with Taumata Arowai. Again the government refers back to 2016 Havelock North’s  campylobacter outbreak. RNZ Reported  22nd May 2023 that Christchurch Councillor wants local government minister to help reverse water chlorination due to the Water Regulator mandating chlorination of water in Christchurch’s water. . It has now been reported that work is being scoped by the ‘Three Waters’ team and will be bought to the Council in the future for consideration. Councillor Sam MacDonald wants Central Govt to intervene, as he says “they have significant amount of power and then refers to the unelected officials with a significant amount of influence over peoples everyday lives. His petition in May this year had reached 3,400 signatures in 5 days. He felt that Taumata Arowai were being over the top in its applications for standards. MacDonald said “The only thing that have changed are the rules, not the risk to the people”. MacDonald referred Taumata Arowai is effectively saying the bar is set so high that we’ll never be able to achieve it”. Advsor of safety of water in NZ is the Maori Advisory Group Te Puna . Taumata Arowai is a Crown Entity-Central Govt.

In 2022 the partnership of the Taumata Arowai Board ( Crown Entity-NZ’s Water Regulator) and Te Puna (The Regulator Maori Advisory Board won the Deloitte’s Award. Documenting “The governance arrangement is modelling how a strategic partnership is effectively built”. Taumata Arowai demonstrates its commitment to upholding the Te Tiriti o Waitangi through its partnership with the Maori Advisory Group. The Maori Advisory group manages, determines the safety of water in NZ, they have a strategic partnership with the Crown entity Taumata Arowai. Te Puna Maori Group advisors are non–elected bodies that has control of water supplies in NZ in partnership with the Govt. They would be determining whether Christchurch Council are able to obtain an exemption for chlorine in their water or not. The Te Puna Maori Advisory Group was established under the Taumata Arowai Water Service Regulators Act 2020 by the appointed Minister of Local Government.

The Te Puna Maori Advisory Group is chaired by Nanaia Mahuta’s younger sibling Tip Mahuta, who has an influential role in the Three Waters Reform  and also He Puapua Report on Co Governance. Iwi – Maori partnership. Often named as Crown-Iwi/Hapu Partnership. The word Crown distanced the Govt from being made accountable- it’s the government partnership with Iwi/Hapu/Maori. The Te Puna Maori advisory group partnership to the Govts agency , New Zealands Water Regulator Taumata Arowai is chaired by Nanaia Mahuta younger sibling Tipa Mahuta. She is also the Chair’s for the Waikato River Authority,  and the  Maori Health Authority and Maori Advisory Group

In a nutshell Taumata Arowai – the central government of NZ is in a partnership with Te Puna Maori advisory group that determines the safety of water in NZ, chaired by Tipa Mahuta.  The Maori Advisory Group advises the NZ Water Regulator (Govt) on matters of Māori interests and Maori knowledge that relates to the Government Water  Regulator Taumata Arowai as to objectives, functions, operating principles and the collective duties of the Govets Water Regulator Taumata Arowai. Provides adviced on how to enable  mātauranga Māori, tikanga Māori, and kaitiakitanga to be exercised. The govt’s regulators board (Taumata Arowai) must have regard for the Maori Advisory Group (Te Puna). The Govts Water Regulators Board must act jointly with the Maori Advisory Group, agree to the terms of reference for the Maori Advisory Group. The partnership has a memorandum of understanding

Researching Chlorine and any side effects I found that. The exposure to low levels of chlorine can result in nose, throat and eye irritation. Long term effects of chlorine can include chronic lung problems, bronchitis and asthma. Although Chlorine kills pathogenic organisms, chlorine can also weaken the immune system, weaken its ability to fight off pathogens . CDC reported on 7th February 2023. Most people will smell a noxious odour or feel irritation that indicates exposure to chlorine. Low levels of exposure for a long time may affect their ability to sense the chemical. When chlorine comes into contact with tissues eg eyes, throat lungs an acid is produced that can damage these tissues, Signs and symptoms vary depending on how the person is exposed, the amount of chlorine mass, and the time of exposure. Blurred vision * Burning sensation in the nose, throat, lungs, and eyes *Coughing  *Coughing up white to pink-tinged fluid that may be delayed by a few hours *Chest tightness * Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath (These may appear immediately if high concentrations are inhaled or they may be delayed if low concentrations are inhaled.). Eye tearing * Nausea * Rapid and shallow breathing * Respiratory failure (depending on situation length of time, strength of chlorine gas etc.,) * Skin pain, redness, blisters, vomiting and wheezing

https://wakeupnz.org  Carol Sakey




