Auckland City Council published an article in 23rd December 2015 ‘Auckland City Council’s Climate Change Effort was acknowledged on the world stage. Mayor Len Brown attended the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Paris. Auckland was accepted as a member of the world’s leading local govt Climate Change Action Group namely the ‘C40 CITIES’. Len Brown said “now we have international support to increase the pace”

The C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group is a network of ‘Megacities’ that are committed to addressing, driving a meaningful, measurable sustainable action on climate change. Len Brown stated “C40 Cities represent 500 million people, ¼ of the global economy. Auckland City Council was the first NZ City to become a member of C40 Cities. Auckland City membership to C40 CITIES was approved at the 21st Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention in Climate Change (COP21) in Paris. On 29th November 2016 Auckland Super City was chosen as a finalist in the C40 Cities Awards. Len Brown reported “I am delighted at Auckland City Council receiving international recognition for its projects on climate change

14th March 2022-Auckland City Council retains C40 Innovator City title. The council’s leadership has been recognised by mayors around the globe. C40 Cities Leadership comprises of 97 Cities. Cities have to apply for membership every three years. Phil Goff said “In the last two terms of council we’ve made progress to meet  the challenges posed by climate change, planting of millions of native trees, investing billions in public transport infrastructure, stopping the purchase of diesel buses, delivering $152 million climate package in last years Recovery Budget

Auckland City Council published a 179 page report this includes:- Developing a Strategic Food Policy Action Plan, providing governance for Auckland’s food system. Developing a Food Charter for Auckland and establishing a Food Policy Council and Advocate to Government to develop a National Food Resilience. To implement a low carbon, resilient, equitable food system embodying values of  Iwi/Maori. To prioritize, increase access to healthy sustainable food.  Transition away from carbon dependence. Significantly decreasing consumption of meat and dairy products. A shift towards plant based diets, nuts, grains, fruit and vegetables etc.,

Auckland City Council goals include establishing mana whenua Climate Office/ Think Tank. Restoring, replenishing, rejuvenating  wetlands. Using whole of catchment system for decision making including land use change, Restore, rejuvenate and replenish food production. Restore and rejuvenate our fresh water springs. Prepare, educate Maori communities, businesses and landowners for change. Establish an online Maori knowledge and information portal. Reduce emissions from industrial product use, especially hydrofluorocarbons. (HFC) Refrigerants (Will include cooling systems domestic, commercial and vehicle cooling systems -References made to:-Montreal Protocol (UN) Aligning with Kigali Amendment. Auckland City Council’s Climate Change.

Auckland City Council refers to ‘Our Land & Water’- where each Mana Whenua Iwi will engage and partner with the council, the Crown, the Community and the Business Sector as part of Auckland’s Climate response. The  Kaitiaki Forum will work with the Council to monitor, evaluate the state of wellbeing of Tamaki Makaurau Influence. Mana Whenua will work at local, regional and national level to navigate, influence indigenous response to the regeneration and transformation of ecological, social, cultural and wellbeing (carbon foot-prints)

The Auckland Council report that ‘the average Aucklander MUST reduce their carbon foot-print. They state ‘We MUST act now.  We MUST change the way each of us live our lives, the choices we make, how we travel, energy we use, what we purchase and how we eat (our diets) We MUST transition to low carbon lifestyles. November 2nd 2021 AUCKLAND City Council published article ‘Auckland City Council selected to showcase Climate initiatives. Reporting that eleven cities including Auckland are the worlds best examples of impactful urban climate action and refers to COP26, Green Zone, the Global Cities Climate Action Exhibition.Auckland features in exhibition alongside Beijing, London Los Angeles, Washington etc. Auckland City Council endorsed the C40 Divest/Invest Declaration, divesting any investments in fossil fuel companies, investing in climate solutions that support a green economy. Supporting the ‘Global Green Deal’.  The Auckland Council Group raised a  billion dollars plus in green bonds to finance and refinance projects which includes cycling infrastructure. Auckland City Council is the first organisation in NZ to issue a green bond. 1485 institutions from 71 countries have committed to fossil fuel divestment

Auckland City Council Low Emissions Bus Roadmap includes deploying 100- 150 electric buses by 2021 plus more depots being upgraded with charging infrastructure and further trials on charging technologies. Ports Of Auckland has committed to build a hydrogen production and refuelling facility at its Waitemata port.. Project partners are Auckland Council, Auckland Transport and KiwiRail. Investments will be made in hydrogen fuel cell vehicles including port equipment, buses, cars as part of the project

AUCKLAND CITY-PLANETARY DIET- SHIFT AWAY  FROM MEAT: C40 Cities have establishedGood Food Cities Declaration’ 11th September 2019. Mayors of C40 Cities are committed to using science based and a people focused approach to limit global warming to  1.5C. The C40 Cities-Good Food Cities Declaration commits cities to take a partnership approach to adopt food policies, strategies around food procurement, a food system that benefits all. Commitments include -Align food procurement policies to the ‘Planetary Health Diet’. Supporting an overall increase in plant based food consumption in C40 Cities. Work with citizens, businesses, public institutions, other organizations to develop a joint strategy for implementing these measures and achieving these goals, incorporating the ‘Planetary Health Diet’ into the’ Climate Action Plan’. Develop a food charter for Auckland, a strategic food policy action area, Provide strategic direction and governance for Auckland food system. Establish a Food Policy Council, advocate government to develop a National Food Resilience Policy.

Educate, prepare Maori to transition away from carbon dependence. Establish a Mana Whenua Climate Office. Auckland City Council has published that  Aotearoa, North Island now used as the Maori name for New Zealand  Council’s role is the delivery of the plan,  direct control, lead by example, deliver services, deliver infrastructure and facilities, lever plan, monitor and review, regulate, research, advocate, inform and influence. Reviewing regularly to reflect new evidence, learning, policy and technologies,. Adaptions and actions to be  taken to help communities and ecosystems cope with changing climate condition (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change)

Food for thought:- C40 Good Food Cities Declaration. C40 Member cities commit to Sustainable Food Policies to address Climate Emergency. They call it ‘The Future We Want’ They mean- The Future They Want.                         C40 Cities are paving the way, implementing the ‘Planetary Health Diet’ in the local context. A radical transformation of our global food system they state – is critical to mitigate climate change. C40 Auckland City Council rising to the challenge- C40 City Mayors working with citizens to achieve the ‘Planetary Health Diet’. Auckland City Council Mayor will use procurement powers to change food we purchase, introduce policies for low carbon diets being accessible to ALL. A pledge made at the C40 World Mayors Summit in Copenhagen.

The ’Planetary Health Diet’ comprises of 2,500 calories per day.  I have personally noted here that through my research that some people need more or less calories depending on several situations, eg energy used, metabolism, health issues etc.. The Planetary Health Diet’ includes not exceeding 16kg of meat per person per year equals 300 grams per week,  90 kg of dairy per person per year. (250 grams of dairy per day- equivalent to one cup of milk per day). Half a plate of fruit & vegetables, the other half of the plate to comprise of whole grains, plant protein sources, unsaturated plant oils. The C40 Mayors support an overall increase in plant based food consumption. C40 City Mayors to work with citizens, businesses, public institutions and other organizations to develop, implements measures to achieve goals inclusively to incorporate the ‘Planetary Health Diet’ with their City Climate Action Strategy-Plan. Promoting urbanization bringing people to the worlds cities. C40 City Mayors acknowledge its imperative to act in the best interests of their citizens, therefore they must shift Urban/City diets that aim to target- implement, apply interventions of global food systems in a local context.Auckland City Council Mayors have, and are promoting, implementing, planning, predetermining Multistakeholder Initiatives of Sustainable Food Systems and Diets. Auckland City Council article on their website refers to the World Economic Forum, that represent Multistakeholder Corporations. The WEF and UN signed an official strategic partnership June 13th 2019. Several large organizations have demanded that the partnership ends, due to a conflict of interests.(WEF Multistakeholder Capitalism)

WEF are seen as whisperers in the ear of the UN, giving the WEF massive influence over peoples lives right across the planet. The UN/WEF Partnership equating to a One World Public-Private Global Corporate Global Governance. A Global Corporate Governance that’s controls ‘people-planet- for profit (massive profit for the few as others suffer increased poverty), thus the intentions to destroy sovereign nations, to intercept them into globalization as globalized citizens. A global Eco Social Credit System enacted upon nations at a local level. The WEF/UN partnership is viewed as Non-Democratic causing a humongous global democratic deficit that has potentially drown the worlds b submerging them within a massive worldwide tsunami, causing fear, anxiety and allowed the totalitarian control of UN Member Govts over its citizens.

The deliberate shift from the worlds Free-market Economy to the WEF  Multistakeholderism could never happen as it has over the last few years if it had not been for the Pandemic shutting down, destroying the worlds economies that target small businesses and farming communities worldwide. (The free-market enterprise economy has served NZ well and now its being intentionally destroyed (seriously impacting on small businesses, small farm holders). Auckland City  Council support this insanity.

I personally believe this is a predetermined evil psychological warfare, using populations globally as guineapigs- depopulation through jabs, increased suicides, assisted suicides (euthanasia) and decimalizing Abortion. NOTE:-Auckland City Council website link to Sustainable Food Systems and Diets, Multistakeholder Initiatives. (23 Pages pdf) Link Provided. References the World Economic Forum and the UN..

C40 City Strategic funders are Bloomberg Philanthropies, Children’s Investment Foundation (CIFF) and Realdania. Bill Gates among philanthropies that fund the Children’s Investment Foundation (CIFF). Bloomberg and Gates collaborated on COVID initiatives. Bloomberg-Gates fight climate change.. How to fund the Green Revolution.  Gates Foundation and Rockefeller Foundations form alliance’ The Green Revolution.

Gates Foundation failed the ‘Green Revolution for Africa’ published July 29th 2020 Report where massive investments spent promoting and subsidizing commercial seeds and agrichemicals across Africa failed to fulfil the purpose of alleviating hunger and lifting small hold farmers out of poverty.(False Promises’ was published by 10 German-African Non Profits. This is just one example of wealthy billionaire philanthropists self interests and failings. The ‘Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa ‘(AGRA) was launched in 2006 by Gates & Rockefeller Foundation. Promised double yields, incomes for 30 million farming households hence cutting food security in 20 African countries by 2020. African Govts spent $1billion per year. Poverty and hunger worsened. High public cost & zilch transparency

Billionaires Wealth Index.. Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, John D Rockefeller, Elon Mus Gates, Rockefeller etc.,with their low carbon big ticket commitments. Across the global green spectrum get much wealthier.. China, the manufacturers of the global green deal energy hub. Tycoons who make electric vehicles, batteries for electric cars dominate as the biggest investors. Electric car batteries. Auckland council investments, implementation, plans to significantly increase electric cars, charging points

Auckland City Council will not publicly report this.  Children obligated to work in dark dangerous narrow hazardous cobalt mines. Little to no safety. Mining cobalt essential for electric car battery manufacture ‘Millions of children’s lives in Serious Danger’, lives lost by collapsed mining infrastructure. Children with horrendous injuries. Slave Child Labour. As young as 5-6yrs old. Earning approx. $1.20 per day. Women that work in these mines are reported as being sexually violated, raped

The Auckland City Council through promoting their radical C40 City global mayors project have aligned themselves with those that allow these terrible atrocities to happen to children. This will not be found on the Auckland City Council website. Will Auckland new mayor, Len Brown publicly talk about this?          Will any of Ardern’s political cronies that reside in the toilet bowl of Wellington talk publicly about this. What about Peters and Seymour they appear to be publicly speaking out about what we want to hear. Will they publicly talk about this? Will leaders of Maori Party, will Willie Jackson will Eugene Sage Green Party talk about this? I BELIEVE NOT.

Have the deckchairs just merely been moved around on the deck? I BELIEVE SO. After all Helen Clark is till advising Ardern’s Govt on policies etc., through her Helen Clark Foundation. A Non-Profit Organization. Will Phil Goff become a member of Ardern’s cabinet? Will Auckland’s new mayor, Len Brown publicly tell Aucklanders, New Zealanders about Auckland City C40 radical implementation of the ‘Planetary Health Diet’ for ALL Aucklanders? The shift to increased plant based diets, a significant decrease in real meat consumption. Will Len Brown publicly refer to  Klaus Schwab’s-WEF significant links to Auckland City Council.? Will Len Brown publicly disclose what the determinations, implementations that the Global Covenant of Mayors implanting, proposing, planning. Auckland Council references ‘Global Covenant of Mayors’ work towards climate resilient future,

Whilst attending a South Auckland meeting last weekend the speaker asked the gathering if they believed that Len Brown, the new Auckland mayor would make a difference to the insanity that’s happening now. I sadly replied ‘NO’, but I pray he will. I expect he will be bombarded by political leftist ‘woke’ crap. I pray he has the ‘Moral Courage’ to endure, implement the changes, disrupt the wrong doings that mayors have done before him namely Len Brown and Phil Goff. He has walked into the Lions Den of ‘Woke-ism’



Link Thank you Carol Sakey






GOVERNMENT BILLS AND ACTS Blog Posts View all Categories


Simon O’Connor took time out of Parliament to let the people of NZ know what is happening.


Beehive Website:  CHRIS HIPKINS (Leader of the House): I move, That urgency be accorded the committee stage of the Water Services Entities Bill; the passing through all stages of the Residential Tenancies (Healthy Homes Standards) Amendment Bill, the Land Transport (Clean Vehicles) Amendment Bill (No 2), the Social Security (Accommodation Supplement) Amendment Bill, and the COVID-19 Public Health Response (Extension of Act and Reduction of Powers) Amendment Bill; the passing through of the remaining stages of the Dairy Industry Restructuring (Fonterra Capital Restructuring) Amendment Bill,

 the Climate Change Response (Extension of Penalty Transition for Forestry Activities with Low Volume Emissions Liabilities) Amendment Bill, the Arms (Licence Holders’ Applications for New Licences) Amendment Bill,

 and the Companies (Levies) Amendment Bill; the first readings and referral to select committee of the Grocery Industry Competition Bill and the Fuel Industry Amendment Bill; the introduction and first readings and referral to select committee of the Crown Minerals Amendment Bill

and the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Amendment Bill; the first reading and referral to select committee of the Legal Services Amendment Bill; the introduction, first reading, and referral to select committee of the Accident Compensation (Access Reporting and Other Matters) Amendment Bill; the first reading and referral to select committee of the Health and Safety at Work (Health and Safety Representatives and Committees) Amendment Bill;

 the third readings of the Security Information in Proceedings Bill, the Security Information in Proceedings (Repeals and Amendments) Bill, the Māori Purposes Bill, the Remuneration Authority Legislation Bill,  and the Statutes Amendment Bill; and the passing through of the remaining stages of the Organic Products and Production Bill, the Natural Hazards Insurance Bill, the Digital Identity Services Trust Framework Bill, and the Civil Aviation Bill.

The passing of the Queen in September meant that Parliament lost a week of parliamentary sitting time and the granting of this urgency motion will allow some of that time to be made up.  DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE THAT, WE DO NOT HAVE STUPID WRITTEN ON OUR FOREHEADS.

There are a number of bills that address issues that do need rapid attention of the House. An example is the Social Security (Accommodation Supplement) Amendment Bill, which will ensure that no disruption or change to the accommodation supplement benefit individuals currently receive.

Both the Dairy Industry Restructuring (Fonterra Capital Restructuring) Amendment Bill and the Climate Change Response (Extension of Penalty Transition for Forestry Activities with Low Volume Emissions Liabilities) Amendment Bill must be enacted by the end of the year.

Seven first readings are including in the motion. Without them, it would not be possible to get these bills off to select committee before Christmas, and some of them, including the Grocery Industry Competition Bill, we do expect will attract a large number of submitters. O

Other bills will have a significant impact in their own areas and they would have considerable delay coming into effect were we not to use urgency in order to progress them further.

The meetings started at 9am and finish at midnight and will most certainly continue all this week.




Mark was awarded an N Z Award for bravery for his actions in a dangerous situation, yet a government agency is treating him like a crim. I personally believe we do not have a govt on NZ, we have a regime. One that treats its law abiding citizens like crims.  A man who saves many lives, is compassionate and courageous.  In support for this New Zealand hero I have decided to add my voice to this and share with you some information that we should not put to one side. We should support this man as much as we can as he battles a government agency.







It is clearly evidenced that soon after the Local Government Act 2002 was introduced that there was a serious  legal loophole which actually blows Ardern’s biodiversity, eco-socialism right out the window of anticipation.

RNZ published several news articles in 2021 referred to this loophole that the government has deliberately ignored for almost 20 years, that has often bought to their attention by local council representatives and other water experts. RNZ news reports refer to ‘Trade Waste Water Breaches, literally hundreds of them in one year, some of these companies have breeched these trade  waste water consents multiple times in one year. Some of these companies are well known brand names and market themselves as ‘sustainability’. No company has been prosecuted or fined for leaching contaminants down drains.

RNZ  reported an amendment to close an loophole in the Local Government Act 2002 has been ignored by a succession of govts.

Christopher Luxon  was approached by RNZ, he had some choice words for these companies but has any political party done anything about amending this major loophole in the Act ?-NO.

Luxon replied “ Being a former CEO of Air NZ  and at Unilever as well, its quite shocking companies would breach trade consents. But Luxon does not let the cat out the bag that Unilever has been named multiple times in the news for plastic pollution. News articles such as  Nestle, PepsiCo and Unilever plastic pollution. ‘Conflicts, companies, human rights and water.(Link, › documents › research )

Three Waters–NZ Govt would not fix their own fkups so be real do you really trust them after-all like crooks they are robbing tax payer assets. Mining and oil production uses large amounts of water, and pollutes water … the drinks (and food) companies Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Nestle and Unilever,..

Unilever named as one on the top companies in Indonesia for plastic waste pollution along with Santos, Jaya Abahi and IndoFoods (LINK › ..2022  )

There was a drafting error in the law which meant the regulations of the Local Government Act that has caused the problem of companies polluting water ways for almost 20 years.  Regulation to fine, prosecute companies therefore could not be written. It was a drafting error- governments fault perhaps we should throw them under the tractor instead of the farmers.

Mahuta was approached by RNZ, she responded saying “ the new water regulator Taumata Arowai would be looking at ways waste water is treated”. In another interview Mahuta.the polluter referred to an educational approach to these companies that breach trade waste water consents. She also said it would be at least another two years before the new waste water regulating body tackles the problem”

Use this response by Mahuta and all those other political cronies in cesspit of Wellington, this will surely give you some idea that Three Waters is already a problem in the making.

RNZ named some of the companies in one of their news articles that have breached trade waste water consents- Talleys, Ernest Adams, Yoplait are just a few of the hundreds of companies that have breached trade waste water consents in just one year. Some companies have dumped toxins, high nitrates, ammonia, chemicals, blood and yellow yukky glob down drains.

This includes bakeries, supermarkets and other businesses. A lot of gunk over almost 20 years. Dumping contents of grease traps. Some of the biggest manufacturers and brands discharging contaminants, many of them are dangerous, and some have breached consents multiple times.

RNZ reported they had obtained data from 68 city and district councils that revealed a grim pictures of non compliance of trade waste water consents of at least 267 companies

RNZ 5th February 2021 news article referred to a description of some of the evidence they were provided with “blood red water and globs of yellow animal fat, greasy liquid clogging filters and coating ultraviolet lights used to disinfect the effluent. These same scenes were being played out right across NZ. An expert reported that even once treated, the waste being dumped can destroy biodiversity, choke rivers, wreck havoc on marine life. Some company’s have dumped toxic chemicals, eg., ammonia, sulphides into sewers. RNZ reported that in Timaru every trade waste water  holder had  breeched consent conditions.

In Hawkes Bay 6 out of 8 companies breached consents, companies that call themselves sustainable such as ‘the sustainable fishing company Sanford’, DB Draught Brewery, frozen food manufacturer-McCains, Heartland  Potato Chips, Medallion Pet Food, the Wallace Groups rendering plant and Sth Canterbury By-Products.  In Palmerston North 8 out of 9 consent holders breached consents multiple times, including 2 sites belonging to Fonterra, Goodman Fielders Ernest Adams and Yoplait factories also the largest Maori owned fishing company in NZ “Moana NZ’

RNZ revealed that no every council keeps track on consent breaches & not every council is transparent.  In several regions its hard to get an accurate picture on how companies behave because some councils do not have rules about what is dumped in the sewers, some rarely monitor dumping, some companies are left to manage this themselves. RNZ also reported that Auckland Councils Watercare services which manages the largest wastewater network in NZ refused to answer questions posed by RNZ about companies breaching consents. They responded ‘for privacy reasons’

The point is the government is hugely  responsible for the serious issues of toxins, contaminants and  dangerous chemicals being dumped into sewers and drains because they deliberately let this happen for almost 20 years. They ignored this serious problem time and time again. Despite all of this dumping of contaminants RNZ reported ‘ not one company has been slapped with fines or prosecution’. Some companies that are breaching their trade waste water consents are also potentially costing rate payers, tax payers a heap of money

Because for instance ammonia and other chemical eat away underground concrete pipes, damage public infrastructure that has to be paid for my rate payers. One trade Waste Water expert reported that industries have deliberately pushed their consents so close to the mark to maximise shareholder value. This expert said that  “trade water is usually a lot more toxic than other things can have a major impact, it can kill rivers” and “chemicals poured down the drain can produce sulphuric acid which can dissolve concrete infrastructure. Expensive infrastructure that’s put in the ground at a minimum cost of $5,000 per metre, is now being eaten away. “ That pipes have burst, there have been situations where vehicles and people have actually fallen into pipes which have collapsed under the ground”.  He said that “Contaminated waste water can kill microorganisms inside a waste water treatment plant and suffocate creatures in the waterways where its eventually discharged, as contaminants which suck  up all the oxygen.

Nanaia Mahuta has held this portfolio since 2017, when asked about this serious issue she told RNZ “I ‘will  have to seek some advice” and “this concern has only just been raised with me” Her reply 10 days later to a LGNZ plea was “While I recognise the law is not working as well as it could, it is not clear to me that infringement offences are always effective in changing behaviour”. Mahuta said Bylaws give councils flexibility to establish rules suited to their circumstances in order to control behaviours in public places. It is my view that careful consideration should be given before extending powers” Mahuta’s key adviser, Michael Lovett, Dept of Internal Affairs Deputy Chief Executive was also unconvinced a law change was needed. He said “Why change the legislation when you can change the infrastructure”. Precisely, no accountability and no transparency, accept no responsibility. No instead they throw the farmers under their tractors, use them as the govts whipping boy, but allow serious polluted shit in drains and sewers that escape into rivers.

Nanaia Mahuita and her ‘Three Waters Reform’ how in hell could anyone trust this govt, almost 20 years of shit, toxic chemicals, contaminants and successive govts ignored this. Nanaia Mahuta and her Three Water Reform- Mahuta the Polluter. Never mind the insanity of the Fart and Belch Tax the general public need to get wind of this.

And what does Mahuta say about the new waste water regulator -Taumata Arowai that’s been created to oversee reforms of the Three Waters Reform. Oh, they won’t be tackling this trade waste water pollution for another 2 years at least. Said Mahuta the Polluter  Well its been almost twenty years now, whats another 2 years. It was reported that some trade waste water officers have had to stand down and when they would not, they have been moved out of their jobs. I have provided links to the RNZ news articles on my website.

Lastly one of RNZ news articles named companies that had breached their  trade waste water consents, including one company that  discharged too much contaminants. Discharged too much sulphide, zinc, chromium and ammonia. RNZ referred to 267 breaches to trade waste water consents in one year. Remember the Labour Govt, Aunty Helen when she tried to introduce the fart tax several years back. National MP Shane Ardern driving the tractor up the stairs of Parliaments

I had to laugh after reading the Rural News on Fart Tax where one person said that vegans and vegetarians in the country should pay a greater tax contribution under the ETS “By eschewing high quality meat proteins for a bean based diet, they will be adding considerably more to global emissions”. Note: An article published on the fraud on the European Union Emission Trading Scheme, that the ETS scheme has grown in size and value and has become an increasingly attractive playground for fraudsters.

The Guardian reported that Australia’s carbon credit scheme ‘largely a sham, says whistle-blower who tried to rein it in. Prof Andrew MacIntosh said the system, which gives credits for projects such as regrowing native forests after clearing, is a fraud on the environment, tax payers and consumers. He described the govts emission scheme overseen by the govt and the clean energy regulator as ‘largely a sham’, as most of the carbon credits approved did not represent real or new cuts in greenhouse emissions, describing the fraud as hurting the environment and wasting a billions dollars of tax payer funding. MacIntosh is an environmental law and policy professor at the Australian National University.

Ardern continues to be seen as the world  eco socialist leader if this Fart and Belch Tax comes about NZ will be the first country in the world to charge farmers on this insanity. The payable amount will depend on how much stock the farmer owns and the size of the farm, the type of fertilizer used.

NZ relies on the meat and dairy industries for our economy. However it appears that the  Eco Socialist globally are looking at Ardern as their leader with her Wellbeing Budget, 4th year running and her happiness indicator index. This is none other that destructive strategies for the degrowth of New Zealand. Transformation for a Red-Green Future.

Productive forces that are really destructive forces, destructive Marxist strategies. You will own nothing and you will be happy. The plundering of NZ.

Land grabs, Water Grabs, Water as an algorithm on the stock market. Follow the money, always follow the money. Massive exploitations of populations worldwide. NZ the outpost of the UN and the guineapig state of the world Economic Forum

No Farmers No Food.  Time to speak out about this hypocritical government that deliberately attacks farmers as they have been highly influential players in mass pollution and huge infrastructure costs over almost twenty years because they deliberately ignored the serious problem that the drafting of the Local Govt Act loophole was never amended

Why Not??????

And why should we replace a free-market enterprise economy with a multistakeholder corporate one that destroys the farming industry and small businesses?

PLEASE NOTE: Again I add that the people are the solution. The solution are the people. There is no such thing as democracy in New Zealand. New Zealanders are living in a democratic deficit. I urge the people of New Zealand to talk with minor parties who have established themselves as political parties for the coming NZ General elections – 2023 to speak with them about adopting a policy that gives citizens end decision making rights.. ‘A Citizens Initiated Binding Referendum. The Citizen Initiated Referenda Act in Non Binding therefore no matter how many signatures you have that support your issues and concerns you have no end decision rights. All end decision rights belong to the government. Carol Sakey. ‘WakeUpNZ’




The minor parties are not publically speaking about what lies behind the bigger picture of the Governments narratives. WHY NOT???

UN NEWS 2022…The Green Party welcomes the next steps towards implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) in Aotearoa, and calls on the Government to get on with the mahi of upholding Tangata Whenua rights.

“Implementing UNDRIP has been a long time coming, especially as Aotearoa was one of the last countries to support it, even though Māori helped write it, so let’s just get on with the mahi and do what Māori have consistently said for decades,” says Dr Elizabeth Kerekere, spokesperson for Māori Development.

“Thousands were involved in the consultations for Matike Mai; these voices form the foundations of the whare that we need to build together here in Aotearoa.

“These practical steps to uphold Tangata Whenua rights through the implementation of UNDRIP are important, and the feedback clearly shows this requires a restoration of tino rangatiratanga. This should form the basis of our journey towards constitutional transformation.

