Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 was originally titled ‘Our Common Future’, the planning of societal change takes place decades before the public see any signs of the implementation, by this time it is being sold to them in the form of a benefit’.  The future we will all have in common. The planning of economic and societal transformation, this has taken decades now the public can see this for themselves, but sadly many people still put their heads in the sand, completely ignore it to the detriment of this generation and future generations to come. This is the blueprint to control all our basic needs to survive, water, plants, human, animals- wild and domestic under the concept of what is called a ‘One Health Approach’ which is already embedded in the International Rules Based Order.  (Control of the whole Ecosystem) This is a recipe for destruction in every country village, township, city, region worldwide. This is a massive public relations scam that’s happening worldwide for ‘No-one to be left behind, everyone, everywhere at every age’. Right now the International Rules Based Order is implementing a plan called ‘De-growth’. This is the New Normal, the Great Reset the transformation for the 21st Century and beyond for the so called common good of all. Restrictions, mandates, isolation, controlling mechanisms for the common good of all. The Great Reset must be the peoples Great Resist if we are to survive with all our dignity intact.

The Global Agenda for the 21st Century is an inventory and control plan of what energy you take in and what goes out, monitoring measuring cities, targeting humans, you are the carbon they want to restrict- control- deplete, as populations are moved into these ever increasing highly dense cities. Diluting traditions, cultures of individual nations by way of implementing mass migration from developing countries. The dangerous path to Globalized Citizenship. The restricting of mobility, being easily monitored and controlled. Violating private property rights, parental rights. The reducing of consumption, usage- degrowth. The takeover of the Sovereign Nation State. This is the mapping of the ‘End Game’, the implementation of unelected global actors, global dictatorship of totalitarian sociopaths all at citizens, peoples, populations expense worldwide. Remove Human Activity from the Rural Areas these are to be called ‘wild lands, they use “concern for extreme population projection’.

UNEP, UN Environmental Programme, UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) is also known as the ‘Earth Summit’ held in Rio de Janeiro Brazil in June 1992. This was the largest summit ever, it focused on the global socioeconomic activities and how they were predicted to have an effect on the environment. Climate doomism being caused by human activity, this was a way that worldwide influential leaders could come together, policymakers, diplomats, CEO’s, Scientists and of course the global propaganda machine Government leaders and NGO’s, representatives of 176 States and territories. Several UN organizations and specialized agencies, 35 intergovernmental organization and 1500 plusnon-governmental organizations. This coincided with the World Environment Day the 5th June. Environmentalism  (Eco-socialism) was about to spread worldwide. A Global governance of Eco Socialism. The International environmental Treaty, the power and influence over international systems worldwide as a whole.. Political, Economical, Environmental  Global Governance. The Brundtland Report established the coined phrase  ‘Sustainable Development’. The plan at the time was transforming modern society, it cultural, economic, political and scientific components it was reported ‘ this is in order to tackle dramatic environmental destruction’. The World Commission on Environment and Development ‘Our Common Future (1987) is titled ‘A GLOBAL AGENDA FOR CHANGE’ (The Brundtland Report) .. chaired by Norwegian Prime Minister  Gro-Harlem Brundtland This included the role of the International economy, food security and monitoring, Sustainable Development Towards Common Action  Our Common Future, From One Earth to One World  (The UN World Commission on Environment and Development)

Sustainable Development Towards Common Action. The calling  for a common endeavor and for new norms of behavior at all levels and in the interests of all. The changes in attitudes, in social values, and in aspirations that the report urges will depend on vast campaigns of education, debate and public participation. To this end, we appeal to “citizens” groups, to non governmental organizations, to educational institutions, and to the scientific community. They have all played indispensable roles in the creation of public awareness and political change in the past. They will play a crucial part in putting the world onto sustainable development paths, in laying the groundwork for Our Common Future. The process that produced this unanimous report proven that it is possible to join forces, to identify common goals, and to agree on common action. Governments, individually and collectively, have the principal responsibility to do this. UNEP’s Earthwatch programme should be the centre of leadership in the UN system on risk assessment 95. However, given the politically sensitive nature of many of the most critical risks, there is also a need for an independent but complementary capacity to assess and report on critical global risks. A new international programme for cooperation among largely non-governmental organizations, scientific bodies, and industry groups should therefore be established for this purpose. 4.4 Making Informed Choices 96. Making the difficult choices involved in achieving sustainable development will depend on the widespread support and involvement of an informed public and of NGOs, the scientific community, and industry. Their rights, roles and participation in development planning, decision-making, and project implementation should be expanded. 4.5 Providing the Legal Means 97. National and international law is being rapidly outdistanced by the accelerating pace and expanding scale of impacts on the ecological basis of development

Jacinda Ardern and the Earth watch Program and her leadership of the International Socialist Youth. Just a segment of our so called ‘Our Common Future’ under the regime of a One World Stakeholder Governance of Eco Socialism. The art of looking for trouble and finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly applying the wrong remedies, battling ideologies instead of working alongside uncertainties of science, and XX and XY of biology that has been insanely replaced by the Wokeism of  120 or more gender ideologies and throw in a few cat and dog human ideological agenda too.  Progressive global geopolitics,  sharing of variants of pathogen, the global human laboratory of lab rats worldwide. Bio-Digital Convergence and digital control where all people worldwide have digital identities to create a global utopia. Our so called Common Future is governed by a Communist top down global regime.

5987our-common-future.pdf (


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ECO Socialist Multistakeholder Public Private Global Partnership with the UN-WEF ‘Corporate Capture of the World’ and the Global Godfather of Climate Hysteria

Maurice Strong the Godfather of Climate Hysteria. The self proclaimed Socialist Climate Change Inventor, that defined a trace gas as a very wealthy meal ticket of tens of thousands of climate functionalities

Maurice Strong established two of the largest UN Environmental Agencies.  Maurice Strong Personal Advisor to  UN Secretary Generals. Maurice Strong quoted at the UN “We may get to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrialized civilization to collapse. Isn’t it our responsibility to bring this about”? Quote Maurice Strong UN. The Science is settled “No its not:. Maurice Strong Self confessed socialist had a massive influence on world affairs, international environmental rules, international agencies and businesses, an influential member of the WEF

Maurice Strong joined the UN at 18years old lived with a leader of the UN Treasury. Eventually put the UN into the collaboration with environmental businesses. The shadowy influence of the UN Leaders from 1962 till 2005, often clled ‘the international man of mystery’  and a ‘new guy in your future’ and a very dangerous one at that. Strong made his fortune in oil and energy eg Petro Canada, Power Corporation, CalTex Africa, Hydro Canada, the Colorado Land and Cattle Company, Ajax Petroleum, Canadian Industrial Oil and Gas— to name just a few. He had an extensive range of contacts within the power brokers of the world, he was called the ‘Michelangelo of Networking’ but he was not angel.

1972 organized the 1st Earth Summit in Stockholm The Conference on the Human Environment. This led to the formation of the UN Environment Program Maurice Strong was the head of this. Later he organized the UNEP, he was the boss of the first international expert group on climate change. This led to UN sponsored organizations eg The Earth Council and Earth Charter, World Resources Institute, World Wild Life Fund, The Commission for World Governance and the University for Peace.

Strong was the driving force behind the world governance, governing of UN Nation States . He dreamt up a world tax on monetary transactions of 0.05% which would have given the UN an annual income of $1.5 trillion annually. About equal to the income of the US. However the stumbling block was the UN Security Council that has veto rights. (The power of Veto). So he devised a plan to get rid of the UN Security Council but did not succeed in implementing his plan. And then he came up with this light bulb moment called ‘Global Warming’, this might just be the device to get his World Governance up and running.

1989 Strong was appointed to Secretary General of the Earth Summit, 1992 he addressed the second Earth Summit at Rio. Telling 1,000’s of climate change delegates

“It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class— involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work place air-conditioning, and suburban housing — are not sustainable”.

Hence there goes the house (private Property) there goes your Meat  (plant based burgers) Bill Gates ‘Beyond Burgers’, the transformation of the world called ‘The World we Want’ being the world the Corporation- UN-WEF Collaborators want.  (Global Power and wealth)

However Strong did not say at this time he had actually purchased a very large piece of land in Colorado. The Colorado Land and Cattle Company, he bought this off an arms dealer named Adnan Khashoggi who had strong connections with the Bin Laden family

200,000 acres of cattle property called ‘Baca’ It sat on a vast underground water system. Strong formed the American Water Development Corporation to exploit the water by pumping it out for commercial intent but was stopped by locals. Maurice Strong was told by a mystic that : The Baca Ranch would become the new planetary order which would evolve from the economic collapse and environmental catastrophes that would sweep the world in years to come”

With this, he created the Manitou Foundation, a New Age Institute which was located at his Baca Rach, above what he called the saced waters that lay below. He established the ‘Conservation Fund’ with the help of Laurence Rockefeller, to study the mystical properies of the Manitou Mountaun. A circular temple was built at the ranch devoted to the world mystical movements

The valley where the Baca Ranch is located is traditional home of the Navajo tribes. They believe that their ancestors were led underground in this valley by ‘Ant People’. According to the Navajo tradition they warned of the coming ‘Sky Katchinas’ (Sky spirits’. Strong was drawn towards these Navajo mystical beliefs. Maurice Strong founded the Earth Council Institute in 1992, recruiting world luminaries eg., Mikhail Gorbachev, Shimon Peres, Al Gore and David Rockefeller. In year 2000 Earth Charter Strong again pushed for a World Governance body.

2005 Maurice Strong, an extremely powerful man made a push which he announced would save humanity, the promoting of the theory of human induced greenhouse gases, but he was caught with his hand in the till. He endorsed a chque for himself made out to M Strong issued by the Jordanian Bank. The South Korean businessman Tongsun Park was given the cheque, he was convicted in 2006 by a New York Federal Court of conspiring to bribe  UN Officials

Maurice Strong resigned and then fled to Canada, then onto China where he continued to live. Taking sanctuary in China where his cousin Louise Strong, a Marxist who lived with Mao Tse Tung for 2 years before she died in 1970.

In 1947 Maurice Strong  worked at the UN at the age of 18 a Canadian from Manitoba, he was a junior officer at the UN Security Section, he lived with the UN Treasurer Noah Monod. Maurice Strong was involved in bribery and corruption, a very well known one was the Un Oil for Food Scandal. Strong was stripped of many of his 53 International Awards and honours he had collected over a lifetime for this. Strong was known for his dual role of an eco global socialist pushing for a world governance and he was also reported to be a ruthless businessman

Maurice Strong was a longtime Foundation Director of the World Economic Forum, a senior advisor to the World Bank. A Canadian Oil- Mineral Businessman, Under Secretary of the UN, President of the Power Corporation of Canada, Secretary of the Un Human Environment Programme, CEO of Petro Canada, Headed Ontario Hydro. Head of the Water Development Incorporated, Commissioner of the World Commission on environmental Developments, Leader of International environmental Movements worldwide.

An active member of Perking University, Chairman of the Advisory Board for the Institute for Research on Security and Sustainability for North East Asia. Died at 86 in 2015. Self confessed radical Socialist. There are references made to Maurice Strong and Canada’s Principal Investment Corporations that have interests in Energy and Utility Businesses. The Power Corporation of Canada. In 1976 at Pierre Trudeau request Maurice Strong returned to Canada to head the newly created national oil company Petro-Canada.

Strong was a shareholder in Oil companies, he had acquired Denver Oil was the largest shareholder. AZL merged with Tosco Corporation which Strong acquired which was 160,000 acres – the Baca Ranch in Colorado which was Strongs Manitou Foundation. Strong later became the chairman of the Canada Development Investment Corporation, the holding company for some of Canada’s principal government owned corporations. 1982 he became chair of Ontario Hydro.

Dec 3st 1986 Strong founded the American Water Development Incorporated, with a rights to pump water from a guge area and sell it to water districts in the Front Range Urban Corridor of Colorado. (There was much conflict about this and activism) So Strong existed the company. Strong was the director of Molten Metal Technology, an environmental tech company founded in 1989, recycling hazardous waste gained research grants from US Dept of Energy. The company later filed for bankruptcy.’ Stockholm Conference

In 1971, Strong commissioned a report on the state of the planet, Only One Earth: The Care and Maintenance of a Small Planet,[25] co-authored by Barbara Ward and Rene Dubos. The report summarized the findings of 152 leading experts from 58 countries in preparation for the first UN meeting on the environment, held in Stockholm in 1972. This was the world’s first “state of the environment” report.

The Stockholm Conference established the environment as part of an international development agenda. It led to the establishment by the UN General Assembly in December 1972 of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), with headquarters in NairobiKenya, and the election of Strong to head it. UNEP was the first UN agency to be headquartered in the third world.[26] As head of UNEP, Strong convened the first international expert group meeting on climate change.[27]

Strong was one of the commissioners of the World Commission on Environment and Development, set up as an independent body by the United Nations in 1983.

Maurice Strong the Godfather of Climate Hysteria. A longtime foundation Director of the WEF, on the advisory committee of Harvard University, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. Maurice Strong flanked by 100 world leaders embodied in Agenda 21 launchpad. The design of the global governance and Mass Global Warming hysteria that has now evolved into a ECO Socialist Multistakeholder Public Private Global Partnership with the UN-WEF ‘Corporate Capture of the World. WEF GLOBAL REDESIGN INIATIVE. THE GREAT RESETTHE NEW NORMAL – THE GLOBAL AGENDA 2030- TO LEAVE NO-ONE BEHINDEVERYONE EVERYWHERE AT EVERY AGEORIGINATED BY THE SHADOW OF THE MOST POWERFUL LEADERS OF THE UNNONE OTHER THAN MAURICE STRONG.THE GLOBAL GOD FATHER OF CLIMATE HYSTERIA.




In 2019 Ardern introduced Happiness Indicators to replace NZ’s Gross Domestic Production. The GDP is a standard measure of the value created through the production of goods and services during NZ during a certain period of time. Eg: Measures income earned from production, total spent on final goods and services (Less imports). Its simply the measurement of a country’s economic health. Forbes reported on 11th July 2012 ‘NZ Ditches GDP for ‘Happiness & Wellbeing’

Describing the NZ Govt’s Happiness Index helps govts use their budgets to increase welfare of citizens instead of economic health, a policy shift for government spending. GDP had become under scrutiny as a govt planning tool with decision makers turning instead to a Happiness Index which includes ‘Happiness Indicators’. Yet GDP had been a dependable tool to determine the economic health of a country, where the nations GDP is divided by its population to determine the GDP per capita.

Ardern also in 2019 followed her news measurement of Happiness and Wellbeing of the population of NZ with a first ever ‘Well-being Budget’, where she introduced an increase of $200million in services aimed at victims of domestic violence and housing programs for the homeless population within NZ. Ardern’s new decision making policy is described as ‘progressive, one no other major country had so explicitly adopted where ‘well-being’ becoming the objective.

NZ Govt then upon unveiling its new economic framework on ‘happiness and wellbeing’ decision making, policy explained to NZrs the basis behind the Govt’s shift from GPP to the Happiness Index. There are 5 govt priorities , all must advance one of five of these priorities namely either (1) Improving Mental Health (2) Reducing Child Poverty (3) Addressing inequalities faced by Indigenous Māori & Pasifika people (4) Thriving in a Digital age  (5)Transitioning to a Low-Emissions Sustainable Economy – It was reported that  business would gain $2.1 trillion by embracing Low-Carbon Tech.

Max Harris’s book published in 2017 ‘The NZ Project’ includes text that reads “NZ an ideal nation to lead a change in global views”, NZ was to be a rockstar of all global economies by embracing these ‘Happiness indicators in the Govt’s Happiness Index’ which still is used. Forbes reported in 2019 that “NZ has always been at the forefront of change throughout the ages, and continues to be so by pioneering a community centered economic plan- Ardern’s Happiness Index.

NZ was not the first to introduce Happiness policy-decision making this originated from the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan which was distinctively known as the Buddhist Middle Way where ‘happiness is accrued from a balanced act rather than from an extreme approach’.

The term, concept of ‘Gross National Happiness’ was a concept introduced by the 4th King of Bhutan in 1972, as being described as more important than GDP. This concept was adopted into agenda 2030 (UN) Global Development Goals (SDGs) by the UN Assembly in 2011 (Resolution 65/309, thus urging UN Nation State Governments to follow the Bhutan example as a ‘fundamental human goal’

2012 Bhutan’s Prime Minister and UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon convened a High Level Meeting focusing on ‘Well-being and Happiness’, to define a new economic paradigm, spreading Bhutan’s philosophy, hence the first Happiness Report was issued. In 2012 the UN declared 20th March  ‘International Happiness Day (Resolution 66/28). A collective goal of Happiness for Un Nation States govts decision making policies…

Ardern’s 2019 Happiness Index 5 priorities :- either (1) Improving Mental Health (2) Reducing Child Poverty (3) Addressing inequalities faced by Indigenous Māori & Pasifika people (4) Thriving in a Digital age  (5)Transitioning to a Low-Emissions Sustainable Economy –(1)Improving Mental Health:- It was reported that  business would gain $2.1 trillion by embracing Low-Carbon Tech. NZ Herald reports 22/6/2023 “What has happened to the billions $$’s set aside to improve Mental Health services in NZ? There are fundamental gaps across the sector, young people in crisis-70 days to see a therapist, men struggling with depression, people with chronic conditions struggling to receive diagnosis and care. (Refers robbing Peter to pay Paul)

Stats NZ 2021 showed that mental wellbeing had declined since 2018. COVID-19 study as to the governments highly restrictive strategy on the NZ population caused unprecedented disruption to daily life that has caused much depression, anxiety and stress. (Improving Mental Health-Ardern’s new Happiness Indicators prove to be ‘Unhappiness indicators- but the govt will not admit this- instead covers up people, the economy seriously impacted and struggling especially around mental health)

(2)Reducing Child Poverty: 16th May 2022 ‘Govt needs to step up to address child poverty ahead of the 2022 Budget. 29th March 2011 Income Support changes fall short of what struggling households need (Research from Fairer Future Collaboration). 21st Feb 2022 Families need cash not food banks, poverty advocate warns.  22/10/2021 Govt hardship announcement ignores children with the greatest needs. 25th March 2021 Govt Housing Package ‘Ignores Elephant in the Room’ and 23rd Feb 2021 ‘Shocking, disappointing’ Child Poverty show incrementalism is NOT working”. Back in June 2020 ‘Greens proposals would lift families out of poverty’ (Ardern’s Happiness Index of Happiness Indicators turn to a Unhappiness Index)

(3)Addressing inequalities faced by Indigenous Māori & Pasika: Firstly the terminology ‘Indigenous Peoples was introduced into NZ in the early 1970’s by George Manuel the President of the Canadian Indian Brotherhood and the founder of the UN World Council for Indigenous Peoples’ when he visited NZ he met with specific Iwi/Maori politicians then hence ‘Indigenous Peoples’ came to be. This phrase was originally coined by radical activist Parkipuny of the North Tanzanian Maasai Tribe, who was a member of the Tanzania Parliament then turned activist.

The Happiness Indicators ‘ Justification for race based public healthcare. A race based Health authority. Hospital Waiting lists based on race of ancestors, prioritizing waiting lists based on race-ethnicity. Pharmacy initiatives only accessible to Māori and Pasifika. Race based tax-payer funded freebies-prezzy cards for Maori pregnant women. Dividing healthcare up by race of ancestry (blood lines). The wasting of billions $$s of tax payer funded money. What makes people of NZ Happy? What all citizens of NZ have the same opportunity in the health care system. (Ardern’s Happiness Indicators caused much unhappiness for those that are of Non- Māori ancestry that remain on the hospital waiting lists)

(4)Thriving in a Digital Age- number 4 of Ardern’s Happiness indicators in her Happiness ‘Wellbeing Budget’ NZ’s Economic wealth. IT Brief NZ reports ‘NZ Falls Behind on Digital Economic Performance’ (7/6/2022) According to Aotearoa’s Digital Priorities in 2022 a report from the Technology Users Association of New Zealand (TUANZ), supported by the global Network Readiness Index (NRI), New Zealand currently ranks 42 in the world for overall access to technology, 56 on cybersecurity, 62 for high tech exports and 69 on medium and high-tech manufacturing. The report shows that there are concerns of NZ’s digital business leaders revealing that Kiwi companies are facing shortages in hardware, tech products and digitally skilled workers

Cyber security being a huge key concern highlighted in a 2021 report (8,831 incidents were reported to CERT NZ a 13% increase on 2020, these included financial losses with a combined total of $16.8 million. (Source of information Craig Young, CEO of TUANZ,), Ministry Of Justice reported ‘Cyber security Incident that impacted coronial data’. (18/1/2023). December 6th 2022 .. It was reported that multiple govt department in NZ affected by ransomware (attack on IT provider) is feared to have disrupted dozens of organizations in NZ and several govt depts & public authorities. The Ministry Of Justice and Te Whatu Ora (Health NZ) were amongst them as being impacted by the cyber attack. (Are you happy that your private information may be in the hands of crims inside and outside of NZ- Ardern’s number 4 Happiness Indicators fails miserably)

Ardern’s Happiness Indicator number 5 (Transitioning to a Low-Emissions Sustainable Economy). Shaping NZ’s Low Emissions Future’, this project has been running since 2013. NZs Emissions Trading Scheme is reported to be ETS Effective. Govt emission reductions, opportunities, policies and actions. The 2015 Household Climate Action Tool of NZs Low Emissions Future. Originated by Motu NZ receiving funding from the Aotearoa Foundation established by Julian Robertson, co-funded from Meridian Energy, Z Energy, Minister of the Environment and the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment.

The Low-Emission Future project is supported by an Advisory Board bringing perspectives from government, the private sector, academia, and NGOs from New Zealand and abroad. Motu NZ is split into 2 separate organization (Motu Economic & Motu Public Policy Research) a charitable trust that runs research programs funded by grants from various organization, including govt depts and private companies. The first funding for the injection of the Govts journalism fund $55 million for training across the Motu, to upskill journalists. (The Govts Interest Journalism Fund)

Greenpeace report that ‘Carbon Off-sets are a Scam, (10th November 2021) A Scammers dream scheme, a book keeping trick. CO2 difficult to predict. Greenwashing. It’s a mirage of reimaginations. Purchasing carbon offsets does not reduce your carbon footprint. NZ 2016 Morgan Report ‘NZ the greatest Climate Fraudsters’ Knowingly purchases climate units from crimes in Ukraine and Russia. (2 Morgan Reports I that tells whom in NZ were the climate crims).

The Morgan Report includes evidence of NZ being the biggest climate cheats in the world, buying fraudulent credit to meet international emissions reduction targets. The calling for NZ Govt to protect NZs clean green corrupt free image. And Climate Cheats 2: The Dirty Dozen Businesses. Act Party and National behind closed doors decided to continue using the fraudulent carbon credits. All political parties in parliament were fully aware of this, said nothing until the Morgan Report was published then did the blame game. All to blame. (The Morgan report can be downloaded online)

Ardern’s Happiness Indicator number 5 (Transitioning to a Low-Emissions Sustainable Economy). Shaping NZ’s Low Emissions Future’. NZ Govt Emissions Trading Scheme, the world’s biggest climate cheats. A Govt Socialist funded leftist propaganda machine ($55 million dollar funding). The ETS Scheme of Stakeholder Capitalism -PPP- Public-Private Partnerships . Self serving Corporate leaders enriching themselves and shareholders through government policy-decision making, the emphasis on shareholder profits (Eg BlackRock Asset Management). They publish for the interest of all shareholders.

Returns from their “flavor-of-the-day” ESG (environment-social-governance) plans, luring in whatever shareholder “fish” are attracted to the promise of high shareholder returns from their plans. Incentivizing them properly to ensure a focus on long-term value, with the right metrics that prioritize shareholder interests. Metric-based Monitoring. Using these four sets of tools, managers can build a base of steward shareholders that are sure to offer their support for companies’ stakeholder-centered initiatives.(Harvard Business Review). Reducing consumption of the worlds resources and energy. Abolishing growth as a social objective using less resources, living differently “You will own nothing, but you will be happy). WEF Schwabs ‘Great Reset’ His 2010 Global Redesign Initiative and Ardern’s Happiness Index to replace GDP in NZ 2019.

The Spinoff reported 11th October 2022 ‘Degrowth is growing in popularity. Newsroom reported 25th sept 2023 Political and Business leaders living in Fantasy land. In the old days when “greenies” talked about “limits on growth” and “peak” this and that, they were commonly dismissed as being dreamers or living in Fantasyland. Gradually it has become clear that though some of the timing may have been wrong, the direction was right. .. The perpetual myth. No shortages, no climate-induced calamities, no wars. Just that sweet tune of market forces in the background

My favorite this week was an effort from business cheerleader-in-chief McKinsey. It contributed to its fellow Fantasy dwellers a study on how we could achieve net zero and acceptable global living standards this decade. (That is not a mistype, they are serious.) In Fantasyland, where all dreams come true, finance and technology come to the rescue. Or in consultant speak “Productivity-driven growth lifts incomes and raises living standards while unlocking the financing capacity needed for a low-emissions future.” You can smell the rich stream of fees on their breath.

Ardern’s prioritizes ‘The Happiness Index- Happiness Indicators in NZ 2019 to replace NZ Economic Wealth for Happiness Wellbeing Fantasyland – the fairytales that have become a nightmare for NZrs I n reality. Just like the 4th King Of Bhutan his Happiness Gross National Index that was introduced to the UN assembly  in 2011.. Moving on the Buddhist Kingdom of Bhutan is in economic crisis, 90th in the Economic Freedom Score Index, The modernizing of Bhutan’s economy- Government and Corporations (PPP). The  Bhutan Monarchy was transitioned to a constitutional parliamentary system in 2008. Challenges in Bhutan Education and Healthcare Sectors Poverty and unemployment

The National University Of Singapore reported 20th March 2020 ‘The land of Gross Happiness (Kingdom of Bhutan) faces a number of socio- economic challenges. Poverty, youth unemployment remains high, healthcare system is in disarray. High incidences of violence against women. The Govt of Bhutan is reported to be more interested in pursuing happiness amongst people than encouraging the innovation to build the economy. Bhutan was ranked 95th in the World Happiness Report of 2019 among the 156 assessed countries. Ardern adopted Bhutan’s Gross National Happiness Index in 2019.

A report was prepared by the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network, in partnership with the Ernesto Illy Foundation. The low ranking of Bhutan in the report affirmed the point, that behind the veil of GNH, Bhutan faces serious social problems. This low ranking also highlighted discrepancies in the third GNH survey carried out in 2015 by the Centre for Bhutan Studies and GNH, with financial support from the Japan International Cooperation Agency and the Royal Government of Bhutan.4 Many of these discrepancies were the result of the criteria and methodology used to assess the ‘happiness’ of people.

As a result of its existing socio-economic challenges, a country that famously focuses on the GNH of its people is ranked low in the World Happiness Report 2019. In order to deal with its domestic challenges, the Twelfth Five-Year Plan has made many recommendations. How successful these recommendations will be in addressing the country’s woes is left to be seen.

New Zealand Government remains with decision using Ardern’s Happiness Indicators within the Governments Happiness Index. I hear no clapping of hands “If your happy claps your hands and let me know it”. Silence on the decision making- policy making Happiness Index – for the political cronies in Parliament ‘Silence is Golden’ a Golden Opportunity. An ambitious acceleration to embrace, advance, accelerate a global Agenda, Carbon -You are the carbon they are targeting. (The Fear Factor and compliance) attributes to the Parliaments ‘Happiness Indicators’ in the Happiness Index. A Socialist Communist Degrowth.

Ardern implements the WEF Schwab’s AI Guineapig Project in NZ.  New Zealand Guinea-pig State. NZ Government embraces “we are the first” many times over. NZ the first country in the world to introduce an Algorithm Charters, extending this to all Govt agencies. Trust the Algorithms, so small that the eyes cannot see them. (all part of Ardern’s Happiness Index-Happiness Inicators)

Not a Happy Place: Bhutan Faces Serious Socio-economic Problems



Codification, exploitation and alienation, another Marxian concept relating to commodification became famous in the critical social sciences, namely the fetish character of the commodity (Marx, 1867/2018a). Socialism and Self Determination. A common demand among Indigenous communities and their supporters is for Indigenous self-determination. Lenin wrote widely on the right of oppressed nations to self-determination, up to and including separation. Only with the socialist transformation of society will Indigenous peoples finally be empowered to genuinely, democratically determine their own fate and to have direct control over economic activity on their territory, including resource extraction

UNESCO  GLOBAL EDUCATION 2030. Dangerous Marxist leaders call for The Great Reset. The body pushing The Great Reset happens to be the World Economic Forum and its charismatic German leader Klaus Schwab who is calling for a return to Marxist principles, claiming that capitalism has empirically failed. Professor Schwab has just released a book titled The Great Reset and has dedicated a large portion of the official WEF website to such articles as “Does capitalism need some Marxism to survive the Fourth Industrial Revolution?”. It is truly a terrifying notion that a man as educated and powerful as Schwab would use his supposedly independent economic organisation to push for a return of the deadliest social experiments of the 20th century.  The Command Economist System. A system which eliminates inequality because citizens all live equally in tragedy. .But the Marxist principles Schwab endorses are stained with blood. Or as Karl Marx would say: “History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce”.

UNESCO: GLOBAL EDUCATION 2030. Globally, regionally,  nationally and locally. Helen Clark attended the 2015 Global Education Convention in South Korea as did heads of UN Nations States, Academics ,World Bank, and UN Agencies including UNESCO. At this time Helen Clark was working at the UNDP. She gave a speech at  the conference.  It was at this gathering the Education 2030 Incheon Declaration was introduced. SDG4 of UN Agenda 2030 17 SDGs. A worldwide transformative education for the next 15 years. (2030)



Australian Senator Michael Roberts published an article on UN Agenda 21 and UN Agenda 2030 calling this a conspiracy theory. Mainstream Media is corporate owned and extremely wealthy has much wealth to gain from supporting, promoting the global elite and are key players of World Economic Forums Global Redesign otherwise known as ‘The Great Reset’ and the Fourth Industrial Revolution -Global Governance (Guardian News 14/9/2016). Referencing Agenda 21/2030 (UN) as threatening to demolishing Sovereign Nations through UN Agenda 21, 2030 .that “people are waking up to the UN destroying our national sovereignty” referring to the UN Lima Declaration and the  1992 Rio Declaration (UN) – the implementation for a 21st century global governance which is known as ‘UN Agenda 2030’

Hence Senator Michael Roberts also accused all UN Member States of sneakingly implementing Agenda 2030 blaming the Keating Govt as having implemented this under the guise of biodiversity’ and that property rights would be stolen, regulations would be passed to control people. That  climate alarmism would push UN Member Nation States be  foreign controlled, he called the UN Paris Agreement as sham. Hence using the word ‘sustainability’ to pass regulations. Roberts wanted Australia to leave the United Nations.

UN Agenda 21 like UN Agenda 2030 both being non-binding agreements are commitments made by those govts that have ratified them, once entered into that nations domestic policies becomes law (Legislative Acts). Trump said in 2017 that UN Agenda 2030 to cut carbon emissions is a “draconian financial economical burden that is imposed on America”. However once legally binding some parts with Agenda 2030 are not legally binding. The documents text is littered with modal verbs ‘should’- ‘shall’  – may’ etc., that carry a different weight. ‘Shall’ being the big one. ‘Shall’ obliges countries to undertake action within the agreement. The Paris Accord (UN) contains 117 ‘shall’s’.

The Paris Agreement reads “Each Party ‘shall’ prepare, communicate and maintain successive nationally determined contribution that it intends to achieve”. Nationally determined contributions equates to the term “UN Climate uses references to ‘pledges’ how they aim to accelerate those pledges.  UN Member States have committed to submit their nationally determined contribution, update them every 5 years as to the actions they have each taken to reduce carbon emissions, however developed countries must do this annually

Art., 4 “Support shall be provided to developing countries” Billions of dollars over a period of years, this pledge has been made collectively among all developed nations (Paid by Tax Payer dollars). The goal posts have been shifted in many cases from 2030 to 2050. All UN Member States are endorsing promoting UN Agenda 2030. This is not a conspiracy theory. At the expense of NZ Tax Payers and the livelihoods of small businesses, farming communities and the plundering of New Zealand all political cronies in the cesspit of Wellington have jumped on the UN bandwagon.

Jacinda Ardern was the first to introduce UN Agenda 2030 into NZ’s Domestic Policies making it legally binding, she also urged other UN Member States to follow her lead. (NZ Guineapig State). Socialist, leftist will deny that there is a risk of destroying sovereign nations and individual property rights. Many will call UN Agenda 2030  a utopian nightmare. The Guardian News earlier stated that the US pushed the idea of Agenda 21(UN), as being communism under disguise.

Al Gores book declared ‘Fear is the most powerful enemy of reason’. Gore’s ‘Inconvenient Truth’ showed animations of Florida, San Francisco, Shanghai, Netherlands, Bangladesh and Manhattan all being swamped by oceans. Gore said “IF” Greenland and Antarctica broke up and melted, then talked about ‘rising seas’ and a hundred million refugee’s fleeing from ‘rising seas’

Biden addressing the US Senate in 1987 predicted a catastrophe of Biblical Proportions for the Entire World from Global Warming, he said “In the next new years global warming, should it occur in accord with the direst predictions would be a catastrophe of biblical proportions for the entire world”.

1989 a Senior UN Environmental Official said that a UN study predicted “Entire Nations Would Be Wiped Off The Face Of The Earth From Rising Seas If The Global Warming Trend Is Not Reversed By Year 2000’. That ‘coastal flooding and crop failures would create an exodus of ‘eco-refugees’ that would threaten political chaos said Noel Brown from the New York office of the UN Environmental Program (UNEP). (Peter James Spielmann ‘UN Predicts Disaster if Global Warming Not Checked Associated Press 6/29/89)

UNEP stated there was only a 10 year window (the window of opportunity for the New Normal) before the greenhouse effect would go beyond human control, that nations They said the government only had a 10 year window before the greenhouse effect would go beyond human control, that nations globally would be wiped off the map and millions of people displaced, 1/6th of Bangladesh would be flooded, displacing a ¼ of its 90 million population. Predicted that warming melts polar ice caps, ocean levels will rise up to 3 feet, enough to cover the Maldives and other flat island nations (UN Official Associated Press Interview reference to Coastal Regions). 1995 UN Study predicted ‘Rising Seas’ would cause most of the beaches on the East Coast of the US to disappear by 2020.

In 1995, A UN Study Predicted That Rising Sea Levels Would Cause Most Of The Beaches On The East Coast Of The United States To Disappear By 2020. Associated Press reported 29th June 1989 ‘Snowfalls are now a thing of the past’. “In a few years snowfall will become so rare and exciting in so much as that children just are not going to know what snow is- Snow will be a virtual experience”. Al Gore claimed in 2009 ‘ a new research shoed the Arctic would be ice-free within 5 years, he was speaking at the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit. He told the conference “These figures are fresh, some of the models suggest to Dr Maslowski that there is a 75% chance that the entire north polar ice-cap during the summer months could be entirely ice-free within 5 to 7 years.

In 2009 Al Gore claimed new research showed the Artic could be ice free within 5 years. Al Gore was speaking at the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit.  He told the conference “These figures are fresh. Some of the models suggest to Dr. [Wieslav] Maslowski that there is a 75 per cent chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during the summer months, could be completely ice-free within five to seven years.’”  (Frank James, “Al Gore Slips On Artic Ice; Misstates Scientist’s Forecast,” NPR, 12/15/09)  Al Gore announced on 15th December 2009 said he reported wrongly “it’s unclear how he arrived at this, I would never try to estimate likelihood at anything as exact as this”

John Kerry Secretary of State appeared with a French Official publicly said “There is only 500 days to avoid Climate Chaos”. (31st May 2014) The French Foreign Minister remarked “President Obama and John Kerry and himself had committed to reach success on this important matter”  In 2019 Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Greta Thunberg predicted ‘The world will end by 2030, hence pushing UN Agenda 2030, accelerating the partnership agreement signed by the UN with the World Economic Forum to accelerate UN Agenda 2030 (Replace the Free-market global economy with Multi-stakeholder Corporate Capture).  Greta Thunberg claims in her 2019 book ‘No-one is too small to make a difference’ refers to UN Agenda 2030 “we will be in a position to set off an irreversible chain reaction beyond human control, that will lead to the end of civilization as we know it”

Media headlines that are not repeated today, perhaps far to many people have woken up to the wealthy global propaganda machine:- “It’s the time of famines, they will get worse and most disastrous by 1975. Birth control may have been accomplished by making it involuntary by sterilizing agents into staple foods, drinks, water. Roman Catholics should be pressured into birth control (Salt Lake City Tribune 17/11/1967 reported Stanford University biologist Paul Ehrlich-(Socialist/Marxist).

Everyone will disappear in a cloud of blue steam by 1980. This situation will get continuously worse un less we change our behaviour”. Pushing global populations to change their behaviour by using continuous tactics of fear through crisis events. (New York Times 10/8/1969).  Scientist predicts a new ice age by the 21st Century. Air pollution may obliterate the sun, cause a new ice age in the first third of the next century (The Boston Globe 4/4/1970).

3.“The oceans will be as dead as Lake Erie in the next ten years. America will be subject to water rationing by 1974 and food rationing by 1980 (Paul Ehrlich 6/10/1970 The Daily Facts Newspaper’ ) In the next 50 years the fine dust that man constantly puts into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels could screen out much of the sunlight therefore average temperatures would drop by 6 degrees.(9/7/1971 Dr S I Rasool National Aeronautics & Space Admin Columbia University). Associated Press reported September 1978

“If sustained over several years- 5 to 10 degrees is estimated, thus triggering an ice age. “There is no end in  sight to 30 year cooling trend reports the international team of specialists”(Associated Press September 1978)

The gradual rise in sea level is threatening to completely cover the Indian Ocean nation  of 1,196 small islands within the next 30 years. As drinking water will dry up. (Canberra Times 26/9/1988-Environmental Affairs Director). Rising seas could obliterate nations by year 2000 reported UN Officials (Associated Press 1989). The west side highway that runs alongside the Hudson River will be under water, windows will be taped up, there will be no birds there, however there will be more police cars. Crime happens when heat increases. Restaurants would have signs saying “Water by request only”(1988 Jim Hansen Climate Scientist).  The Pentagon tells Bush “Climate will destroy us, Britain will be Siberia in less than 20 years. By 2020 there will be mega droughts, famine will erupt worldwide. 5 to 10 years Artic will be free of Ice in the summer  (24/6/2008 NASA Scientist and his colleague scientists-The Guardian News 21/2/2004)

Gordon Brown reported that we have fewer than 50days to save our planet from catastrophe  US Navy predict summer ice-free artic by 2016. It was stated that using complex modelling, making reports more accurate than other previous reports(9/12/2013 ‘Earth Insight Environment’-US Dept of Oceanography-The Independent 20/10/2020). ‘Only 500 days remained to avoid climate chaos (John Kerry Secretary Of State 14/5/2014-Washington Examiner). New as she announced Zealand’s Prime Minister calls a ‘Climate Emergency’ announcing that “Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time” thus pledging a ‘carbon neutral government by 2025.(The Guardian 1/12/2020).

Children in Britain’s schools being treated for ‘Eco Anxiety’ a new mental health condition causing nightmares, fear, anxiety- the teaching of climate alarmism is schools. Schools strike for Climate Action worldwide- schools teach students to make Climate Alarmism placards. School ‘Strike for Climate’ also known as ‘Fridays for Future’ (FFF), Youth for Climate, Climate Strike or Youth Strike for Climate is an international movement of school students who participate in demonstrations demanding political leaders to take action on climate.

It was reported a Socialist urban design will save NZ from Climate Change Seizing the means of production (economy)-Important ,investment  Billy Fleming a local proponent of the Green New Deal for progressive politicians like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez says urban design will play a key role (UN Human Habitat-Smart Cities-Huge Surveillance of civilians). Fleming said “things need to change, and change fast”. He referred to the Green New Deal built on 3 Pillars as being radical being built on restructuring  on how and where we live (3 Pillars-decarbonising the economy, climate adaptation and social justice)- (Newshub interview 26/9/2019

I personally believe this is deliberate psychological warfare of UN Nation populations worldwide using extreme global fear tactics to enable compliancy-control of civil society- the replacing of the Free-market Economy for a UN/WEF Corporate Capture of the worlds Economies using financial systems such as the IMF and World Bank and other large financial institutions. (WEF Global Redesign). The destruction, plundering of Sovereign Nation States, the plundering of farming communities and small businesses and a mass exodus from rural areas to urban/city UN Human Habitat Smart Cities that are highly surveillance those  ‘controlling citizens lives’. Thousands strike 4 Climate across NZ (1 News 3/3/2023) as farmers struggle with free-market reforms.

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