The watering down of Universal Rights. The Corporate Capture of water and the influence on water policies by the UN /WEF. We need to look beyond refocus our attentions beyond New Zealand to see what is really going on in our own country.
Water is essential to every part of our everyday life. Without water we would simply die. However the private sector interests in the UN are seeking planning, succeeding in making a massive profit from water. Private interests active within UN Nations. To treat water as a tradeable commodification, turn it into a financial product for financially profitability.
This was pushed and promoted before the Rio+20 through a range of UN initiatives and partnerships with large businesses and corporations. Backed by governments and businesses groups to push market forces as a solution to water supplies. (Threatening the status of water and sanitation as a universal rights, as was recognised by the UN General Assembly resolution 64/292.
This means access to water would depend on the ability to actually pay for it, millions if not several billion people cannot afford to pay for water and there is nothing to stop water charges from increasing to a heightened level. This will cause enormous problems. Be aware of NZ Three Waters Reform, what is happening in New Zealand is happening in this globalized one script world of UN Agenda 2030 global development goals.
There is within history of societies standing up for their water rights. The Un was established as a place for defending the common good, human rights for ALL and our Common Future. Now the UN allows for private interests in the form of corporations. This accelerated even further when the UN and World Economic Forum that represents Multistakeholderism joined forces (The strategic partnership of the UN and WEF June 13th 2019) The Decade of Action 2020-2030. Leave no-one behind.
Hence the infiltration of corporate interests, corporate capture in the field of water policy embedded in the UN Agenda 2030 SDGs. 2.Global corporate influence has permeated the UN in a number of ways. The UN Secretary Generals Advisory Board on Water and Sanitation (UNSGAB) 106. Was set up to galvanize global action on water and sanitation issues, central to the world eradicating poverty achieving UN Agenda 2030 SDGs
More than a quarter of its 23 members have direct links to private water companies, other advocate the liberalization and privatization of water resources. The include high profile figures eg President of Suez and president of Aquafed.(The International Federation of Private Water Operators).
Richard Torkelson, a finance specialist with experience in water privatization projects. Finncial working groups chaired by individual members of financing working groups for ‘sustainable cost recovery for water delivery. More inter-dependency between water and the green economy
The Annual Water Forum speaks on behalf of water operators, businesses that go hand in hand with the UN. The CEO Water Mandate established as part of the UN Global Compact. (The UNs largest voluntary corporate accountability initiative) in 2007. A ‘unique public-private initiative designed to assist companies in the development, implementation, and disclosure of water sustainability policies and practices’.
Includes some of the planets biggest water polluters and abusers who use this corporate supported platform to promote their goals within the UN System. Members companies eg; Nestles, Violia Water, Coca-Cola etc., As they call for ‘Corporate Water Stewardship’ for mass profits and competitive advantage. This is what UN and UN Nation Member Govts call ‘Defending Water Rights’
Included initiatives are targeting farmers, throwing them under the tractor, the govt using the farmer as the whipping boy to reward Three 3.Waters Reform.. UN Agenda 2030 SDGS. A global leftist, socialist Marxist advertising marketing plan to place massive financial rewards in the pockets of promoters of multistakeholderism. The intentional massive growing and promoting of companies within government around water policies.
The UN Global Compact enabling companies to secure huge advantages and massive profits at the publics expensive is legitimized as a CEO mandate. Promoting private market systems for water delivery and access- UN Global Compact. Voluntary non-biding in nature, UN Nation Govts and Large businesses, corporation commit to it.
These commitments are not checked or evaluated by independent experts. Problem is we never know these days who are the independent experts. UN promote preferred standards and tools for UN Member States. Mandating corporations, large companies to mandate ‘Green’ activities, as they hide damaging impacts caused by large businesses, corporation under the UN / WEF Flag.
Govts that are suppose to regulate companies are instead hosting a massive initiative created by and for corporations, large businesses, this is not about public interests its about supreme power and always follow the money.
Cocoa-Cola, Unilever, Dow, etc., included in the formation of this UN/WEF strategic partnership. Water has become an algorithm on the stock markets. Dow and many other large companies, corporations have not fulfilled their obligations following the contamination of water. Coca-Cola has faced severe criticism for levels of water extraction in India, depleting water levels and causing problems for local communities.
Aquafed, the World Water Council and the Global Water Partnership. Partners must be non-profit organizations, this does not prevent umbrella organization that represent large companies from joining.
The content of the Third World Water Development Report. A former director of the World Water Council also presided over a private water consultancy firm. Had direct access and strong influence over the highest level of the UN (CEO Water mandate- UNOP and UNSGAB- all coming under the direct authority of the UN Secretary General) on water management issues globally. Corporate investment involvement in water policy management has increased within the UN this started in the 1990’s with the UN Seeking corporate funding.
The introduction of the UN Global Compact in 2000 marked a shift from a regulatory approach to a voluntary one. Member UN States have supported this shift and promoted it. Rio +10 World Summit on Sustainable Development referred to the “world’s biggest trade fair” by UN Development Programme (UNDP) official Mark Malloch-Brown
The World Business Council for Sustainability Development (WBCSD) lobbied on behalf of the water industry for powerful members to include Veolia, Coca-Cola, Dow Chemicals etc., Theme ‘Water for the poor. The acceleration of public-private partnerships between Govts and large businesses-corporations. To facilitate private investment as a new strategy for delivery of efficient water and sanitation services. The UN/WEF deliberate plan. Had been well planned years before.
UN General Ban Ki Moon has praised business’ “integral role in delivering economic and social progress. The World Business Council noted “succeeded in elevating water issues up the business agenda by increasing awareness among opinion leaders and decision makers. The Green Economy- Corporate Capture of nature itself. Corporations putting a price on nature. Market based approached an introduction of water markets, pricing for water for agriculture and full cost pricing. 5.Access to water would no longer be a fundamental human right but water would become a profit driven business. This would be a direct attack on water justice and limit access to drinking water for millions if not billions of people.
The Three Waters Reform look beyond New Zealand for the true facts it lies withing globalization. The UN World Toilet Day. The Three Waters Reform must be flushed down the loo. This is the crap work of those that seek supreme power and massive profits over New Zealanders interests. This is another perspective to what is going on beyond our focus levels within our country
Carol Sakey. WEBSITE – https:wakeupnz.org
Thursday - June 9, 2022 - THREE WATERS REFORM
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