Governments have given billions of taxpayer money to Gates and the World Economic Forum. In 2019 before COVID19 was introduced to the world the UN and WEF officially committed to a partnership arrangement.

On May 4, the EU and several European governments held a Covid 19 donor conference and pledged 7.4 billion euros of tax money. The money will be given to organizations funded by Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum in a non-transparent way. For a long time, Gates had to give money to the UN and governments to be allowed to co-govern the world. Now he is given money by governments for his global governance work.
Only two days earlier the G20 group of the most important industrial nations let the World Economic Forum, i.e. ultimately by Silicon Valley companies, draw up their digital strategy for “the pandemic and beyond”. How the future will be determined as to compliance to a One Global Public-Private Corporate Governance.
The German government explained information as to the ‘Global Response’ initiative to combat the corona virus, through a press release.
24 April 2020, the Gates Foundation launched an initiative less than 2 weeks later that the EU and Governments are holding a Donar Conference to contribute 7.4 billion Eros.

On 24 April, the Gates Foundation launched an initiative and less than two weeks later the EU and governments are holding a donor conference to contribute 7.4 billion euros. This response time is extraordinarily short.
In 2018, GPMB was founded by the World Health Organization (WHO), which has the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as one of its largest funders, and the World Bank, which is cooperating closely with the Gates Foundation in various bodies including the ‘Better Than Cash Alliance’. Chris Elais the president of the Gates foundation is a member of the GPMB Board of directors.

Taxpayers’ money, ordered indirectly by the Gates Foundation is to be distributed to various Gates-funded organizations to be passed on to big pharmaceutical companies that comply with the philosophy of Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum.
Much of the money raised will be given to the World Health Organization (WHO), the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) and the Coalition for Epidemic Prevention Innovation (CEPI) to invigorate their capabilities.

GAVI provides immunisation in developing countries. Main financiers are the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Bank and the WHO.
CEPI is an offspring of the 2017 Davos meeting ot the World Economic Forum, the club of the largest multinational corporations.
Gates Foundation, founding members are the WHO, significantly financed by Gates, and the EU Commission, delegating one member to the Board of Directors.
Apart from CEPI, Unitaid and the Global Fund are reported as recipients in various media. Unitaid is a WHO-based fund, co-funded by the Gates Foundation.
The purchasing of large quantities of drugs at discount prices for people in poor countries, then forwarding those drugs to partner organizations to ensure they are only used in the target countries. Implementation partners include Gates Foundation, Clinton Foundation and GAVI
Unitaid supports pharmaceutical companies’ profit maximizing strategy.

Under the aegis of WHO, The Global Fund was established by money from the Gates Foundation, however now its manly financed by UN Nation Governments.
What do all these Gates-funded and co-run institutions do? Among other things, they write reports that are most interesting by what they leave out.
WHO, Gates Foundation happen to be part of organizing or taking part in the Corona Pandemic Simulation Exercise Event 201 in October 2019.

The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB) is an independent group of global leaders that have recently called for a renewed global social contract laying out six solutions for what they call a ‘safer world’, in their annual report which are in the Strategic Plan 2021-2023. Other publications are ‘A World without Disorder, A world prepared and the latest being ‘The window of opportunity for ending this pandemic and preventing the next is closing rapidly’ and other reports.

TAKE NOTE: The co-chairs of GPMB, El hadj As Sy and Gro Brundtland. El hadj AS Sy is the Chair of George Soros’ Open Society Initiative for West Africa. Gro Brundtland is former Director General of WHO, who also has connections to Soros. She was also Vice President of the World Socialist Party. Co-convened by the Director-General of the World Health Organization and the President of the World Bank , the GPMB is comprised of political leaders, agency principals and world-class experts.
Dr. Anthony Fauci is listed on the Board of Directors of the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB)


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Governments have given billions of taxpayer money to Gates and the World Economic Forum. In 2019 before COVID19 was introduced to the world the UN and WEF officially committed to a partnership arrangement.

On May 4, the EU and several European governments held a Covid 19 donor conference and pledged 7.4 billion euros of tax money. The money will be given to organizations funded by Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum in a non-transparent way. For a long time, Gates had to give money to the UN and governments to be allowed to co-govern the world. Now he is given money by governments for his global governance work.
Only two days earlier the G20 group of the most important industrial nations let the World Economic Forum, i.e. ultimately by Silicon Valley companies, draw up their digital strategy for “the pandemic and beyond”. How the future will be determined as to compliance to a One Global Public-Private Corporate Governance.
The German government explained information as to the ‘Global Response’ initiative to combat the corona virus, through a press release.
24 April 2020, the Gates Foundation launched an initiative less than 2 weeks later that the EU and Governments are holding a Donar Conference to contribute 7.4 billion Eros.

On 24 April, the Gates Foundation launched an initiative and less than two weeks later the EU and governments are holding a donor conference to contribute 7.4 billion euros. This response time is extraordinarily short.
In 2018, GPMB was founded by the World Health Organization (WHO), which has the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as one of its largest funders, and the World Bank, which is cooperating closely with the Gates Foundation in various bodies including the ‘Better Than Cash Alliance’. Chris Elais the president of the Gates foundation is a member of the GPMB Board of directors.

Taxpayers’ money, ordered indirectly by the Gates Foundation is to be distributed to various Gates-funded organizations to be passed on to big pharmaceutical companies that comply with the philosophy of Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum.
Much of the money raised will be given to the World Health Organization (WHO), the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) and the Coalition for Epidemic Prevention Innovation (CEPI) to invigorate their capabilities.

GAVI provides immunisation in developing countries. Main financiers are the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Bank and the WHO.
CEPI is an offspring of the 2017 Davos meeting ot the World Economic Forum, the club of the largest multinational corporations.
Gates Foundation, founding members are the WHO, significantly financed by Gates, and the EU Commission, delegating one member to the Board of Directors.
Apart from CEPI, Unitaid and the Global Fund are reported as recipients in various media. Unitaid is a WHO-based fund, co-funded by the Gates Foundation.
The purchasing of large quantities of drugs at discount prices for people in poor countries, then forwarding those drugs to partner organizations to ensure they are only used in the target countries. Implementation partners include Gates Foundation, Clinton Foundation and GAVI
Unitaid supports pharmaceutical companies’ profit maximizing strategy.

Under the aegis of WHO, The Global Fund was established by money from the Gates Foundation, however now its manly financed by UN Nation Governments.
What do all these Gates-funded and co-run institutions do? Among other things, they write reports that are most interesting by what they leave out.
WHO, Gates Foundation happen to be part of organizing or taking part in the Corona Pandemic Simulation Exercise Event 201 in October 2019.

The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB) is an independent group of global leaders that have recently called for a renewed global social contract laying out six solutions for what they call a ‘safer world’, in their annual report which are in the Strategic Plan 2021-2023. Other publications are ‘A World without Disorder, A world prepared and the latest being ‘The window of opportunity for ending this pandemic and preventing the next is closing rapidly’ and other reports.

TAKE NOTE: The co-chairs of GPMB, El hadj As Sy and Gro Brundtland. El hadj AS Sy is the Chair of George Soros’ Open Society Initiative for West Africa. Gro Brundtland is former Director General of WHO, who also has connections to Soros. She was also Vice President of the World Socialist Party. Co-convened by the Director-General of the World Health Organization and the President of the World Bank , the GPMB is comprised of political leaders, agency principals and world-class experts.
Dr. Anthony Fauci is listed on the Board of Directors of the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB)



Pope Francis and the One World Global Corporate Governance.

Pope Francis made a plea for the nations of the world to hand their reins of power over to the United Nations, to the One World Global Corporate Governance
Globalism otherwise referred to multilateralism is succeeding at weakening individual nation states. The Pope stated “it is essential to devise stronger and more efficiently organized international institutions with functionaries who are appointed fairly by agreement among national governments, and impose sanctions”.

Out of feudalism slithered social and communism, the dictated cesspit of the world. Yes Pope Francis promotes the UN and the WEF official agreement to control people, planet and profit, the great reset, the re-engineering of human behaviour, the global imperial teaching of warped morals, the world of tyranny and feudalism.

The bogey-man of fear that imposes terror, fear into billions of peoples minds, that destroys families, a global apartheid, a global, national psychological prison camp where all are held hostage to national, global police states, concentration camps of whole societies where Human Rights have been aborted, where Civil Liberties do not exist

Reference to the ‘Ultimate Revolution’’ Aldous Huxley’s speech at Berkeley Language Centre on March 20th 1962.
Quote from the following article:-
Schwab seems to have dedicated his life to reinventing that nightmare and to trying to turn it into a reality not just for Germany but for the whole world.
Worse still, as his own words confirm time and time again, his technocratic fascist vision is also a twisted transhumanist one, which will merge humans with machines in “curious mixes of digital-and-analog life”, which will infect our bodies with “Smart Dust” and in which the police will apparently be able to read our brains.
And, as we will see, he and his accomplices are using the Covid-19 crisis to bypass democratic accountability, to override opposition, to accelerate their agenda and to impose it on the rest of humankind against our will in what he terms a “Great Reset“…

This is where these inbred-psychopaths will eventually take all of us, if the little sheep to the slaughter continue to follow each other off of this fake-pandemic cliff.

Once again, if this is the kind of dystopian hell you wish for your children and their children, then just keep doing what you have been doing for the last six-plus months, little sheep:

This is a quote from the following article:-
Klaus Schwab And His Great Fascist Reset
Born in Ravensburg in 1938, Klaus Schwab is a child of Adolf Hitler’s Germany, a police-state regime built on fear and violence, on brainwashing and control, on propaganda and lies, on industrialism and eugenics, on dehumanisation and “disinfection”, on a chilling and grandiose vision of a “new order” that would last a thousand years.

Schwab seems to have dedicated his life to reinventing that nightmare and to trying to turn it into a reality not just for Germany but for the whole world.
Worse still, as his own words confirm time and time again, his technocratic fascist vision is also a twisted transhumanist one, which will merge humans with machines in “curious mixes of digital-and-analog life”, which will infect our bodies with “Smart Dust” and in which the police will apparently be able to read our brains.

And, as we will see, he and his accomplices are using the Covid-19 crisis to bypass democratic accountability, to override opposition, to accelerate their agenda and to impose it on the rest of humankind against our will in what he terms a “Great Reset“.
Schwab is not, of course, a Nazi in the classic sense, being neither a nationalist nor an anti-Semite, as testified by the $1 million Dan David Prize he was awarded by Israel in 2004. But 21st century fascism has found different political forms through which to continue its core project of reshaping humanity to suit capitalism through blatantly authoritarian means.
This new fascism is today being advanced in the guise of a global governance, biosecurity, the “New Normal”, the “New Deal for Nature” and the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”.

Read more: Klaus Schwab And His Great Fascist Reset
Source: Klaus Schwab And His Great Fascist Reset – David Icke



Ardern’s VPN to the United Nations 2019 focuses on accelerated actions to UN Agenda 2030 and its 17 global goals. 17 of which refer to climate alarmism. 14 of the 17 global goals relate to the global strategy of vaccines (UN Agenda 2030- Global Strategy of Vaccines 2011-2020) for everyone, everywhere at every age…leave no-one behind. The UN Global Strategy for Vaccines 2020-2030 Leave No-one behind. The decade of Vaccines. New vaccines, immunizations and existing ones. A lifelong strategy, from the cradle to the grave.

These human experiments are all about control, severely restricting peoples lives and the destruction of human rights and civil liberties. The worst is yet to come. Number four booster of this human experiment has already been introduced. The preplanning of global pandemics is already being practiced, what you see now gets worse, much worse.

UN Agenda 2030 is the global framework to control people, how the live, what they think, how they behave. Jacinda Ardern in her VPN in 2019 openly talks about NZ Governments accelerated actions to UN Agenda 2030 and has even included it in the governments regulations, policies, laws. She boasts that New Zealand leads the way, other UN Nations should follow her lead.

UN Agenda 2030 SDG 1 refers to Poverty. The end of poverty in all forms. Zero Poverty, yet tere is a massive increase in poverty worldwide. Poverty in New Zealand. There is no single measure of poverty in New Zealand. … In the year ended June 2020, about 1 in 7 New Zealand children (157,800) lived in households with less than 50 percent of the median equivalised disposable household income before deducting housing costs.
It was reported on 26/09/2021 an additional 18,000 New Zealand children were pushed into poverty in the first year of the COVID19 pandemic.

The people left behind in Ardern’s ‘kind’ New Zealand – BBC › news › world-asia-54444643….13/10/2020 — NZ election: The people left behind in Ardern’s ‘kind’ New Zealand … But critics say her government has failed to tackle child poverty . report dated 05/09/2017 Labour would lift 100,000 children out of child poverty by 2020 if labour was elected.. She said “her goal is to eradicate child poverty in New Zealand
The number of children living in poverty is expected to increase because of Covid-19.restrictions. I personally believe the government will introduce a new set of data modelling indicators as an evidence base. Data In and Data Out. Bull crap and custard… All part of UN Agenda 2030. Control, control, control.





Behavioural Science Aotearoa (BSA)  is actually a ‘Nudge Unit’.  ‘Nudge Units’ are used worldwide to subtly and sometimes in your face of  enabling desired outcomes for political policy making, regulations, laws.  Understanding peoples behaviour through using AI digital Re-Imaginings .
The NZ Government calls this giving small tweaks to seek the desired income from the citizens of New Zealand. Measuring effects of messages on behaviour outcomes

Like some authoritarian Iwi that collaborate with Ardern they  ‘Nudge’  Maori into not taking part in protests by referring to ‘Get your Mana back’.  In other words they are indiscreetly,  in a subtle way saying you have lost your Mana by opposing the governments restrictions, taking part in protests  “you lose your mana”  Which equates to ‘Nudge’, nudge don’t take part in protests and you will get your Mana back”   This is just one example being used. (Nudge Theory)

Another, in the Grey Power Newspaper “Grandparents be good role models for your grandchildren, get the shot in the arm show”  More ‘Nudging’ so that more New Zealanders are guineapig participants”

The United Nation Environmental Programme authored a book entitled ‘The little Book of Green Nudges’, a quick guide to reducing environmental impacts on campuses worldwide..  An Environmental Nudge refers to promoting desired behaviours through subtle changes in choice environment. These are passive and active.  This is all about behavioural modification, re-engineering of behaviour through a cognitive process, how to change human actions.

‘Nudging’ farmers to comply with water restrictions. Nudging techniques to promote Zero Carbons by 2030. As governments worldwide take part in ‘Behavioural Conferences.  Making a difference ‘Nudging for Policy Change’, introducing Digital Toolkits and Frameworks.  Mainstreaming behavioural Insights across Governments worldwide.

Behavioural Science used in Public Policy making, promoting the re-engineering of individual, groups behaviour. Gearing up the ‘Nudge Units’ to introduce stricter regulations to achieve their Zero Carbons . Behaviour change is a core component to achieving more inclusive and sustainable outcomes

The Behavioural Insights Team (BIT), also known unofficially as the “Nudge Unit“, … BIT has an office in Sydney, Australia, and in Wellington, New Zealand.

David Halpern is Chief Executive of the Behavioural Insights Team. … In 2015, David wrote a book about the team: “Inside the Nudge Unit:.  2021 ‘ The Behavioural Insights Team, The Nudge Unit. … this work have just been published in the New Zealand Medical Journal. Science is shaping how you behave

The ‘Nudge Thoery’ is a concept in behavioural economics, political theory, and behavioral sciences that promotes, acts upon  indirect suggestions as ways to influence the behaviour and decision-making of groups or individuals.

Ardern has over-extended her controls using the ‘Nudge Theory’.

‘Nudging’ can even over-ride peoples values, and be very unethical, violates civil liberties, human rights.

Nudge theory describes how indirect suggestions and positive reinforcement can influence decision-making. We used nudge theory to implement a trafficlight system.

2018 NHS England rolled out ‘Nudge Theory’, a digital traffic light system to decrease hospital visits during the winter months.

Businesses in New Zealand have been ‘Nudged’ by Ardern to continue the use of the Traffic Light System by still mandating staff and customers even though government mandates are suspended, until needed for the next variant that lands on New Zealand’s shores.

The Global Shapers, puppets of Klaus Schwab are in most countries of the world, there are  thousands of them. The Global Shapers are ‘Nudging’ the world to eat less meat’, by encouraging restuarants to change their menu’s, to push plan based meat-fake meat onto their customers.

The ‘Fast Food Company’ state they may well be ‘Nudged’ towards more plant based options- fake meat. The simple theory of behavioural economics could convince humans to eat less meat .

Ardern is ‘Nudging the citizens of New Zealand aiming for Zero Carbons 2030.

When being ‘Nudged’ give a shove and push back ‘get rid of the traffic light system’  Learn to recognize the ‘Nudges’. The solution involves.. When you realize you are being ‘Nudged” … Shove and  Push back.





